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God is gentle. Christ is gentle. The Spirit-filled saint is learning gentleness. Gentleness is the image of God.

Church history does not always depict gentleness in God’s people. In many instances the churches sought to establish the Christian faith by harshness, by torturing those who were "heretics." Even today there are instances where Christians seek to enforce their beliefs by harming people. This is not the way of the Lord.

Satan is not gentle, he is harsh and violent. When a Christian seeks to exercise his will by harsh, hurtful means, he is not revealing the image of Christ. In the Kingdom of God, the ends do not justify the means. If God’s "will" is accomplished by harsh, hurtful methods, forcing people and circumstances to conform to our thinking, all is worthless. God never shall accept that sacrifice. God hates "robbery for burnt offering."

When the Christian accomplishes his goals by forcing other people he is portraying the image of Satan. Satan does as he will with complete disregard for the feelings and welfare of others. No harsh, hurtful person has any inheritance in the Kingdom of God.

The following passage often is used by those who advise the use of force in accomplishing the work of the Gospel.

And from the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom of heaven suffereth violence, and the violent take it by force. (Matthew 11:12)

The preceding text appears to teach we should be violent so we can take the Kingdom of God. We know this is not the case because it is the meek who inherit the earth. The people of the Kingdom are strong because of the obstacles they have overcome through Christ. They are forceful and diligent in their seeking of the Lord and His will. But they also are gentle, they are not violent.

Perhaps the Lord was referring to the fact that Herod had put John in prison. From that day to the present, violent, forceful men have pushed themselves and their programs. Great cathedrals have been constructed. Large "Christian" organizations have been formed that have spread the Gospel to many parts of the world, sometimes in a militant manner.

It seems the violent have been successful.

But this is not the way of the servant of the Lord. The servant of the Lord does not strive. The gentleness of God’s Lamb dwells in God’s servant and is demonstrated in the servant’s words and actions.

Those who have spread the Gospel by violent, self-seeking methods have disqualified themselves from participation in the Kingdom of God. The violent builders of the Kingdom have their reward—perhaps in the present world. But the gentle children of the Kingdom are embraced in the heart of the Father. God Himself is their inheritance.

Although the Spirit of God has made use of the products of violent people as they have fought one another to accomplish their own ends (all for the Glory of God, as they would claim), the true members of the Body of Christ have learned the kindness and gentleness of the Lord.

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