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A Message Dr. Kenneth W. Howard


Your presence at this web site identifies you as a person who seeks to enjoy the best that life has to offer. I assure you that the time you invest here will be highly beneficial toward that goal. You are about to discover the scientific and historical evidence in answer to the most important topics we must deal with as human beings. </p>

In fact, your success and happiness as a human being are dependent upon finding the true answers to five basic questions...

1.   Who am I?

2.   Where did I come from?

3.    Why am I here?

4.    Where am I headed?

5.    What can I do to assure a fulfilling, successful and happy life?

The "Answers and More Project" was created to answer these and other questions that relate to our human existence. We summarize our goal as being..."In search of truth, because you and I are worth the effort".</p>

I am your spokesperson for this project but I hasten to say that these studies are not the result of one person's wisdom, as you will soon come to appreciate.  The credibility for these research findings will become apparent as you continue.</p>

You and I have some serious questions that we want answered…but we want the real facts. The problem is…there are a lot of conflicting philosophies floating around out there that could make a person wonder if there is any real truth to be found anywhere. But that’s not a problem, as you will soon learn. </p>

Our world-wide team of experts considers only factual evidence that makes sense… truth that computes with reality. We accept and teach as truth only what has been confirmed by historical fact and by every scientific discovery known to modern man. We’ve done our homework...and share with you the conclusions of our unbiased findings.</p>

We have no agenda other than providing you with information that you can use to your benefit.  This study is not sponsored by any organization (religious or otherwise) and has not been funded by any group or individual with private or personal ambitions. </p>

This is your life and my life we’re dealing with here, and we want to make sure that we have the correct information so that we can make the best decisions for our life as we possibly can. That’s why this research project was created. It was created for you… just because you’re worth the effort.</p>

I am confident that you will find these studies helpful in your pursuit toward enjoying the very best that life has</span> to offer. The good thing about life is…life can be a good thing ...when you have the right answers.   Enjoy!</p>


I’ve been a student, a teacher and a counselor on the topic of life for more years now than I wish to admit. In all those years I’ve never met a person who does not have the potential of finding and enjoying a successful and happy life. You were born for the good life. That’s the good news.</p>

The bad news is…too many people are not enjoying life as it was intended for them to enjoy. They are living far beneath their potential. Let’s see if we can’t help correct that problem.</p>