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Two Hopes; Two Armies; Two Resurrections

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Two Hopes; Two Armies; Two Resurrections

Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. (Hebrews 12:2—NIV)

We are in a critical period in world history. We need something to look forward to, something to hope for, something joyful and wonderful so we are not filled with fear.

The hope of being "raptured" out of trouble is held by numerous Christians but it has no scriptural basis.

There is a better hope, and it is scriptural.

There is confusion today over the latter rain, the two witnesses of Revelation, Chapter Eleven, Joel's army of Joel, Chapter Two, and the manifestation of the sons of God of the eighth chapter of the Book of Romans. Perhaps we can say a few words that will help the disciple better understand the present-day burden of the Holy Spirit.

There are two resurrections and two appearances of the Bride of the Lamb. The first resurrection and appearance is that of the firstfruits. The second resurrection and appearance is that of the entire Bride.

The first resurrection and appearance are greatly to be desired but must be attained.

The other day I heard a pastor speak of his hope for the rapture, a hope he conveys to his congregation. For the first time, perhaps, I was able to understand why this unscriptural doctrine is so popular.

We were speaking of the problems in the world and in America. The pastor was showing that we have no need to worry because we have a wonderful hope, a joyous hope, of leaving the scene of all these problems and going to Paradise to be with Jesus. I suddenly could see what a relief this thought is, how it naturally would appeal to people.

The "pre-tribulation rapture" hope is like the "faith" and "prosperity" doctrines. None of these doctrines is scholarly or based on any sound exegetic or hermeneutic principles. They all are emotional, appealing to the carnal believer. If the Lord Jesus began to speak of living by His body and blood these same believers might flee for their lives.

The "faith" message is a simple good news that the carnal believer can grasp quickly. But it is not scriptural.

The "prosperity" message is a simple good news that the carnal believer can grasp quickly. But it is not scriptural.

The pre-tribulation rapture message is a simple good news that the carnal believer can grasp quickly. But it is not scriptural.

If you preach these three doctrines you will fill your church with people because they are easily understood messages of hope and security.

When you come against the "rapture" doctrine, for example, you are not presented with clear scriptural passages in context, with competent scholarship, but with carnal reasoning, such as, "God is a good God and He doesn't want His people to suffer."

How devout, intelligent people can say such a thing when thousands of believers are being martyred each week is beyond me. It truly is a spiritual blindness.

Given the fact that there is not a single passage of the Scriptures that states the Lord is coming to take His Bride to Heaven, that the believers will become invisible, rise to meet Him in the air, and then return with Him to Heaven, how can ministers who subscribe to the plenary verbal inspiration of the accepted original texts continue with such teaching?

Continued. Two Hopes; Two Armies; Two Resurrections