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Book 2 of Musings Peace and Safety!

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The world will cry "peace and safety.'

But it will not be safe to walk the streets-even at noon. Such is the case when self-centered man (antichrist) is in the ascendancy.

It is amazing to see how people who are following their self-will can be so blind.

One of our highest values in America is that of personal liberty: freedom of speech; representative government; free-enterprise capitalism. The "rights" of the individual are emphasized, sometimes to the detriment of the social order.

We believe our system of government is superior to every other, and necessary if we are to have a stable world in which everyone is treated fairly.

I realize that in some countries I would not be permitted to express myself as I do. I understand that in the Muslim world, people are not allowed to challenge the religious beliefs of the country. And so we have a lot to be thankful for.

However, we have moved from a Christian base in our nation to a secular base. The values of Christian people are being eroded, there is no question about this. Careful thought will reveal that worship of freedom of speech leads to the weakening and removal of Christian values.

As of today, the courts are discussing whether public libraries should use software that screens the huge offering of pornography on the Internet. Almost certainly those who oppose the screens will prevail because of the premium placed on free speech.

Another symptom of the conflict between democracy and religious values is the increasing promotion of homosexual behavior, the plan being to make such behavior a part of our cultural mores. This struggle is taking place in Israel also.

Thus democracy, freedom of expression, and free-enterprise capitalism are being set forth as the salvation of the world. It appears that in the beginning of our nation, because of repressive policies in Europe, Christians adopted the concept of freedom of expression as a part of Christianity. But the doctrine of freedom of expression is evolving into a monster that, in the not too distant future, may result in severe persecution of those Christian people who never will accept pornography, homosexuality, man-boy sexual relationships, or incest as appropriate social behavior.

We may think it can't happen here. We are not aware of the history of the Christian church if we think Christians cannot be severely persecuted in America.

The right of pornographers and homosexuals to proclaim their merits in the courts and public schools eventually will confront the rights of Christians to shield their children from what they consider to be abominable practices. Who will win out?

And so our government, comprising many members who are devout Christians, are set on "making the world safe for democracy," perhaps not realizing that democracy is a manmade philosophy and needs to be modified in some respects if Christianity is not to be driven out.

In the present hour our country may have to declare war on those who would destroy us because of their religious teaching, or their desire to expand their power and increase in wealth. But what we may be blind to is the actual state of our nation.

A citizen would be foolish to walk at night on the streets of numerous large cities of our country, including our nation's capital. He or she would be robbed and perhaps murdered. Gangs are another issue. Rape and child molestation abound. In some instances the authorities are unable to take sufficiently protective measures because such measures would infringe on the "rights" of the criminals.

I think we are worshiping freedom of expression and self-will in place of God. We have made a goddess of the Statue of Liberty. We are worshiping our right to be free of what often are reasonable restraints, such as screening pornography from children, for example.

The wheels are grinding. America is sliding downhill morally. Each year sees a further erosion of Christian values. Yet we are determined to persuade the remainder of the world to adopt our way of life.

If there were no God, maybe we Christians could in some manner protect ourselves from the encroachment of moral abominations while the country ate, drank, and abandoned itself to the depravities of fleshly lust.

But this is not to be. There is a God. If I am hearing correctly, He is ready to punish America because she has turned away from Him. After receiving so much blessing from the Lord, she has turned her back on God and is worshiping the things of Satan.

After the massive latter-rain revival, which is to come in the future, Antichrist will rise in the major cities of the earth. He will espouse every social benefit. He will add Christian leaders to his government, and they will develop plans to feed the hungry and clothe the naked of the world.

Fervent disciples of Jesus, those who live by the Holy Spirit, will be driven by the government and by the Christian churches into remote areas of the earth. The elect of the Jews will gather together with them there, I believe, to wait for the return of Christ.

The nations will cry "peace and safety at last. Now people are able to express themselves freely. We have need of nothing." The land will be as Eden, so to speak.

But it will be as it is in America today, only worse. The sins of Sodom will be multiplied as violent practitioners of every possible sexual perversion roam the streets. But people will be blind to the problems because they are permitted to express themselves freely. Since this is their highest value, they will not be able to see the corruption in which they are living.

If I am hearing the Lord correctly, God is not going to permit this to take place in America as yet. He is going to pour out His judgments on us. I think our suffering and uncertainty will result in a purifying of the churches, and perhaps a return to more morally acceptable behavior on the part of our citizens.

Meanwhile we are moving toward the last great outpouring of God's Spirit.

It is after the revival has abated that the obstacle to Antichrist will be removed and we will see the full expression of self-centered, self-willed man. The obstacle to the rise of Antichrist is the prayers and testimony of Christian people, and these will diminish because of the prevalence of wickedness.

When Heaven and earth have witnessed the incredibly corrupt results of rebellion against God, the Lord Jesus Christ will return with His saints and holy angels and they will install the Kingdom of God on the earth.

While people are saying, "Peace and safety," destruction will come on them suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will not escape. (1 Thessalonians 5:3)