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Tabernacles, and the Coming of the Lord 3

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Tabernacles, and the Coming of the Lord, #3

Beloved, think it not strange concerning the fiery trial which is to try you, as though some strange thing happened unto you: (I Peter 4:12)

If the reader is an experienced saint, he may have noticed that the Lord Jesus is taking him through difficult testings in these days. The purpose of the fiery trials is to call attention to the sins of the flesh and to purge them from his personality, to crucify "king self" so King Jesus may sit on the throne of his life. The coming of the Lord to us in the spiritual fulfillment of the feast of Tabernacles gives us a personal knowledge of the Father and the Son that we have not possessed previously.

We know the ways of the churches, and we know about God. In some instances, however, we do not know God.

Many believers are experiencing now the personal (not the historical) coming of the Lord and the purifying work of the Day of Atonement (Day of Reconciliation). The experience is as real as being born again or being baptized with the Holy Spirit.

However, we do not as yet possess the fullness of what was set forth in type in the Old Testament feast of Tabernacles.

It is the writer's point of view that the fullness of the personal spiritual fulfillment of the Levitical feast of Tabernacles will take place in increments, beginning now, will grow in glory throughout the latter-rain revival that is beginning to mount in intensity, will develop further throughout the coming tribulation, and will attain completion and perfection just prior to the appearing of Christ and will herald and flow into His appearing.

All that will remain will be to clothe with a glorified house from Heaven that which has been perfected spiritually in us. The completion of our spiritual perfecting will take place during the great tribulation period and the coming of the Lord.

We can begin now to receive by faith the coming of Christ into us in a greater way than we have known. We can cooperate with the Holy Spirit as He cleanses us from sin and self-seeking. We also can begin to experience the rest of God as God settles down to rest in us and we learn to rest and abide in God through Christ.

It is our opinion further that our entrance into in the "Tabernacles" experience is an absolute necessity if we are to stand during the end-time judgments and horrors and is crucial to our participation in the first resurrection from among the dead and in the ascension to meet the Lord that follows.

Notice the concept that is presented in Luke 17:31-37. Two people will be sleeping in one bed or working together at the mill or in the field. In the Day when the Son of Man is revealed, one will be taken and the other left.

Our assumption in time past has been that the one who is taken has made a profession of Christ whereas the one who has not "accepted" Christ will be left. The assumption does not fit the context.

To be continued.Tabernacles, and the Coming of the Lord 4