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The Word of Their Testimony 2

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Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience. (Hebrews 4:11-NIV)

Dying in the Lord, the one certain protection from deception, means we will faithfully, patiently, seek and perform His will every moment of the day and night, through painful as well as joyous experiences.

He knows what He wants done at every moment. We are laboring to enter the rest of God, the place of untroubled abiding in the very center of God's Person and will.

If this is what you desire, why don't you tell Him about it right now!

The testimony that overcomes the accuser of the brothers is developed and maintained along two lines: morality and miracles. If either of these is absent the testimony is not effective. We see both lines of the testimony in the Lord Jesus.

He was morally pure and He worked miracles. If the Lord Jesus was not morally pure we would judge the miracles were coming from the spirit of Satan.

If the Lord Jesus was morally pure but worked no miracles we would doubt He indeed was the Christ, the Son of the living God. The Charismatic churches are seeking power today, often power that can be used for self-aggrandizement. But the testimony in America has been greatly weakened by the immorality of the believers.

We must have both power and morality if we are to overcome the accuser of the brothers who accuses us before our God day and night. The two dimensions of the word of our testimony, morality and power, are seen in the pomegranates and bells around the hem of the robes of the High Priest.

Make pomegranates of blue, purple and scarlet yarn around the hem of the robe, with gold bells between them. (Exodus 28:33-NIV)

The pomegranates symbolize the fruit of the Spirit, love, joy, peace and so forth.

This is the realm of moral behavior. The blue, purple, and scarlet portray respectively the life of Heaven, the majesty of Christ, and the blood of the cross.

All these are necessary to bring forth the fruit of morality in us. The gold bells represent the miracles of the Holy Spirit, the signs and wonders that call attention to the Word of God. The gold signifies Deity is at work in Kingdom demonstrations of power.

The linen curtains that formed the ceiling of the Holy Place of the Tabernacle of the Congregation were linked together with fifty gold clasps. The gold clasps speak of the Glory of God that will be manifest as we pass from the Church Age to the Kingdom Age.

The sections of the goat-hair tent that covered the linen curtain were linked together with fifty bronze clasps. The bronze clasps symbolize Divine judgment on sin and thus have to do with the morality of the testimony.

The testimony that overcomes the accuser has no human element in it. We humans can tell about the testimony. We can tell of the creation of morality in our life or the life of someone else. We can describe a miracle we saw take place or a healing we experienced.

But this is not the Divine testimony, this is our testimony of the testimony, so to speak.

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