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They caught nothing!

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They caught nothing!

How often we spend years patiently serving the Lord. In some instances there is little to show for our efforts. But we keep on, faithfully performing the tasks that Jesus has set before us, knowing that we have a reward in Heaven.

Early in the morning, Jesus stood on the shore, but the disciples did not realize that it was Jesus. (John 21:4)

We may not realize it but we are living in the morning of the Day of the Lord. The past centuries of the "night" are coming to a close. A glorious morning is at hand. Remember, the darkest hour comes just before the dawn!

He called out to them, "Friends, haven't you any fish?" "No," they answered. (John 21:5)

They did not know that the stranger who called out to them was Jesus. I have been preaching a lot lately about listening to Jesus. This appears to be a new thought to some. Maybe things are different now and it may be more customary for believers to hear from the Lord.

I have been a Christian for many years. It seems that today the Lord is more present than ever before, at least to me. I have a feeling the Judge is standing at the door and is close to all who will take the time to listen to Him and talk to Him.

So much Christian work appears to be carried on in the dark. It is as though we assume we are supposed to do this or that, but we haven't really heard from Jesus. I'll tell you I do not want to do anything any more unless I have checked it out with the Lord.

I think people hear from the Lord in different ways. I hear a voice in my mind, being careful to screen out false voices. I do not know how other people hear from the Lord; but I am persuaded if they commit their way to the Lord He will get through to them in some manner.

The third great work of redemption is taking place now, and we shall miss the day of our visitation if we do not pay attention to the Lord.

He said, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will find some." When they did, they were unable to haul the net in because of the large number of fish. (John 21:6)

I believe this is true today. Though we have labored for many years, seemingly "catching" little or nothing, it is time now for great fruitfulness, a harvest that we have not imagined. The "third day" is the time when the spring rains water the earth and the wheat comes to maturity.

Notice that Jesus told them exactly what to do. They were obedient, and this brought the desired results.

Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" As soon as Simon Peter heard him say, "It is the Lord," he wrapped his outer garment around him (for he had taken it off) and jumped into the water. (John 21:7)

There is this about the Apostle Peter. Although he had been fishing all night and caught nothing, he still was ready to serve the Lord. When John told Peter it was the Lord who was standing on the shore, Peter acted. When we hear from Jesus today we are to "jump into the water." Although our work may have been discouraging to this point, let us keep ready to serve Jesus diligently when He speaks to us.

The other disciples followed in the boat, towing the net full of fish, for they were not far from shore, about a hundred yards. When they landed, they saw a fire of burning coals there with fish on it, and some bread. (John 21:8,9)

Notice that Jesus did not need the 153 large fish they had caught. He already had enough fish and bread for them to eat. He must have created the food, just as He did the loaves and fish on a previous occasion.

Jesus said to them, "Bring some of the fish you have just caught."

Even though Jesus did not need that they bring more fish, He asked them to do so anyway. I think He was seeking an occasion to discourse with them and did not want them to feel foolish.

It is that way with us. We labor for years attempting to accomplish something when Christ could finish the work in a moment. The truth is, Christ does not need our help. He created the heavens and the earth, so what need does He have for us?

Jesus lets us toil on and on at tasks He could finish effortlessly. So it is not that He actually needs us. Rather, He wants our love and fellowship. As we continually perform the work He asks of us, He teaches us so many things, doesn't He—lessons we would not have learned had He done all the work by Himself.

God does not really need our help. This is why we must listen to Him and not attempt to work for Him. He gives us wisdom and strength for that which He is asking us to do. There is no need for us to work ourselves to death trying to accomplish what God has never asked to do.

Somewhere it says, "In quietness and confidence shall be your strength; but you would not have it so." Christ's yoke is easy and His burden is light. So let us not weary ourselves in the fire while we walk in the light of the burnings we have kindled ourselves.

On one occasion I was ready to run off to some foreign field, and I asked the Lord to show me where to go. God answered me by saying, "I love you."

There are times when God requires of us that we labor until we are exhausted. This is not often true, but it can happen. However He soon comes to us and directs us to rest.

Next Part God's commands are not grievous!

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