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Book 2 of Musings God's Rulers

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God created man to govern God's creation. Before this is possible, man must be subject to God.

The Bible is clear that man is to govern the works of God's hands. God created man to be His throne, the throne from which God will govern, judge, have fellowship with, and bless His creatures.

The fact that we are destined to rule gives a significance to our lives that is not, it seems to me, always recognized. The way the Christian salvation is preached gives one the idea that after we die we go to a kind of retirement home in the sky where we can lie around in the sunshine, play golf, or talk pleasantly with our neighbors.

Don't you look forward to this after you die?

But if our role is to govern the nations with Jesus; if we are to smash them to pieces with a rod of iron; if we are to descend with the Lord on the white war stallions; then we are looking at a future altogether different from chatting pleasantly with our neighbors, or just sitting in our mansion and doing nothing of significance.

Since there is no question that the Bible teaches we shall govern with Christ, how should this affect our life today?

Numerous believers are not prepared to govern the nations with Christ. They scarcely are emotionally strong enough to go from day to day without breaking down. Some succumb to the slightest temptation. Others are filled with bitterness and unforgiveness. There are Christians who lie, steal, gossip, who create division wherever they are. There are pastors who watch pornography on the Internet. The notion that such people are going to rule the world with Jesus is fanciful to say the least.

The Lord Jesus told us that it would be the victorious saints who would govern the nations with the rod of iron. This makes sense. The victorious saints are ruling their affairs today through Christ, and are being prepared to return with Him and install the Kingdom of God on the earth.

But what about the remainder of the Christian people, actually the majority?

It is obvious that they are not qualified by the Word nor are they competent to rule anything. So it must be that they will be governed by the stronger believers; for it is certain that everyone in the Kingdom of God will be under authority at some point.

The bottom line is, if we desire to rule rather than be ruled by other people, we had better act like it now. We need to come to the Lord until we are governing our body and our emotions. We must be sternly obedient to God in every issue that confronts us.

If we are to rule it is not enough to merely be saved. We must be living victoriously in Christ in the present hour. All the rewards are assigned to him who overcomes.

To him who overcomes and does my will to the end, I will give authority over the nations- He will rule them with an iron scepter; he will dash them to pieces like pottery-just as I have received authority from my Father. (Rev 2:26-27)