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Chapter Eleven – How World Peace, Happiness, and Prosperity Will Come

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Next Part Message About Government

Back to The Awesome Potential of Man

Back to By David C. Pack

War has been the primary means by which nations have settled disputes throughout history. It has been considered a natural state of equilibrium, while peace has been considered a period of recuperation from the previous campaign, in which preparations are being made for the next venture or conquest. A quote by Georges Clemenceau, the French statesman during World War I, accurately reflects this state of affairs: “I don’t know whether war is an interlude during peace, or peace is an interlude during war.”

General Douglas MacArthur eloquently stated mankind’s current dilemma: “We have had our last chance. If we will not devise some greater or more equitable system, Armageddon will be at our door.”

One World Government?

As God began to call me into His truth, I had the opportunity to meet with my United States congressman from Ohio. I had applied to attend the United States Naval Academy and all applicants were required to have a personal interview with their congressman in the final stages prior to acceptance. At the end of the interview, he asked me if I wished to ask him any questions. Here was a highly respected, long-time member of Congress (a former Speaker of the House) giving me the opportunity to ask him any question on my mind. I had only one.

I was learning about the soon-coming, world-ruling, supernatural government to be established at the Return of Jesus Christ. With this on my mind, I asked the congressman his opinion of one world government, if it was in the hands of men. His answer was immediate and emphatic, “I do not believe it would work, but if I did, I would shout it from the housetops.” He went on to express various concerns. This made a lasting impression. I have never forgotten my conversation with this congressman of over thirty years’ experience in the federal government.

Since that time, many have suggested that one world government is the only way to world peace and stability. But many questions arise. Who would bring it? How would it be phased in? What laws would it administer? How would they be enforced? Would sovereign nations relinquish their authority to it? Would it succeed, or would it eventually oppress and enslave all mankind? These questions always stop thinkers, planners, leaders, and scientists in their tracks!

Therefore, world peace remains as elusive as ever. Seemingly everyone yearns for it, but no one knows how to obtain it. Why? Why cannot the experienced leaders and intelligent thinkers of our time find the way to peace? Why do people understand that the only solution that could bring peace is one world government yet, at the same time, acknowledge that this is utterly impossible if left in the hands of men? If men are not capable of governing their own individual lives, how could they govern the entire world?

WHY Men Cannot Find Peace

Mankind, in his rebellion against God, likes to present his own versions of civilization in the best possible light. In like manner, the false prophets of Israel, as Ezekiel prophesied of our time, are to declare, “Peace; and there was [is] no peace” (Ezek. 13:10). God shows that peace will be elusive to those who forsake His ways.

It has been said that all nations are either preparing for war, at war, or recovering from war. History shows this—it has recorded nearly 15,000 wars. Ironically, many of these wars were fought “in search of peace.” But, the outcome of war usually involves a truce that always fails to yield permanent peace. This is because men cannot, and never will, find the way to peace on their own, without outside help. In reality, they have no chance to achieve world peace. Again, why?

As part of an extensive prophecy about conditions on Earth in our time, Isaiah answers this question: “The WAY of peace they know not; and there is no judgment in their goings: they have made them crooked paths: whosoever goes therein shall not know peace” (Isa. 59:8). The solutions of men always lead to more wars, ruin, misery, death, and destruction. Also, Paul wrote, quoting Isaiah, “And the way of peace have they NOT KNOWN” (Rom. 3:17).

How true!

The governments of men simply do not work. They have never succeeded in finding permanent solutions to what are, for them, insoluble problems. They do not have the answers to mankind’s greatest questions. Truly, their solutions do reflect “no judgment in their goings.” It has not been given to men to understand the path to peace—or, for that matter, the way to abundance, happiness, health, and prosperity. No wonder the great thinkers, leaders, educators, and scientists have failed miserably in their quest for peace on Earth! God has not yet revealed to the vast majority of mankind the solution to its unending wars, and world troubles.

A Question of Government

But when Christ spoke of the “kingdom,” what did He mean? The gospel of the kingdom of God has two separate aspects.

Many speak of salvation—the belief in an afterlife. Some have supposed that the gospel is exclusively about “receiving eternal life” or the popular idea of “going to heaven” upon death. Of course, by now, we have learned that the Bible has a tremendous amount to say about salvation. Actually, salvation is directly related to—is one aspect of—the gospel of the kingdom of God.

Most assume that God is trying to save the world now—that today is the only opportunity for salvation for all mankind. But because the masses have no idea why they were born—why they were put on Earth—they also do not understand why man cannot find peace, happiness, health, and abundance on his own. The whole world has been deceived about salvation and the most important questions and answers of life.

The other aspect of the kingdom of God is GOVERNMENT. As seen, the word kingdom means government. When the kingdom of God arrives, it will be a world-ruling SUPER GOVERNMENT. The Bible describes this government in great detail.

Next Part Message About Government

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Back to By David C. Pack

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