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The Unity of the Faith Christian greetings to all Bible Believers hungering and thirsting after righteousness, knowing you'll be filled as the Word is revealed to you, for righteousness is imputed by a clear revelation of the Word of God. We know we are the generation which will have the testimony of Enoch, "that he pleased God: for without faith it is impossible to please God. This is the golden age, when darkness and evil are taking over the world and the Lord Jesus is incarnating His Bride.

Let's take two Scriptures for our text today. First in Ephesians 4:11- 13, "And He gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the Body of Christ: till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ."

Studying these verses earlier we found out that Paul is teaching us that God has ordained five different types of minister to bring the saints to maturity so the individual saints in the congregation can:-

(1) Live the Life, (2) Overcome by the Word, and (3) Be ready always to share the faith with those outside the Body.

These five Offices will be in the Body until the saints ALL speak the same thing in the UNITY of knowledge and understanding of the Word (I Corinthians 1:10; Ephesians 4:13.) In other words the five-fold ministry will be in the Body from Pentecost to the rapture and going up of the Church. Clearly the time of "the UNITY of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God" to which Paul refers, is AFTER the Seven Church Ages, when the denominations have SERVED THEIR PURPOSE as carriers of the Life, AFTER they have REJECTED the Word for their own creeds, and gone into APOSTASY.

Paul established the Church at Ephesus, so we know the Ephesian Church Age commenced about AD 53 (Acts 19.) He was the angel to this Age in which the falling away from the Word began and would continue until "the revelation of that man of sin, the son of perdition," and total APOSTASY in Laodicea (II Thessalonians 2:1-5; Revelation 1:4.) Paul was NOT anticipating "the unity of the faith" in his day.

Faith is a revelation into which Christians "grow" or mature. Until the seventh century, the Church comprised mostly Jewish converts although the gospel had turned to the Gentiles, who had no background in the worship of the One True God. So amid all the enthusiasm there was a certain disorder, and with the passing of the first generation of saints and those faithfully taught by them, the church began its inevitable decline from the purity of the faith (I Corinthians 14:26; Galatians 1:6.)

By the Pergamean Age, two major schools of thought emerged in the followers of the heretics, Athanasius and Arius, whose doctrines were both FALSE. At the First Nicea Council of AD 325 the Roman Catholic church was organized around the teachings of Athanasius and faith was abandoned in favour of reciting a statement of belief, the FALSE "Apostle's" Creed, so-called. But God is known by revelation, or faith, not learning, and the Christian ministry did not attend the Council. The bloody history of the church of Rome, the Dark Ages, and the Protestant revivals tell us what followed.

In his reference to "the unity of the faith," Paul was looking two thousand years into the future to the brief period of time AFTER the prophet of Malachi 4 has RESTORED the faith. This interval which follows the Seven Church Ages, is typed in the Pentecostal Feast of Leviticus 23 where it is described as "an holy convocation." It is absolutely imperative all true Bible Believers recognize this brief space of Grace in the Scriptures - for it is here that God prepares Christ's Bride for the translation. Here She ceases all Her WORKS of probing into the Scriptures, and unites in THE FAITH God has revealed by His prophet. It is the Message of this prophet which "finishes the mystery of God", and calls Christ's Bride out from the denominational confusion into the oneness of faith for which Jesus prayed in the garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 25:6-7; John 17:21-26; I Corinthians 13:10; I Thessalonians 4:14-17; Revelation 3:14-22; 10:1-11; 18:1-4.)

Our second Scripture is in Ephesians 1:9-10, "Having made known unto us the mystery of His will, according to His good pleasure which he hath purposed in Himself: that in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in Him."

God, long suffering, not willing that any should perish, has delayed the day of wrath until all who are coming are baptized into the Body. When all Seven Church Ages have passed by, "time (or delay) shall be no more" (Revelation 10:6,) and Christ gathers together ALL His Children, the New Testament saints. Over the past two thousand years He has already gathered most of the saints by faith and the grave; but without the end- time Bride, there can be no manifestation of the Sons of God and without us they cannot be resurrected in bodies like His own glorious body, or "made perfect." It is the tiny group born again in this space of time the Bible calls an holy convocation, which will not see death in the flesh, but be "changed."

There is to be another offering waved before God - the end-time Bride must be waved in the manifestation of the Sons of God. At that time, God will acknowledge She is mature and ready for the full adoption. Under complete preeminence to the Word, and in the stature of the fullness of Christ. What She says He will do, because her word will be His will. After this short and powerful "waving" of the Spirit, this little hunted and persecuted group will be translated bodily into the Presence without death.

Do you remember our studies on Leviticus 23 when we discussed the Feast of the Pentecostal first fruits of the wheat harvest? We discovered that the harvest of the Pentecostal Feast represents the saints from the whole of the Gentile Dispensation. It commenced on the sixteenth day of Nisan with the waving of the first fruits of the wheat harvest. A sheaf of the first ripe grain was "waved before the Lord by the priest." God's acceptance and blessing of the first ripe grain was accounted to the whole of the wheat harvest which would be gathered in over the remaining forty-nine days.

"Except a corn of wheat fall to the ground and die it abideth alone" - that's the economy of farming. One grain is planted to the intent it will reproduce itself many-fold. Christ was that Corn of wheat Who fell to the ground and died for His Bride. As Daniel prophesied, He was cut off, but not for Himself, waved before the Father, and raised for our justification to become the firstfruit of them that slept. He'll never be alone anymore. When Christ was accepted, all in Christ were accepted, and those which sleep in Jesus will God bring with Him at the first Resurrection.

Seven Sabbaths followed the wave sheaf offering, typing the Seven Church Ages which followed Christ's waving. The priest then offered a new wave offering of two loaves made from wheat flour from the Pentecostal harvest, baked with leaven to represent the Gentile Bride who, unlike Christ, was born in the leaven of sin, shapen in iniquity and comes into the world speaking lies. He is Alpha and Omega, the pure Word at the Beginning and the pure Word at the Ending of the Gentile dispensation, reproduced in the two loaves of the Bride from Pentecost who fell and went through the Dark Ages, and the Reformation group which is restored to the SAME faith in the end-time Word Bride. Thus His many membered Bride is symbolized by the two identical loaves prepared from the same Corn of Wheat.

"But now is Christ risen from the dead, the first fruits of them that slept (the Old Testament saints - Matthew 27:50-53.) For as in Adam all die, even so in Christ shall all be made alive. But every man in his own order: Christ the first fruits; afterward they that are Christ's at His Coming. (This 'coming' is His 'parousia' or Presence, and NOT His physical return.) Then cometh the end...for He must reign, till He hath put all enemies under His feet. The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death" (I Corinthians 15:20-26.)

Paul goes on to explain the mystery how Eternal Life comes through death concluding with the first fruits of those who receive His parousia, the fullness of the revelation which defeats death: "WE SHALL NOT ALL SLEEP but we shall all be changed ... when this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, 'Death is swallowed up in victory. O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? (I Corinthians 15:27-57.)

What brought death upon the first Adam and his race? Mixing Light with Darkness, hybreeding the Word with wisdom. Adam's wife fell by hybreeding and he followed to redeem her. What defeated death? The unadulterated Word, in the form of the second Adam. Like the first Adam, Christ's Wife came out of His side in the form of the Holy Spirit when He fell asleep on Calvary. (The Church is made by the Holy Spirit as Eve was made from Adam's rib.) So the True Church at the end of the world will be Word of His Word. She will have to be a WORD Bride with THUS SAITH THE LORD in order for Her to defeat death and change from this corruptible flesh to a glorified body.

The first Resurrection could not have happened through the Church Ages, because the saints did not have the Word: they had part of the Word and Christ interceded for their ignorance, or lack of the Whole. Since that which is perfect has come, that which was in part has been done away in order that death can be swallowed up by Life, and Christ presented with a glorious Church without spot or wrinkle, or any such thing.

Again, in Ephesians chapter one, Paul speaks on the subject of spiritual redemption through faith and the temporal Seal or earnest of the new birth; how Christ gathers His Body for the first Resurrection at the consummation of the Age; and resurrection faith which glorifies the New Testament saints and puts death under their feet (Ephesians 1:10-22.) The resurrection of the Church or Body of Christ, in particular the translation of those who do not see death, will be a further token of the complete triumph of Life, and the banishment of death which will follow after the Great White Throne Judgment (I Corinthians 15:26; Revelation 20:11-15.)

Paul ministered "the gospel of God, that the offering of the Gentiles might be acceptable, being sanctified by the Holy Ghost" (Romans 15:16.) It was the revelation of Paul's gospel which regenerated the early saints and made them holy. There is no other. God will judge the secrets of men's hearts according to Paul's gospel (Romans 2:16; Galatians 1:6- 10.)

There is only one Gospel and ONE (1) faith or understanding of God's Word. God is not the author of confusion. (He could not, for instance, have told Moses, Jesus, Paul, and all His holy prophets He is ONE (1) God and ONE (1) Lord, then declare two more behind their backs - He would make Himself a liar, and they would fail the test for a prophet.) We know however, that during the Church Ages, the saints wandered far, far away from the faith of Paul's gospel and that the faith was lost. Although God did not accept their error, in grace He OVERLOOKED their ignorance and received what faith they offered, baptizing them into the Body BY the Light He had revealed to them for THEIR DAY. That was when Christ was a Mediator.

But both loaves must be identical, so the SAME faith Paul preached to the Bride in the beginning of the Gentile dispensation must be RESTORED to the Bride at the ending of the dispensation. AFTER the "dispensation of the fullness of the (seven) times," Christ promised He would fulfill Revelation four and five, redeeming the Book and all whose names were written therein, then open the Seven Seals to reveal how He redeemed them and who is written within.

Wouldn't you like to know YOUR name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life? "O Bible Believer, I am now come forth to give thee skill and understanding - I'm come to show thee; FOR THOU ART GREATLY BELOVED: therefore understand the matter, and consider the vision" (Daniel 9:22- 23; Ephesians 1:10-23.) "Greatly beloved," that's Christ's Bride. Wouldn't it be an encouragement to know YOU'RE Christ's Bride? It would lift your faith for the resurrection. The time will come when God will vindicate His Bride, and they will know.

This is what will elevate Her faith to a plane where She will be able to change in the atoms. "Seal not the prophecy of this Book: for the time is at hand ... And the Spirit and the Bride SPEAK THE SAME THING, and let him that heareth the revelation of the Book, come, for every man that hears the revelation of this Book and hybreeds it with wisdom..." (Revelation 22:10-19.) There it is again, Christ will reveal His secrets to His beloved Bride, "In the days of the Voice of the seventh angel, the mystery of God should be finished" (Revelation 10:7.) "Your faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God. Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are mature in the faith, the wisdom of God in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world unto our glory" (I Corinthians 2:5-7.)

The revelation of "the mystery of God" given to the end-time saints through the message of the angel to Laodicea is what places them in the Body. God will not receive anything else because "that which was in part has been done away" and we are WITHOUT a Mediator. We do not require a Mediator because we offer in our lives the perfect interpretation of the Word of God. Not another gospel but "the" faith ONCE (1) delivered unto the saints (Galatians 1:8-9; Jude 3; Revelation 8:1-4.) We know that the saints of Paul's day were accepted by the faith he delivered and because the Angel to Laodicea restores the SAME faith, we who receive and become written epistles of his Message are also accepted (Romans 15:16; II Corinthians 3:1-6.)

Paul wrote, "in the dispensation of the fullness of times He might gather together IN ONE - IN AGREEMENT OF THE UNITY OF THE FAITH - all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, (the Church Age saints,) and which are on earth, (the end-time Bride,) even in Him." Let's concern ourselves with this little Flock who won't see death, those which are "on earth." If we are to be "gathered together in Christ," we are going to be gathered into the Anointed Word. "Christ" means the Anointed Word. God will ONLY gather His people together by "faith" or understanding in the revealed Word.

We know from Bible prophecy and history that the faith was lost through the Dark Ages and never fully restored through the Church Ages. (Obviously Christ would have ceased to be a Mediator once the faith was restored. For the saints would all be "one" with the Word. Now, as every denomination imagines He is still a Mediator, they testify to the imperfection of the faith they espouse.) Did you catch that thought?

Go back over that in your minds.

We know also that the Gentile churches end not in revival but apostasy and that the Bible promised God would RESTORE the faith. The RESTORATION and revival must of necessity therefore be OUTSIDE the denominational systems. Did you catch THAT thought? The RESTORATION of the faith will be OUTSIDE every denomination, because they ALL end in apostasy. In fact at the end of time, both the wise and foolish virgin have ALL left the denominations (Matthew 25:1-13; Revelation 18:1-4.)

Although we seldom consider the possibility of a genuine prophet, as It is "the Word" or revelation - "all things spoken by the mouth of all his holy prophets since the world began" - which God will restore, God must send a prophet to the Gentiles, because the Word comes ONLY to a prophet (Acts 3:21; II Peter 1:20-21.) Which denomination has ever received correction in the Word? None, because they are led by men and not God. If they cannot receive correction on their teaching, they cannot receive a prophet of God, and therefore cannot receive his Message (Matthew 23:29-39; Revelation 18:4.)

The Message of this prophet IS Christ. The second Coming or "parousia" is not the Man Jesus, It is the Word. The Seventh Seal brings Him back to earth - in Word Form! This prophet will reveal the Seals and finish the mystery of God. What he says will be Absolute, and "every soul which will not hear that prophet, shall be cut off from among the people" (Acts 3:23.)

The last Book of the Bible has been closed through the Ages but once the Seals have been opened it is THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST. Jesus Christ is the Word and as God can ONLY gather the end-time Bride into Christ by faith or understanding in the Word, He must reveal the mysteries under the Seven Seals to unveil Christ (Genesis 49:10; Daniel 12:4,9; II Thessalonians 2:1; Revelation 10:7.) Notice I said nothing about gathering the Church Age saints: they have fallen asleep and are "in heaven" at this time. Because the Book was sealed, they had a Mediator. God is gathering the end time saints together in the fulness of the faith without a mediator.

The Bible says, after the Seven Church Ages, God is going to gather the end-time Bride together "in ONE." This will be the fulfillment of Jesus' prayer in the garden of Gethsemane, "that we might be ONE exactly as He and the Father are ONE" and you will have noticed there was no Mediator between them. And why not? Because they are in agreement (John 5:19.) they are at-ONE in the Word, they both share the same mind, the same faith.

"How can two walk together except they be agreed on the Word" (Amos 3:7.) How can we walk with God and disagree with His Word? He IS the Word. Speak with two or more denominational Christians, after 2,000 years there's NO agreement between them in the Word. In any telephone directory you'll find hundreds of the thousands of denominations, each with a different understanding on the Word of God, yet Jesus states emphatically "the Spirit of truth will guide those who are Christians (i.e. baptized "in" to Christ) into ALL Truth." Clearly these are not ALL taught of God and they cannot ALL be the children of God (Isaiah 54:13; John 6:45; 16:13.)

Once you have faith on any part of the Word you can NEVER lose It. "These things have I written unto you concerning them that seduce you. (Ministers and people with false doctrine.) But the anointing which you have received of Him ABIDETH in you, AND YOU NEED NOT THAT ANY MAN TEACH YOU: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, AND EVEN AS IT HATH TAUGHT YOU, YOU SHALL ABIDE IN HIM" (I John 2:26-27; 3:9.)

"Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost TEACHETH; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are Spiritually discerned. BUT HE THAT IS SPIRITUAL JUDGETH ALL THINGS, YET HE HIMSELF IS JUDGED OF NO MAN. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may INSTRUCT him? But we have the mind of Christ" (I Corinthians 2:11-16.) The "ALL" who are "taught of the Lord" are His "children," the elect and born-again who have the "faith of Jesus Christ" and are in agreement in the faith (Isaiah 54:13.) Is it any wonder outsiders can't understand "Christianity?" Before there can be a Bible question there must FIRST be an answer, ministers just brush aside and ignore denominational differences, instead of searching for truth and facing the fact that "if they don't understand the Word, they do not have the Holy Spirit."

The denominations just failed to KEEP walking in the Light as God CONTINUED to reveal It. In every Age the Holy Spirit guided the saints into the Word revealed for THEIR day. That's how THEY were born again. The ruins in Egypt, Greece, or Rome are like the denominations - memorials of an age gone by. Men don't live in those ruins today, and neither does God live in the denominations. Jesus spoke poorly of them, rebuking the denominational ministers of His day for garnishing the tombs of the prophets whom their fathers rejected. By recognizing the ministries of these dead men AFTER their revivals had denominated, they were actually pleasing men: and like their fathers before them, refusing the prophets God had sent to THEM in THEIR day. They missed John, Jesus, Peter and Paul because they were not walking in the Light as God was in It. Spirits don't die, the Devil takes his man but never his spirit, they move on to another.

That's right! They also missed Luther, Wesley, and William Branham. Enoch "walked with God" and held the testimony that he pleased God. By faith he became "one" with God and WITHOUT a Mediator, such agreement that God took him out of this dimension (Genesis 5:21-24; Hebrews 11:5- 6.) Enoch was the type of the end-time Bride, Who also do not experience death.

Through the spirit of wisdom and revelation Christ will impart faith to the end-time group for rapturing Grace. We understand WHO we are by knowing OUR Part of the Word, and seeing those promises of God for THIS hour coming to pass in OUR lives. When we SEE the Word living through US we KNOW what is the confidence of His calling, and own the earnest expectation of the manifestation of the Sons of God (Romans 8:14-23; Ephesians 1:17-18.)

"Faith" is not blind, faith is real, faith is KNOWING THAT YOU KNOW YOU KNOW by a clear understanding of the revealed Word which cannot fail. That's WHY the Book had to be opened in the end-time. Enoch was translated by faith, not psychology, and the Bride must have to have the same testimony, She will KNOW who She is. She won't be trying to impersonate John Wesley's Age, or the Pentecostals, She'll know HER position in the Body and be 100% in the Word God is fulfilling NOW.

By revelation the Bride will know the greatness of God's power for the translation (Ephesians 1:18-20; Philippians 3:10-21.) How was Jesus resurrected? By what power were the Old Testament saints resurrected? How were Enoch and Elijah changed in the atoms? Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and today, and forever, so the resurrection and translation of the New Testament saints will be by the same power. The Bible said we would KNOW what it is and how it is applied.

How are we going to be in the translation if we follow the Baptist form of water baptism? It's anti-Word and antichrist. How can we say we have faith and declare belief in the Nicene or Apostle's Creed, when it speaks against everything the Bible teaches. How can we say the evidence of being a Christian is speaking with other tongues when Jesus says It is "HEARING what the Spirit is saying in our Age?"

The Bible said false prophets would be so close they would almost deceive the very elect. A literate Buddhist could correct the denominations on these errors. Anyone who can read and comprehend common language can know these things are unscriptural error, and therefore WITHOUT the Holy Spirit which guides into all truth. Why does such ignorance persist to this day? Because selfish men, never called to the ministry, love position and the approval of men more than they love God. When Light is revealed, they reject It, because they'd be kicked out of their organizations, It would destroy their denominational careers. To reject the Word is to reject the Spirit and have your ear drilled through with an awl so you'll NEVER hear the Word of God again - off the Book of Life, LOST.

Conversely, those who are born of God always receive correction by the Word. We're only going to be in the translation if we know that we know that we know. Look at Hebrews 11 where Paul mentions many of the Old Testament heroes of faith for our example. Every one of them knew by understanding or faith who he was and what God expected of him. It was because God had revealed to Abel exactly what was the original sin which caused the "fall" that He understood God's requirement and offered a type or symbol of the Antidote. There can be no guesswork in faith. Faith is a revelation of the mind of God, and the end-time Bride must understand the Word and know what He wants Her to do with It.

Remember God is unchanging, and as spirits don't die, men tend to make the same mistakes generation after generation. "History appears to repeat itself" and we see how God could establish types in the Old Testament which would represent events in the future.

Christ's First Coming was preceded by a prophet with the Office or anointing we call "Elijah," which reproduced his nature and ministry each time it was sent. In the days of John the Baptist, who was the third Elijah, the ministers expected "every valley to be exalted, every mountain and hill to be made low, and all the trees to clap their hands." They were in fact expecting Messiah at that time because Jeremiah and Daniel foretold when He should arrive. Regrettably, those ministers rejected John's ministry and consequently could not receive the Word He introduced.

They expected the high places to be made low and Zion to be lifted up as we read in Zechariah, for the descent of the Heavenly City. If only they had listened to the prophet God sent them. Instead they followed their theologians who were looking for Messiah to destroy Rome and restore the Kingdom of Israel, but that's the Millennium - His THIRD Coming. Jesus interpreted these texts and told those ministers THEY were the proud "high places" which were to be abased, and the "low places" represented the meek with contrite hearts who would be exalted and inherit the earth.

Have you ever read John 1:19-28 where the denomination called "pharisees" sent to ask John whether he was Messiah or the Elijah of Malachi 4. John KNEW precisely who he was and though he corrected them by Scripture they couldn't receive his assurance that he was the Elijah of Malachi 3 because their theologians had taught them to be looking for the Elijah of Malachi 4 who was to forerun Christ's second Coming and the "great and dreadful day of the Lord." Knowing only the interpretation of men, the disciples asked Jesus, "Will You at THIS time restore the kingdom to Israel?"

TODAY all the churches are quoting what the Bible says, "the Lord Himself shall descend with a SHOUT, with the VOICE of the Archangel, and with the TRUMP of God..." But the SAME spirits which caused the ministers of Jesus' day to be deluded by the lie are upon the church in this day. Once again the denominations KNOW Messiah should come at this time and once again they have rejected God's prophet in favor of the educated guesses of educated men - theologians. By interpreting the Word, they make THEMSELVES prophets and the Word of God is of no effect to them. In looking for the THIRD or PHYSICAL Coming, they are missing the Second Coming or "parousia" (a Greek word meaning "arrival and subsequent presence.")

They imagine a "shout" will split the heavens, followed by angel trumpeters, and Jesus will visibly descend from heaven with all His saints to gather the Church Home. But what are the "shout," "Voice," and "Trump?" Surely the interpretation belongs to God and will be revealed through a prophet, NOT a theologian. The "shout" of I Thessalonians 4:16 is the Message of the prophet of Malachi 4:5-6 and Revelation 10:7 RESTORING the faith which was lost and calling Christ's Bride OUT of Rome and her denominational harlot daughters into oneness with the Word (Matthew 25:6; Revelation 18:4.)

Christ is "the Archangel", Whose "Voice" in the heart of the Bride confirms every Word of the Message with the Bible, thus bringing the Bride "into the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a mature Christian, unto the measure of the fullness of the Word, that henceforth they are no more tossed about by denominational error and sleight of hand" (Ephesians 4:13-16.)

The "Trump" is the dispensation change, marking the end of the Pentecostal Feast and the time of the harvest when Christ gathers His Bride into the Garner and reveals Himself to Israel through the ministry of the NEXT "Elijah" and "Moses." It will be known by a massive upset of nature, and the sinking of 1,100 x 4 - 500 miles of California, great tidal waves and loss of life as outlined in Revelation and the Gospels. It signals the start of the first Resurrection and the manifestation of the sons of God, culminating in the translation of the living saints.

So you see, Christ's precious feet never touch this earth the second Time. We meet Him in the air, immortal. Didn't He say His Coming would be "as a thief in the night?" And like a thief, He will come and steal away His Bride without the world realizing She is missing.

I read a magazine today called "THE HERALD OF HOPE" in which one of the writers, in referring to the living Bride stated, "...the Lord Jesus Christ said ... thousands of people all over the world would suddenly disappear." The living Bride will be so few in number, and there will be such distress at this time, She will not be missed, and the blind denominations will go into the tribulation still preaching their false salvation messages.

Are you beginning to see "the Rapture" - a revelation. The "rapture" is a PROCESS of coming into Oneness with Christ the Word by receiving the "shout" of the Message, and the "Voice" of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him - consciously coming under preeminence to the Word just as Enoch did so long ago. The Rapture takes time, this PROCESS has been going since March 1963, and it ends with the "Trump" of the dispensation change and the physical translation. Because the church has rejected Christ - the revealed WORD, (not Jesus of Nazareth, the MAN from history), they cannot understand these things. How can God "RESTORE ALL THINGS" to them when they reject His prophet? (Matthew 17:11; Acts 3:21.) The second Coming is NOT the Man from Galilee, the churches didn't lose Him, It is the Word. They lost the Word. The second Coming is the fullness of the Word and as the Word comes only to a prophet, the second Coming of Christ is through the mouth of a prophet.

If we are to be in the rapture and translation we must be RESTORED to the unity of the faith. The Church is built upon faith or understanding in the Word. Enoch resurrected by faith, KNOWING who he was, so did Jesus.

Let's briefly look at the resurrection or body change before closing. It is by faith, God's Word only operates by faith. Paul said, "the mighty resurrection power which God wrought in Jesus when He raised Him from the dead" will only respond to faith. If DEATH came by one Word misplaced, LIFE can only come by the faith in pure Word, and EVERY Word.

God's Word is creative. The Word of God will produce what was spoken, providing it is spoken under preeminence. But it must be in Its season, in context, and under preeminence (i.e. used under inspiration), in order to manifest what was said.

How did Jesus resurrect? In Ephesians one and two, Paul teaches us it was by faith that Jesus was resurrected. JESUS KNEW WHO HE WAS, He knew it was Himself of Whom David spoke in Psalms 16:10, "For Thou wilt not leave My soul in hell; neither wilt Thou suffer Thine Holy One to see corruption." Jesus knew He was the subject of this prophecy and as David was a vindicated prophet his Word could not fail. It is common knowledge that corruption sets into a dead carcass after three days. Jesus knew God would necessarily have to resurrect His body within that time, so by this understanding, and the surety of David's prophecy, He could boldly declare by faith, "Destroy this temple and within three days I will raise it up" (John 2:19.)

How did Jesus resurrect? By faith in the Word of a previously vindicated prophet. Firstly, He knew "Who" He was, He was the "Holy One" of God, the temple of the Holy Spirit. His faith caused that Word to manifest what had been spoken. Had He not been certain He was that One the Word would not have operated. From John 1:19-22 we see John the Baptist knew exactly who he was. What about Abraham? Abraham knew who he was and he waited for the promised son. All the heroes of faith knew who they were. See Hebrews eleven. Take Martin Luther. Had he not known who he was he could never have withstood the might and terror of Rome. The saints who have suffered and died for their faith through all ages could not possibly have overcome had they been in any doubt as to their spiritual identity.

Now the end-time Bride will be changed in the atoms to glorified bodies without seeing death. This will be the manifestation of Her faith, not Her psychology. She will be in no doubt as to Who She is. Like Enoch, She must have perfect faith or understanding of the mind of God, that's why the Seven Seals were revealed, to place the New Testament Church in history. If She can see fulfilled history identified in the Bible She will know what part of the Word is already fulfilled and know without a doubt what God promised to do in Her day. If She has a revelation of the Promises of God for HER day and can see them coming to pass in Her life THEN She will know without a doubt "who" She is.

She will know the things that are to come to pass in Her day. She will know the end of the Gentile dispensation will be signified by a massive earthquake sinking Los Angeles. Three days later, the first Resurrection will commence and She will be prepared for the persecution to come upon the Bride during which time She will manifest the Sons of God, "speaking the creative Word." She knows God will do what She says, because She is under preeminence. This will raise Her to greater heights of faith and at the end of fifty days some of the Glorified saints will appear to Her, raising Her faith to receive a new body. She will know that in the twinkle of an eye She will be changed.

So the translation, like the beginning of our Christian walk, is by faith. There is but one faith and we must come into unity with God through this common understanding. If we meet Him by perfect faith in the Word we shall be gathered to that Meeting in the air.

God bless you all as you prove these things from Genesis to Revelation and receive the faith of God's Word. And God bless you and your testimony as you pass It on to others who love the Lord Jesus and are hungering and thirsting after righteousness.

e-mail to: ags@biblebelievers.org.au