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Lesson 7

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LET the student note how chapter two of Genesis pre­pares for the events of chapter three. The last verse of chapter two sets the stage for the introduction of a new character, the serpent.

Verse One. The word translated "serpent" is the com­mon word in Hebrew for "snake," and that is what it means here. From the New Testament we learn that Satan had taken possession of the serpent for his own evil uses; cf. II Corinthians 11:3, 14. John 8:44 charac­terizes Satan, as do also Revelation 12:9; 20:2.

In the Hebrew the words translated "more subtil" are "naked from," every living creature of the field which the Lord God had created. We thus note that God created the serpent.

THE TEMPTATION God had used the tree of the knowledge of good and evil as a means for testing man. This testing was de­signed by God to be for man's own good. Satan now changes the testing into a TEMPTATION. He uses the same tree as the means of temptation and he uses it for the harm of man. In order to bring this about, he does not hesitate to tell a lie, for he is "a liar and the father of it; there is no truth in him." He wishes to fill the woman's mind with doubt as to two things.

  • Satan would have the woman doubt whether God really did give such a command. She answers that He did give such a command, but the student should note that she misquotes the words of God. Eve adds the phrase (Gen. 3:3): "neither shall ye touch of it," and God had merely said (Gen. 2:17), "thou shalt not eat of it," Thus we see that even listening to the devil causes us to misinterpret God.
  • Satan would also fill the woman's mind with doubt as to the truthfulness of what God had said. He denies God's statement in a most vehement form. In the Hebrew, this is most vivid. "NOT shall ye die." He implies that the reason why God had told them that they would die is a selfish one. He would have the woman think that God is jealous of her power to become like Him. He represents God as a liar. Thus, the two things which Satan desires the woman to doubt are God's goodness and His truthfulness.

Verse Five. The phrase "in the day that ye eat there­of" means, whenever ye eat thereof, or, as surely as ye eat thereof. Note then how Satan suggests that the very eating of the fruit itself has the power to bestow this knowledge of good and evil. Satan makes this out as something to be desired.


  • Is it correct to say that Satan had taken possession of the serpent for his own uses?
  • What is the literal meaning of "more subtil"?
  • Did God create the serpent?
  • How had God used the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
  • How did Satan use the tree? Study the notes care­fully.
  • What were the two things which Satan desired to have the woman doubt ?
  • How did Eve, in answering Satan's first question, misrepresent God's statement?
  • Did Satan point out to her that the bad misquoted God?
  • How does Satan deny what God had said? Cf. Genesis 2:17 with Genesis 3:4. Bring out the vivid form of his denial.
  • To what source does Satan attribute the knowledge of good and evil? Cf. Genesis 3:5.


  • Commit to memory Genesis 3:1-7.
  • Study carefully and commit to memory question num­ber thirteen of the Shorter Catechism, or question seven of the Heidelberg Catechism.


No. 2452: "Jesus, Lover Of My Soul."

No. 28: "All Glory Be To Thee Most High."

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