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Revision as of 00:44, 5 January 2014 by Admin (Talk | contribs) (Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri's AMAZING End Times PROPHECY)

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Published on 2 Jan 2014 The Prophecy: The late Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri said on his death bed that the Messiah had visited him, His name is Yahshua (aka Jesus Christ) and that He would return to Israel shortly after the death of Ariel Sharon.

This is an update on Ariel Sharon's condition and is intended to inform those who are not aware of this story. As far as being a prophecy, it is extra biblical and is not intended to be taken as 100% valid Bible prophecy. I follow the story at my own interest and I am simply sharing for the benefit of others. Please share this on your networks as well if you would like. Thank you and keep looking up! ~Scottie

Notes of interest:

Ariel Sharon suffered a serious stroke on January 4, 2006, and has been comatose since.

Yitzhak Kaduri, Died on January 28, 2006, in Jerusalem, Israel.

Rabbi Yitzhak Kaduri's AMAZING End Times PROPHECY

Will the death of former Israeli PM Ariel Sharon herald the RAPTURE of the Church and the return of Messiah? Watch this video for the startling prophecy which makes this claim!


Prophecy of the Popes FULFILLED! Pope Francis IS Petrus Romanu


PLEASE SHARE THIS! - Did St. Maclachy's 112th prophecy of the final pope fail because the new pope named hmself Pope Francis and not "Peter the Roman"? In this presentation, Scottie breaks down the facts and shows you some very enlightening information that you may not have known. The False Prophet of apocalyptic fame may very well be in power in Rome after all! Keep a watchful eye on him. We shall soon see.

(Sorry about the crazies in the comment section below. They always find my videos... and the bandage is because of my overly scratching kitten.)

Watch Scottie's previous video for more info on this important topic: Pope Benedict Has Resigned! - False Prophet Next in March 2013? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ouog0u...

Petrus Romanus Authors website (Great resource for this topic) http://www.raidersnewsupdate.com/

Glenn Beck & John Hagee End Time Bible Prophecies

MUST WATCH' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yl9ju4M57gg

Second Coming of Jesus Christ - Polar Shift & Global Earthquake

MUST WATCH' http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1R9KXMrdXHU

REVEALED!! 3 AMAZING Reasons for the Prophetic Blood Moon


Walid Shoebat - END TIMES ALERT! - (Full Version)

Walid Shoebat on The End Times ALERT! Eschatology: Holy Bible Prophecies!


'Born of God

One of the first concepts that came to me in the early days had to do with the meaning of being born again, born of God. I think the idea of being born of God, or born again, has come to mean an acceptance of the theological facts concerning Jesus Christ. We have believed in the blood atonement, repented of our sin, been baptized in water, and thus we have been born again.

I don’t believe this is true. In the first place, the Apostles, as recorded in the Book of Acts, never preached that we must be born again in order to be saved from the Day of Wrath. Also, the expression "born again" is not found in Paul’s writings. This infrequency of usage does not correspond to today’s emphasis that being born again is equivalent to being saved from wrath.

The main usage of the term "born again" was by the Lord Jesus when He said that being born again was required if we are to see and enter the Kingdom of God. Being born again has to do with the Kingdom, not with being saved from Hell or from Divine wrath.

Many Americans claim to be born again. Yet we often do not see in their lives evidence of the righteous behavior of the Kingdom of God. No new creation can be observed.

The association of being born again with the Kingdom of God is that it is the Kingdom that is born in us when Christ is born in us. Faith in Christ is one matter; repentance from our former way of living is another. The blood atonement is yet another consideration while water baptism is something else again. Being born again has to do with the Life of God being conceived in us. These five factors all play a role in our salvation, but perhaps they should be considered separately.

To be born again is not merely to have a change of mind!

To be born again is to have the Divine Seed of God planted in our personality. The Seed comes from God. It is not human. It is Divine. It is supernatural. It is new Divine Life.

As soon as we have been born again there are two distinct natures in us: that which came from Adam and that which now comes from God. Our Christian life consists largely of crucifying the adamic nature and growing in the Divine Nature.

Christianity has suffered much because it is not made clear to people that being born again is to have God’s Nature conceived in us. The believers attempt to save their original adamic nature. They are under the impression that God is going to save what they are and bring it to Heaven. The truth is, God will never accept our adamic personality. God’s salvation kills the adamic nature on the cross and then brings forth a new nature, a new creation, a true brother of Jesus Christ.

Read more A Summary of Kingdom Concepts

Book 1 of Musings Christ Is the Question

What will you do with Jesus?

Sometimes people say Christ is the answer. This is true. Christ is the answer to every problem people have.

It also is true that Christ is the question.

Was there really a person named Jesus Christ? Undoubtedly so. The New Testament certainly has the ring of truth to it. I personally have read enough literature to perceive the New Testament is not some humanly contrived account.

Not too long ago a girl from our church, who now is in college, asked me how she is to answer a young person from a Christian background who is questioning his faith. It seems sometimes when Christian young people go off to college they return minus their faith.

I am glad to say that our girl is standing strong and encouraging others.

There probably are all sorts of ways to prove there is a God and that Christ is His Son. But I answered this way: "Tell the young man who is questioning his faith to ask God to reveal Christ to him. In other words, if you want to know whether or not there is a God, ask Him to show you."

This is what I did many years ago, and I'll tell you He has convinced me of His existence and that Jesus Christ is His Son. I know this now from the experiences I have had.

So let's assume there is a God and Jesus Christ is His Son. This poses a terrific question to every human being. If this is so, then the first priority of life is to find out what Christ wants you to do.

If God and Christ are really sitting up there looking at us, then how stupid it would be to ignore them and go about our business.

Think about the vanity of life. We spend years getting an education so we can earn money so we have enough to eat so we have energy enough to work. In addition we may wish to acquire a house or car or some other convenience or comfort.

But we truly are living in the valley of the shadow of death. If you don't think so, visit your local hospital. There are many hospitals in the region where I live in Southern California. I have never been to the hospital without having trouble getting a parking place. And the parking lot of the hospital where I go is huge.

You can go to the emergency room in the middle of the night, any night of the week, and there are people in the waiting room in various stages of distress. What does this tell us? It tells us that life is cruel.

Sometimes I look at the homeless people pushing their carts with all their belongings in them. These men and women at one time were happy boys and girls playing in the schoolyard. Now they are haggard, in dirty clothes, pushing their belongings down the street. At night they will try to find a place in back of a store or school where they can keep warm and sleep. No place to shower or even wash up. No money. No toilet.

Life beats the juice out of a person. We start off happy and confident, most of us. But life has a way of defeating us.

I notice how many television commercials are devoted to medicines that relieve stress and heartburn. People have a lot of worries: about their children; about their marriage; about their health; about their job; about their retirement. There always is something to worry about.

Tell me: Is life worth the trouble? Are you enjoying yourself right now? Will you be enjoying yourself ten years from now? Maybe, if you don't wake up some morning with cancer, or have a heart attack, or you child doesn't develop leukemia, or you are not raped, or your son doesn't become a homosexual or your daughter a lesbian so you can't extend your line through grandchildren.

To Continue Click Here

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Pin.pngDo you have a ministry or a business

Do you have a called of God ministry where your whole purpose is to "feed the sheep", and God supplies your needs, or do you have books, tapes, videos, etc. that you SELL for a "donation", or just outright SELL, and your buyers supply your needs?

There is nothing wrong with being in business and selling things. However, if you are a church or any kind of "ministry", you may want to check your motive for how you are conducting the work of the Lord.

Remember the money changers in the temple where JESUS turned over the tables and threw them out. They were selling things in the "CHURCH". (God made it quite clear to us that we were not to charge for anything, that HE was our source.)

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Articles of Trumpet Ministries WOR

Sermons on the Paster's page www.wor.org

Pin.pngWe also feature articles By David C. Pack see below to find out more.

By David C. Pack

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"As Pastor General of The Restored Church of God, David C. Pack oversees the world’s most extensive biblically based websites. He has established over 50 congregations, authored more than 20 books, and has written hundreds of booklets and articles. As Editor-in-Chief of The Real Truth magazine and voice of The World to Come program, he has reached millions around the globe with the most powerful truths of the Bible, unknown to almost all".

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The Trinity—Does the Bible Teach It? Does the Bible teach that God is a “Trinity”—three persons in one being? Most professing Christians answer “yes.” Although long the litmus test of traditional


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You Can Prove the Bible’s Authority

Many accept the Bible’s divine authority on faith, thinking it cannot be proven. Is what is often called the Book of books the Word of God? Or is it mere superstition—an uninspired work of men?

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The family unit is under assault as never before. But parents can rear balanced, moral children in a degenerate, immoral society! God’s Word reveals much about proper childrearing. Here are life-changing biblical teachings! presented by David C. Pack

Pin.pngChristians are left with real questions in reference to Islam:

What role if any did the teachings of the Qur'an play in the 9/11 attacks? What does Islam really teach? What about Jihad? Should Christians try to befriend our Muslim neighbors and share the gospel? If so, how? The title is Understanding Islam: A Christian Perspective. I would like you to watch it for free. Please forward this to all your friends!

Your free video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z5fzeexxJno

John MacArthur

LINKS PAGE John MacArthur

Understanding the Sabbath (Genesis 2:1-3)


How are we to understand the place that the Sabbath plays, if any, in the life of the people of God? Turn in your Bible for a moment to Exodus chapter 20. This is the Decalogue, the Ten Commandments. And near the middle of the Ten Commandments is the fourth commandment. We begin to read about it in verse 8. "Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy. Six days you shall labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a Sabbath of the Lord your God. In it you shall not do any work, you or your son or your daughter, your male or your female servants, or your cattle or your sojourner or stranger who stays with you, for in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them and rested on the seventh day. Therefore the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy."

Guest speaker James Walker of the Watchmen Fellowship

Free Video & Profile: Only six shopping days till Armageddon? The Mayan Calendar ends next Friday and the media is giving major coverage to a growing number of "doomsday preppers" getting ready for what they fear may be the "end of the world as we know it" next week on December 21, 2012.

I think they need to be getting ready for another end-times "false alarm." Apparently, the Mayan couldn't even predict the demise of their own civilization -- much less ours. Nevertheless, thousands around the world are holding their breath, waiting for next Friday. Even some on Christian Television, such as Jack Van Impe, cannot resist the temptation of date-setting. So what is a proper Christian approach to true Bible prophecies and end-times teachings in light of all the false prophets today?
