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150 Questions Scripturally Answered

#1 Who made you? #2 What else did God make? #3. Why did God make you and all things?
#4.Who made God? #5. Has God ever had a beginning? #6. Will God ever die?
#7. How can you glorify God? #8. Why ought you to glorify God? #9. Are there more gods than one?
#10. In how many persons does this one God exist? #11. Who are the three persons of God? #12. Who is God?
#13. What is God like? # 14. Where is God? #15. Can you see God?
#16. Does God know all things? #17. Can God do all things? #18. Where do you learn how to love and obey God?
#19. Who wrote the Bible? #20. Who were our first parents? #21. Of what were our first parents made?
#22. What did God give Adam and Eve besides bodies? #23. Do you have a soul as well as a body? #24. How do you know that you have a soul?
#25. In what condition did God make Adam and Eve? #26. What is a covenant? #27. What was Adam's part in the covenant in order to stay in the Garden of Eden?
#28. Did Adam obey God? #29. Did Adam's sin affect himself alone? #30. How did God punish Adam's disobedience?
#31. What is sin? #32. What is meant by transgression? #33. Who is Satan?
#34. Was Satan ever good? #35. What was Satan's name when he was one of God's angels? #36. Why is Lucifer not one of God's angels today?
#37. What is Lucifer now called? #38. Who is stronger, God or Satan? #39. Does Satan want God's will to be done?
#40. What was the sin of our first parents? #41. Who tempted Adam and Eve to sin? #42. What happened to our first parents when they had sinned?
#43. What effect did Adam's sin have on all mankind? #44. What is that sinful nature we inherit from Adam called? #45. What does every sin deserve?
#46. Who can save us? #47. What does God require of man before he can go to heaven? #48. What is this change of heart called?
#49. Who can change a sinner's heart? #50. How is your heart changed? #51. What is grace?
#52. What is the work of Christ? #53. Can anyone be saved by his own works? #54. Did Christ ever sin?
#55. How could the Son of God suffer? #56. What is meant by the atonement? #57. What do we gain from the work of Christ?
#58. What is justification? #59. How am I justified? #60. What is sanctification?
#61. What are the two parts of sanctification? #62. For whom did Christ obey and suffer? #63. What kind of death did Christ die?
#64. Who will be saved? #65. What does it mean to repent? #66. What is faith in Christ?
#67. Can you repent and believe in Christ by your own power? #68. Does Christ care for little children? #69. How long has it been since Christ died?
#70. How were people saved before the coming of Christ? #71. How did people show their faith before the coming of Christ? #72. What did the sacrifices represent?
#73. How many offices does Christ have? #74. What are Christ's offices? #75. How is Christ a prophet?
#76. How is Christ a priest? #77. How is Christ a king? #78. How many commandments did God give on Mount Sinai?
#79. What are the Ten Commandments sometimes called? #80. What do the first four commandments teach? #81. What do the last six commandments teach?
#82. What is the sum of the Ten Commandments? #83. Who is your neighbour? #84. Is God pleased with those who love and obey Him?
#85. Is God displeased with those who do not love and obey Him? #86. What is the first commandment? #87. What does the first commandment teach us?
#88. What is the second commandment? #89. What does the second commandment teach us? #90. What is the third commandment?
#91. What does the third commandment teach us? #92. What is the fourth commandment? #93. What does the fourth commandment teach us?
#94. On which day of the week do Christians worship? #95. Why is it called the Lord's Day? #96. How should the Lord's Day be spent?
#97. What is the fifth commandment? #98. What does the fifth commandment teach us? #99. What is the sixth commandment?
#100. What dots the sixth commandment teach us? #101. What is the seventh commandment? #102. What does the seventh commandment teach us?
#103. What is the eighth commandment? #104. What does the eighth commandment teach us? #105. What is the ninth commandment?
#106. What does the ninth commandment teach us? #107. What is the tenth commandment? #108. What does the tenth commandment teach us?
#109. What use are the Ten Commandments to us? #110. What l prayer? #111. In whose name should we pray?
#112. Whit guide has Christ given us to leach us how to pray? #113. Repeat the Lord's Prayer. #114. How many petitions are there in the Lord's Prayer?
#115. What is the first petition? #116. What do we pray for in the first petition? #117. What is the second petition?
#118. What do we pray for in the second petition? #119. What is the third petition? #120. What do we pray for in the third petition?
#121. What is the fourth petition? #122. What do we pray for in the fourth petition? #123. What is the fifth petition?
#124. What do we pray for in the fifth petition? #125. What is the sixth petition? #126. What do we pray in the sixth petition?
#127. What is an ordinance? #128. How many ordinances are there in the Bible? #129. What are the two ordinances?
#130. Who appointed these ordinances? #131. Why did Christ appoint these ordinances? #132. What sign is used in Baptism?
#133. What does Baptism mean? #134. In whose name are we baptized? #135. What is the Lord's Supper?
#136. Who is to partake or the Lord's Supper? 137. What are the elements used in the Lord's Supper? #138. What do the bread and the fruit of the vine symbolize?
#139. Did Christ remain in the tomb after His crucifixion? #140. Where is Christ now? #141. Will Christ come again?
#142. When will Christ return? #143. What are the two parts of the Second Coming? #144. What will happen at the Rapture?
#145. What will happen at the glorious appearing? #146. What becomes of man at death? #147. What will become of the wicked in the day of judgment?
#148. What is hell? #149. What will become of the righteous? #150. What is heaven?