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Book 4 of Musings Jesus Christ Came Into the World To Set People Free

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It is commonly believed, even among people of the world, that Jesus Christ came to bring us to Heaven.

Christ did not come to bring us to Heaven; He came to deliver us from the presence and power of the devil.

I suppose the most common belief in Christianity is that Jesus Christ came to bring us to Heaven. You would be hard pressed to find this doctrine in the Bible.

But didn't Christ come to forgive our sins? Yes, and no. It depends on what you mean by this question.

If you mean did Christ come to forgive our sins so we can go to Heaven? the answer is only partially yes.

Actually Christ came to forgive our sins so He then could proceed to set us free from sin. And the purpose of setting us free from sin is not so we can go to Heaven but so we can serve God satisfactorily wherever we are.

"Whoever sins is the slave of sin," the Lord told us. We may think when we are sinning we are doing of our own free will. We are not. We are the slave of that sin. Actually, according to the Bible, all sin proceeds ultimately from Satan. We are the slave of Satan when we sin. We are worshiping Satan when we sin.

The Lord Jesus does not want us to be the slave of Satan or of sin. Do you believe? Forgiveness does us no lasting good unless we are delivered from slavery to Satan, from worshiping Satan. Isn't that so? We only are going to sin again and again and again.

Sin is destructive. We may think we find joy in sin, but that kind of joy is frantic, destructive, and brings remorse if we have a conscience.

Man was created in the beginning as God's son. God does not want His sons to be the slaves of any creature or of anything else whatever. The only rightful lord of man is the Lord Jesus Christ, who Himself is subject only to God Almighty.

The true meaning of the Passover is not the escape from the bondage of Egypt. The true meaning of the Passover has to do with the Lamb of God who removes the sin of the world. The Lamb sets us free, not so much from earthly servitude but from slavery to sin.

Slavery is slowly but surely being abolished throughout the world. The Western nations are free from the practice of slavery. But the people of the Western nations, for the most part, are slaves to the lusts of the flesh, covetousness, and other demonic expressions.

But there is One who has the authority and power to set us totally free from slavery to sin. His name is Jesus.

He who does what is sinful is of the devil, because the devil has been sinning from the beginning. The reason the Son of God appeared was to destroy the devil's work. (1 John 3:8)