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Book 1 of Musings Perfectly Human

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Christ makes us perfectly human.

Sin makes us less than human. Religion can also, if we are not careful.

I guess the problem is, what do we mean by human?

By human I mean we have an understanding of people, a sense of humor, we are friendly, we have integrity and honor our contracts. We are the kind of person you would want to have living next door to you.

We are merciful. We are honest and helpful. Our neighbors know we can be counted on to assist them if they are in trouble, if we are able to do so. We are kindly, and as sociable as our type of personality allows.

Sin can make us less than human. When we read in the paper today of some of the actions of people, we wonder if they indeed are human. Recently there was a rash of the rape and murder of young girls. The little girls were used, and then thrown in the bushes like so much garbage. Such behavior is worse than that of an animal.

We read of thieves stealing toys that were donated so poor children would have a merry Christmas. There have been incidents in which the boyfriends of divorced women have beaten or shaken a baby to death; or, in one case, put the baby in hot water until it died. Animals have been tortured for no reason other than to amuse their torturers.

I wonder if such behavior takes place in countries other than America. Is the brutalizing of women, children, and animals taking place in other parts of the world? God help us all!

Sin makes us less than human. Religion can too.

How many Christians have been martyred by other Christians because they would not agree with the teaching of a particular sect.

This is a reason to murder someone?

How long have the Christians in Ireland been at each other's throats?

When you think of the ruler of the synagogue being indignant because Jesus healed a woman who had been bent over for eighteen years, you can begin to understand how religion can make us less than human.

"Come back next week and get healed," he directed, "not on the Sabbath." Can you imagine such inhumanity - and after eighteen years! Sometimes Christians lose the "common touch."

They think and act like they are better than non-Christians.

The Lord Jesus was not like this. He was a friend of sinners.

He was at home among the lowliest of people, and He wants us to be at home among the lowliest of people.

The religious leaders of His day were not pleased with the Lord's willingness to associate with sinners. Who, then, were the greatest sinners? Christians sometimes suppose they are God's pets. They imagine their arrogant behavior is excusable because they make a profession of Christ. On occasion there is something not quite human, not natural, about the behavior of Christians.

The truth is, each of us has a debt to pay to the unsaved. Since we have been called to be members of God's governing priesthood, we are obligated to show in ourselves God's Person and will. We are to be the servants of all.

The true saint grows more human each day, able to understand, think like, and get along with the most ordinary people.

The Lord Jesus Christ is a perfectly human Person. He is our example. Let us be just like Him in every way possible.

In this way, love is made complete among us so we will have confidence on the day of judgment, because in this world we are like him. (1 John 4:17)