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To be continued. The True Hope: 33

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The True Hope: "Rapture" or Resurrection?, #33

And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do. Go to, let us go down, and there confound their language, that they may not understand one another's speech. (Genesis 11:6,7)

Mankind was at peace and building a city and tower. Did God view this world peace and productivity with approval?

No, He did not. God confused their language and scattered them over the face of the earth.

Why did God lay the groundwork for all future wars and misunderstandings while people were working together in a cooperative manner? It is not stated that they were sinning, only that they were cooperating in a common endeavor.

The answer is in the expression, "nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do."

There is one truly important decision a human being makes in the course of his life. Should I build my own tower to Heaven or should I seek God's will? Should I build or should I seek?

The answer of Christian leaders, and the leaders of Judaism before them, often is, "I will build."

Thus we have the religion of Judaism and the religion of Christianity, two competing religions headed by self-directed people, when God's intention was not and is not that Judaism and Christian be religions. Both true Judaism and true Christianity are revelations of God to individuals and there is no conflict whatever between them. In actual fact, Judaism and Christianity are part of one revelation of God to man.

The conflict comes from the babylonish confusion produced by the efforts of the human mind to reach God.

God asks people to "lose their heads," that is, to lay aside their own wisdom, understanding, plans, and ambitions, and seek His rest—seek His perfect will for their life.

God requires of people only that they behave righteously, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. This is all. Nothing more than this. But man has "sought out many inventions."

People are unwilling to lose their heads. The result has been the religion of Judaism with its self-motivated leadership. The leadership of the Jews murdered their Christ—murdered the One who always sought the will of His Father.

The result of human thinking and imagining also has been the Christian religion with its self-motivated leadership. The leaders of Christianity have tortured and murdered the Jewish people as well as their own true saints and prophets—those sent of God to teach the Christians the righteous ways of the Lord.

The leaders of Judaism killed the prophets sent to them. The leaders of Christianity kill the apostles sent to them.

Institutional Christianity always will rage and leap about whenever God sends His messenger. The leaders of Babylon murder the true people of God because of envy. Babylon wants to build a city and a tower that reaches into the heavens. Babylon builds its own kingdom and that kingdom always will fight against the Kingdom of God.

To be continued. The True Hope: 34