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Two Hopes; Two Armies; Two Resurrections 4

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Two Hopes; Two Armies; Two Resurrections 4

Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. (Luke 18:1—NIV)

Pray continually; (I Thessalonians 5:17—NIV)

Pray! Pray! Pray when you are in trouble! Don't faint, don't run from God, pray with all your might. We are in the time of the fat cows today but the lean cows are on the way. Lay up the good corn of the Word while you have time. Seek the Lord. Prepare yourself to stand. There will be no rapture to move you from earth to Heaven so you are not required to stand!

The wheat and the tares are growing side by side. This means Christ is growing in His people and Satan is growing in his people. We already are witnessing abominations in America as children are shooting and knifing other children; as employees shoot their bosses if they are fired because of incompetence or for some other reason.

Madness is all around us in America but we are blind. We cannot seem to understand we are entering Sodom and the judgment of Sodom will soon be upon us.

Will God remove His witnesses from the earth? He assuredly will not. They will be needed more than ever.

Rather God is going to give us so much of Himself that we will be more than conquerors right where we are. How do you like that for a hope?

Demon-filled people are going to be faced with Christ-filled people. Do you know what happens when the Ark of the Covenant is brought face to face with Dagon?

Nowhere in the Bible is there so much as one passage that states clearly God will save His people from the troubles of the end-time by removing them to Heaven. Not one passage! Not one!

When God says His people will escape trouble He means He will deliver them, just as He did Daniel. We may infer from the word "escape" that the Scripture means we will be taken to Heaven, but this is not what is stated.

We have no Scripture we can stand on that assures us we will be removed to Paradise when trouble begins (how unrealistic can we get?—history and present-day circumstances assuring us otherwise).

But we have a Bible full of guarantees that if we abide in Christ we will be safe in the midst of the storm.

God has no need of weak people whom He has to take to Heaven in order that Satan may inherit the earth. God needs warriors who can stand on the earth and bear witness of God, His Person, His ways, His will, and His eternal purposes in Jesus Christ. During the tribulations and moral horrors that are upon us even today, true and faithful witnesses of God are needed as never before. Am I correct or not?

Do we suppose Antichrist will be so great God is unable to protect a witness of Himself in the earth? In the days to come even the heavens will be invaded by Antichrist, as Daniel tells us. Antichrist will tear down some of the heavenly host. There will be no safety in Heaven. The safety, and the only safety, is in Jesus Christ whether we are in Heaven or on the earth.

Continued. Two Hopes; Two Armies; Two Resurrections 5