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2:4-5 What does Paul mean by what he says here?

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2:4-5 What does Paul mean by what he says here?

Paul reminds the Corinthian Christians here that he did not use persuasive doctrines of human wisdom to win them to Christ.

He preached the simple message of the gospel under the anointing of the Holy Spirit which demonstrated God's power to save, to heal, to transform lives, and to cast out demons etc. (CP Mk 16:15-20; Ac 8:5-8; Ro 1:16; 15:17-19; 1Cor 1:18; 1Th 1:5; He 2:3-4).

Paul spoke as he did in 1Cor 2:4-5 so that the Corinthian Christians' faith would rest in the power of God, not in the wisdom of men.

This is for our admonition too. Our focus must always be on God and His word, not in the wisdom of men, otherwise the cross of Christ is made void - it cannot accomplish its purpose (CP 1Cor 1:14-17), See also comments on 1Cor 1:14-17.
