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Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the Lord cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain. (Isaiah 26:20,21)

The closing days of the Church Age will be characterized by Divine judgment. The seven trumpets will announce the coming of King Jesus to destroy His enemies, beginning with the forces of darkness that bind His own people.

The blowing of the seven trumpets will result in much tribulation. The purpose of tribulation is to separate the true people of the Lord from Satan, from Antichrist, from the False Prophet, and from Babylon (man-directed Christianity).

The blowing of the seven trumpets represents those interventions in human history designed to humble and purify the Bride of the Lamb and to prepare mankind for the coming of the Lord.

The greatest contrast imaginable is that between the scenes portrayed in the first two chapters of the Book of Genesis and the horrors described in the Book of Revelation: the contrast between the peace and beauty of Eden and the roaring inferno of the last days.

The result of the transgression of Adam and Eve has been thousands of years of agony and death.

The history of mankind has been tragic.

But of all the catastrophes of history, including the Holocaust perpetrated on the Jews by the Nazis, nothing has occurred as yet on the scale outlined in the Book of Revelation.

We may wonder, why would God permit such awful torment and chaos to be visited on the earth?

There are good reasons.

First we must point out that the Lord God takes no pleasure in the pain that comes upon man. The anguish man experiences is of man's own doing. It grieves the Lord to see a single human being suffer pain and confusion. It is the conduct of man that brings pain and confusion upon him.

Spiritual laws are inviolable. Certain kinds of behavior bring love, joy, and peace. Other kinds bring murder, torment, and anxiety.

God has done all in His power to save man. If God went any further in controlling the conduct of people they would cease to be human beings and would be puppets possessing no will or judgment of their own.

God is permitting Satan to realize and express all that is in his personality. The exposure of Satan's personality will continue until sin and self-will have been brought to maturity.

God's purpose in allowing Satan to utilize the physical world to portray the consequences of his ambitions and lusts is to provide an object lesson for the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth.

All the creatures of God now have portrayed before their eyes the results of not abiding in the will and love of the Father. Indeed it is a horrible sight.

At the same time God is bringing forth sons in His image. God's sons will be filled with glory and, under Christ, will reign supreme over all the works of God's hands.

The angels are ministering spirits for these heirs of the Divine salvation. But before the sons are fully born (to be fully born as a son of God we must be born of woman, born of the Spirit, and raised from the dead) they must be thoroughly exposed to Satan's being and works.

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