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Family Inheritance

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Family Inheritance

"Generational Curses"

Numbers 14:18

 "The LORD is longsuffering, and of great mercy, forgiving iniquity and transgression, and by no means clearing the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation." 

God is merciful. God is forgiving. God does not wink on sin. He does not look the other way. Sin is serious. When you sin there are consequences that go beyond you. Lets look at an example:

John goes out on a drinking binge one night with his friends. He meets a young lady at the bar. He takes the young lady to his apartment and he has sex with her. She did not want to have sex but he forced himself on her. The young lady realizes what happened the next morning and calls the police. John is arrested. Three weeks later the young lady realizes that she is pregnant. The young lady decides to have an abortion. 

What are the results of John's sin of drunkenness, debauchery, and sexual immorality? For John it means jail. He raped the young lady. He deserves what he gets. Unfortunately his sin affects others. First and foremost the young lady is affected. She must live with the pain and sorrow of being violated. Second she was impregnated. To compound the problem, she decided to abort an innocent baby. Now she has guilt. She will suffer with the guilt for life. Third there is the baby. The baby didn't ask to be born. The baby didn't ask to be ripped out of his mother's womb. John's sin led into the young lady's sin which lead to the baby's suffering and death. 

Sin affects the Innocent

This is a spiritual principal which applies to all men, women, and children. When you sin you affect the innocent. God is very clear on this. In the page concerning Jesus Christ we discussed that mankind was doomed to judgment and hell because of our father's sin, Adam. In Numbers 14:18 God states that He will visit the sins of the father's unto the son's 3 and 4 generations. What does this mean? In other versus God states that we are not to put to death the sons for the father's sins. That seems to be diametrically opposed to the Number 14:18 statement. They are not. The judgment for sin rests directly on the one who committed the sin. If a father murders then the father suffers the execution or jail time not the son. What Number 14:18 states is that the consequences of the murder will affect the children to 3 - 4 generations afterwards. We have discussed the physical & emotional implications in the example above. Now lets look at the spiritual implications.

How does sin affect the generations to come spiritually? Does it affect the generations to come spiritually? To this question the answer is yes. Unfortunately demons can gain legal right to generations to come if the family head allows them to or invites them to through his/her action or behavior. What do I mean? I like using examples so lets look at another:

700 years before Maria was born her great great grandfather was a Mayan High Priest. In an ceremony to their god Chtualupa all children who would follow from his lineage would be dedicated to the god Chtualupa. From this point onward a Generational Curse would follow his descendants. Demons associated with this curse would "Co-Inhabit"/"possess" those born from the Mayan High Priest's lineage. Because of this Generational Curse, Maria would have extreme difficulty in understanding and hearing the gospel. If she did understand and receive it she would have a very cold walk with Jesus Christ. The demons indwelling in her would prevent her from experiencing His joy. 

Any act that openly invited demons into the family or dedicated the family to a false god or Satan can bring forth a generational curse that unless broken will continue to jump from parent to child. 

This is not restricted to false religions, the occult, or paganism. I suspect that Alcoholism and some medical problems may find their roots in Generational Curses. I am not saying that all Alcoholics have Generational Curses. Neither am I stating that all who have medical problems, such as cancer, have Generational Curses. What I am saying is that they could be caused in some people by Generational Curses. This can also be expanded to immorality, social problems, mental health,  and other issues such as this. 

When I am involved in a deliverance one of the first areas we investigate is Generational Curses. The Demons who are connected to these curses usually have "Co-Inhabited" the person before they were even born. They have a legal right to do so. Unfortunately they cannot be removed until the person rejects and denounces the sin that put his/her family under the generational curse. The deliverance minister will have to force the demons associated with the curses to reveal what gave them access. Once it is uncovered then the person should reject/renounce the curse as follows:

Father God, I come before your throne. I reject the sins of my Father's. My Father's did ________________. I reject and renounce this. I ask you to put these acts under the blood of Jesus Christ. Break the link between them and me. End this curse now and stop it from continuing with my children. I ask this is the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

After you have rejected and renounced the curse then address the demons who are attached with it and send them to the Pit. 

Demons who are connected/associated with the generational curse of _________________. You have no legal right to remain. I bind all of you demons associated with this curse together in the name of Jesus Christ. I rebuke and bind you. Now Go to the Pit and remain in the name of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.