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<p>"My Spirit shall not always strive with man." Genesis 6:3<br><br>
<p>"The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose." Genesis 6:2<br><br>
Frightful was the havoc wrought by sin's entrance! Its scythe laid low all inward godliness. Its poison tainted the whole man. Evil seized the rudder of the vessel, and steered it far from God. Vile passions took the sway. Earth became a dark downward road to hell.<br><br>
The Bible is God's Book, therefore it is all divine. Each page gives proof. No human thought could originate such truths. No human mind could so unfold them. Infinite breadths and lengths--eternal depths and heights, are marvelously wrapped up in a few brief words. Enlightened readers see the sure conclusion--this author is more than man.<br><br>
But still the devil was not thoroughly triumphant. Some power was soon found to counteract. Barriers beat back the flood of wickedness. The sweeping hurricane was restrained. The world was not unchecked rebellion.<br><br>
Take an early illustration. "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." Genesis 3:15.<br><br>
Some captives were wholly rescued from the tyrant's grasp. Some souls burst from the tomb. They put off the grave-clothes. They went forth new beings with new life. In surrounding darkness, Abel had sight to see redemption's path. Amid a stumbling crowd, Enoch had strength to walk with God. In other cases, evil was checked--but not subdued--enmity was shackled--but not removed--conscience was roused--but not enlightened--convictions troubled--but no conversions followed.<br><br>
This sentence--the Gospel of the old world--is brevity comprising boundlessness. It is a narrow field without horizon. Analyze the contents. Two antagonistic powers march forth. Two rival empires are portrayed. All earth's sons, who have been, are, and shall be, appear under opposing banners. Their enmity is ceaseless. One is bruised. The other wins eternal triumphs. Thus one little map unfolds the total history of Christ and His blessed subjects--of the devil and his cursed slaves. No mortal pen wrote this.<br><br>
This counteracting agent was God the Holy Spirit. From the beginning He worked mightily. Creation's morn witnessed His going forth. When earth was formless--void--dark--an unsightly chaos--a shapeless mass, "the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters." Genesis 1:2. Then lovely order smiled, and robes of beauty decked this lower world.<br><br>
Doubtless the transcendent object of the verse is the God-man Jesus. The prominent spectacle is His deep humiliation--His painful sufferings--His noble achievements--His final trampling on all the powers of darkness. Christ, as the woman's bruised and conquering seed, largely fills the forefront. But as Christ <em>personal</em> is here--so, also, is Christ <em>mystical</em>. As the term, "your seed," addressed to the old serpent, embraces the whole race of the ungodly--so the term, "her seed," speaking of the woman, is Christ, and all contained in Him--Christ, and all the family of faith. "He is head over all things to the Church, which is his body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all." Eph. 1:22, 23. The head is lifeless without its members. Christ is no Christ without His people.<br><br>
"By the Word of the Lord were the heavens made, and all the host of them by the breath of His mouth." Psalm 33:6. "By His Spirit He has garnished the heavens." Job 26:13. The skies obeyed His bidding, and sparkled with its canopy of orbs.<br><br>
Thus this wondrous verse draws a broad line. On the one side, "your seed" appears--on the other, "her seed." No neutral standing is left. Each mother's son is Christ's or Satan's.<br><br>
But these material wonders are but faint shadows of His inward power. <em>The soul is the theater of His grand exploits.</em> Here he sows seed for harvests infinite--eternal. But His interior dealings are wrapped in deepest mystery. The modes of acting differ. "The wind blows where it wills." John 3:8. Sometimes it rushes with the storm's furious force. Sometimes it sighs softly, as a summer breeze. Dissimilar, also, are the results. There are His special conquests. There are His common calls. Some men are His glorious trophies, Others are beacons warning not to resist His love.<br><br>
This momentous truth pervades the Word. Advance at once to Gospel times. Hear Jesus. "The field is the world--the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one." Matt. 13:38. This word is emptiness, except, some have the royalty of Heavenly parentage, while others belong to the apostate spirit's house. John echoes the note. "In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil." 1 John 3:10. The conclusion cannot be eluded--earth is the home of two discordant families.<br><br>
These diverse cases claim our notice. Holy Spirit, come, now reveal Yourself!<br><br>
Sometimes the separate portraits are separately exhibited. The dark compartment is not cloaked. "You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do." John 8:44. They were a reprobate race--and their lives proved their origin. Again, "You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?" Matt. 23:33. Here, again, is a vile progeny, and their final home.<br><br>
There are the heirs of life. God in eternal counsels marked them as His own. The Son received them, as His bride--His body--His portion--His jewels--His delight. The Spirit knows them well. In right time, and in best way, He works His wonders in them. He finds them indeed, like other men, steeped in corruption--molded in evil--alien from God--blind in understanding--hardened in heart--Satan's willing slaves--wanderers in destruction's road--journeying without thought towards sin's last home. By heavenly rays He dissipates their darkness. He gives them eyes to see the beauty--the extent--the glory of the wondrous law. He reveals God and His attributes--God and His just demands. He implants the sense of terrible transgression. The sinner trembles and is full of shame. He feels, that countless sins doom him to eternal wrath. Then wholesome thoughts bud forth, Ah! where can I fly? Is there no refuge? Am I forever lost? Must I reap endlessly the dread fruits of my earthly course? Is hell my hopeless home?<br><br>
The bright contrast also gloriously shines. God is the Father of a kingly race. "Fear not, little flock; for it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." Luke 12:32. Jesus is the Father of an ever-living family. His name is "Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father." Isa. 9:6. The Spirit is the Father of a spiritual creation. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." John 3:6.<br><br>
Happy the day, which witnesses these inward throes! Nature never sows such seed. Their origin is always one. They are from heaven. They are inwrought by the Spirit's power.<br><br>
Thus Scripture marks out, two widely severed realms. It shows a great gulf fixed, and kingdoms on each side.<br><br>
But when the Spirit thus slays <em>pride</em>, and chases <em>ignorance</em> away, and leads into the valley of deep <em>humiliation</em>, the way is opened for reviving visits. He raises from this miry clay. He uplifts to a solid rock. He shows God's purpose of redemption. He tells the story of love, and grace, and mercy. Christ is revealed, ready to undertake the rescue--powerful to achieve it. The coming to our earth in human nature--the cup of suffering emptied to its dregs--the blood, and all its cleansing power--the cross, and all its expiating virtue--the death, and all its ransoming effects--the sin-bearer, and His surety--agony--the curse-remover, and His liberating pains--the law-fulfiller, and the transfer of His righteousness--pass in review before adoring gaze. The contrite sinner looks--wonders--believes. He sees Christ--all mighty to save--all willingness to welcome. Subdued--melted--attracted--he ventures near, and nearer yet. He stops not, until he falls into salvation's arms. He sits down under Christ's shadow with great delight. He is persuaded, that sins are remitted--pardon conferred--God reconciled--heaven secured. Happy, glorious work! It is the Spirit's doing. He effects it in full accordance with eternal counsels.<br><br>
Vivid facts endorse these statements. Behold man's first-born. Let Cain and Abel be examined. Naturally they spring from the same stock. In form and lineament they correspond. Their outward frames and mental powers import one origin. They have like features. They tread the same earth. They breathe the same air. They have like cravings and desires. They are supported by the same food. They sleep the same sleep. They converse in the same language. Great is their outward sameness.<br><br>
He, who this begins, carries on the spiritual building to the glorious top-stone. He constantly makes fuller--larger--richer--more glowing, more enchanting revelations of the Lord. The soul gazes more intently. And as it gazes, it joys the more, and loves the more, and brightens into divine resemblance. The mind is changed into the mind of Christ. The new man is put on, "which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness." Eph. 4:24.<br><br>
But greater far is their internal difference. In spirit they are as estranged as pole from pole. Cain "was of that wicked one." 1 John 3:12. To Abel the sweet testimony is accorded, "By faith he obtained witness that he was righteous." Heb. 11:4. All who have faith belong to heaven's family. "You are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus." Gal. 3:26. Therefore righteous Abel was a son of God.<br><br>
Thus as the title-deeds to heaven are more clearly read and more devoutly prized, fitness for it ripens. The Spirit's daily visits daily elevate the walk. He is a guest mighty to warn--to teach--to guide--to cleanse--to purify--to sanctify--to cheer--to bless. In loving arms he safely bears the happy saint above the billows of earth's stormy voyage. He guards him from the tempter's wily snares. At last He lands him in the haven of pure peace--the home of many mansions--the blessed Paradise of the saved. He gloriously prevails. He goes on conquering, until crowns of life encircle the Christian warrior's head. Thus every saved soul shines forever a monument of calling--enabling--sanctifying grace. They, who enter heaven, are born again by the Spirit's renovating power, and brought to Jesus by His conquering arm. He mightily commences, prosecutes, and ends the work. Omnipotence ceases not its marvels, until victory tramples down each foe. Every pilgrim saint on earth, and every glorified saint above, is evidence of these sovereign triumphs. Hallelujah to the Father! Hallelujah to the Son! Hallelujah to the Holy Spirit!<br><br>
One received Christ as King--for this is faith's constant act. The other toiled in Satan's prison-house--as all do, who are strangers to this grace. One was light--the other was sightless in a dark world. One was Zion's citizen--the other groveled a worldling among worldlings. One journeyed in the narrow way of life--the other went downwards in destruction's broad road.<br><br>
But all are not thus graciously subdued. Earth is thronged by multitudes, strangers to Jesus--never fleeing to His cross--never sprinkled with His blood. Hardened they live. Hardened they die. Is it then true, that the Spirit never knocks at their hearts' door? Have, they no outward warning and no inward check? Are there no gleams from above, ending only in darker darkness, and more aggravated woe?<br><br>
This is the truth interwoven in the text before us. "The sons of God saw the daughters of men." Diverse families are here. Some were born again--and thus a new creation made them "sons of God." Others experienced no vital change. They remained corrupt offspring, of corrupt parents--conceived in sin--shaped in iniquity--unclean, because the stream of an unclean fount--dead, because hanging on a withered branch--children of wrath, because their heirdom was the curse.<br><br>
Let it be repeated, that this mystery is deep. But Scripture is not silent here. And Scripture's voice is always echoed by experience. The word is full of teaching. ''My Spirit shall not always strive with man." It is a fact, then, that He sometimes strives for a while, and ceases. He approaches, and withdraws. He comes again. Admission is denied. Visits become more rare, and then are discontinued. The knocks unanswered, faintly return, and ultimately die away. Inward stillness is no more disturbed. The soul sleeps on, and dreams into perdition.<br><br>
Such is the mighty difference. What is the power which effects it? It must be external. For all men are equally dead-born. And death can never generate life. The strengthless have no strength. The motionless cannot move. The speechless cannot cry. The skeleton cannot rise. The dry leaf cannot bloom. Ashes cannot brighten into flame. The power, then, is not inborn.<br><br>
It was so with the ungodly of the old world. The Spirit is the same in ages past, present, and to come. He strove not always in those wretched days. He strives not always now.<br><br>
Omnipotence from above achieves the change. The holy Spirit, descending on the wings of love, and moving in the almightiness of His strength, implants new being in the heirs of life. Others, unchanged by heavenly grace, cumber the earth, as moving sepulchers holding dead souls.<br><br>
But still he strove before the flood. What was His mode of dealing? Annals are brief. But yet they give some glimpses. He gave loud testimony. He sent forth the thrilling note of truth. He raised up preachers to warn and call. There was <em>Enoch</em>. His trumpet gave no doubtful sound. With words clear as the very light, and dreadful as the thunder's roar, he told of coming judgment--and earth's final scene--and vengeance to the uttermost.<br><br>
Here reason proudly asks--"What is the cause of such distinction? where is the just principle?" Faith with all reverence replies--"The cause is wise, for it is God's wisdom--it is good, for it is God's will--it is righteous, for it is God's resolve--it is holy, for it is God's decree.<br><br>
There was <em>Noah</em>. He stands on a high pedestal, as a "Preacher of Righteousness." His theme then would unfold our gracious God--glorious in justice--holy in His claims--and yet providing a covering for the sinner--a garment fit for heaven. Through many years he waved on high the Gospel-torch. In all these warnings and displays of saving love the Spirit put forth energy. Who can tell, what frequent terrors shook the hearers! How often the breast sighed--the heart quaked--the tears streamed; how again and again sin was seen as the worst foe, and vows were formed to leave it. But the emotions were evanescent. The preacher ceased, and with his voice conscience resumed its stupor. The old allurements came. The Spirit was no more heeded. Impressions were obliterated. They were as words written on the sand. The coming tide effaced the whole. At last the heart became a very rock. Wave upon wave might now pass over it, wind after wind might now beat on it. But it continued rock. The Spirit ceased to strive. "My Spirit shall not always strive with man.''<br><br>
"Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" Genesis 18:25. There is no stern severity--no arbitrary caprice--no sport of chance. "He works all things after the counsel of His own will." Eph. 1:11. True, faith reads not yet the records of the courts above--but it confidingly reposes on the word--"What I do, you know not <em>now</em>, but you shall know hereafter." John 13:7.<br><br>
This appalling truth was thus appallingly exemplified. Reader! contemplate the fact. The mirror may reflect your state. Dealings with your spirit are patent only to yourself. Your heart is hidden from your neighbor's view. No other eye can read these solemn secrets. But you may be conscious, that frequently a voice has spoken in the inner chamber of your thoughts. Your may well know, that an unseen hand has sometimes touched you.<br><br>
As the tabernacle rose after a pattern marked out in the Mount--so the antitypical Church rises according to an eternal model. Wisdom and love lay the first stone--wisdom and power frame the materials--wisdom and mercy fit each to its place--wisdom and truth bring forth the topstone--wisdom and grace receive the total glory. "Oh! the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!" Rom. 11:33.<br><br>
Perhaps in the SANCTUARY, when men of God have deeply probed your troubled mind--and told of sin's sure end--of judgment near--of hell beyond--of flames, which never die--of worms, which ever gnaw--in terror you have resolved, that wrath's tremendous thunderbolts should never fall on you. But the fear lasted not. As the early dew it passed away. You still are what you have long been. You cannot forget the inward struggle. It may return no more. "My Spirit shall not always strive."<br><br>
The glorious reign of truth will soon break forth. Then the chosen family shall put off disguising flesh, and rightly put on robes of light, and show their crowns of gold. Now they are intermingled with the crowds of earth. They move as others up and down the world. In this field the wheat and the tares grow side by side. In this wilderness the rare flowers are beset with weeds. In these waters, good and bad fishes promiscuously swim. In these pastures, the sheep and goats crop the same herbs. In this great house vessels of gold and wood, of silver and earth, have the like shape. At this banquet guests robed and unrobed sit down. At this mill two grind together, the one to be taken, the other to be left.<br><br>
Perhaps when from the pulpit-throne JESUS has been most lovingly displayed--when in persuasive testimony He seemed to come a very suppliant to your heart's door--when all His grace, and gentleness, and love, beamed beauteously before your eyes--then meltings within have moved, and your soul has spread its wings to fly with rapture to His ready arms. But you delayed. The hardening world again surrounded you with entangling chains. The warmth expired. You fell back into deadness. An attracting Savior receded from your view. Your dim eves closed on salvation's glory. Will they see the luster of that light again? "My Spirit shall not always strive."<br><br>
Thus in time-state the heirs of mercy and of wrath are intermixed. The flesh is their common tabernacle. An atmosphere of contagion envelops both. The spiritual seed must traverse the slippery ground of earth. The tempter marks them well--and hates them most--and never ceases to assail. Traitors, also, in the heart, are active to betray. They are not, as to spirit, of the world. But, as to flesh, they are still in the world. Outward allurements woo them to forbidden paths. The old nature--still alive--looks too complacently on congenial evil. Old passions, pent up, beat rebelliously on the holy barriers. Thus countless are the occasions of transgression. Multitudinous are the pitfalls in the way.<br><br>
There may have been times, when thundering PROVIDENCE shook, as with earthquake-shock, the caverns of your slumbering soul. Some vast catastrophe, sweeping with relentless swoop multitudes into the unseen world--some desolating malady, stalking with death's scythe through the affrighted land--some sudden stroke, felling in life's prime a relative or friend--some strong disease, seizing with iron grasp your tottering frame--some loss of property, bringing chill poverty to sit beside you--some blighted scheme, presenting you with disappointment's cup--some cruel slander, casting foul blight upon the fairness of your name; these, or the like calamities, may have revealed the world's deceptive emptiness. Awakening from sleep, you have resolved to rise above such fleeting scene. Weary of vanities--alive to peril--your thoughts have turned to lasting joys and safety in the only Savior. You are conscious that the call was loud--was heard--was almost obeyed. But you paused. Earth's arts again put forth their witcheries. You are as far from Christ as ever. Will like visitations visit you again? "My Spirit shall not always strive."<br><br>
The history of the old world brings these perils into open light. But it especially shows one sunken rock, the scene of many wrecks. It raises a Beacon on one tremendous precipice. It warns, that MARRIAGE, designed for pure delights, is often perverted to a deathful snare. The record thus speaks. <em>"The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose."</em> Such was the ancient mischief. Alas! it has survived the flood. Those waters drowned not the fire of such lust. They quenched not the evil embers of the heart. <strong>Proneness to ungodly alliance</strong> still exists. Here still a fruitful spring of misery is found.<br><br>
Perhaps your eye rested on some BIBLE-WORD, or pursuing texts haunted your ear. Extraordinary light shone round you. Truth spoke in new and most convincing force. Time seemed to vanish. Eternity stared you in the face. Gigantic realities appeared gigantically real. You felt the duty and the wisdom of immediate change. But before you turned, some snare entrapped you. You are still unchanged. Will your Bible thus speak again? "My Spirit shall not always strive."<br><br>
What inlet induces this temptation? The word replies--the eye. "The sons of God SAW that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose." Just so Eve saw the many beauties of the baneful fruit. The fascination enters through the door of sight. The lovely features, the attractive look, the charm of countenance, the grace of symmetry, the beauteous frame decked in the elegance of attire, gradually fix the gaze. This gaze is danger. For the fleshy element ever has leaks--imperiling the bark. It opens many crevices to godless thoughts. It is not yet in heaven. It is not yet angelic. It has not yet escaped the tempter's territory. Child of man, beware. Make a covenant with your eyes.<br><br>
Perhaps some FRIEND in pious earnestness grasped your hand, and reasoned, and implored. You confessed, "My course is wrong--I have no present peace--I dread the future; I hear of Jesus and joy and peace in Him. I will arise and seek Him." But no. You loitered in the world's foul ground. The opportunity was lost. No one seems now to care for you. Will friendly calls again call you? "My Spirit shall not always strive."<br><br>
If the spark of desire once kindles, Satan is quick to fan it into flame. Conscience, at first uneasy, is soon quieted by subtle opiates. Hindering mountains will soon sink down. A path will open to facilitate advance. At each interview objections will seem less, and at last almost nothing.<br><br>
Reader! do you in these sad lines discern your very picture? Does conscience herein perceive a pathway trodden by your hardening soul? Then listen to a solemn note. It may be another and a conquering visit from the Spirit.<br><br>
There may be moments of reflection, when the spiritual obstacles may intrude. It then may be felt, that the attracted hearts meet not in Christ--that the needles point not to the same Polar Star.<br><br>
It would be murderous cruelty to conceal, that you are tottering on destruction's brink. You see there is a period in the downward course, when warnings warn no more. The word, now ringing in your ears, proclaims, "My Spirit shall not always strive with man."<br><br>
But then hope whispers, that wedded union may soon lead to union in the Lord. The child of God will fondly trust, My tender teaching, unreserved counsels, strict example, holy walk, and fervent prayer, will soon issue in my partner's thorough change. Soon the one Savior will be our common trust and joy.<br><br>
You have heard, also, of a "reprobate mind." This is no unmeaning sound--no shadow of an unreal form--no figment of imaginary woe--no term invented to give groundless terror. It is a sad description of a sadder state. It is the deathful blight of the out-poured curse. It is the midnight darkness of a soul drifted to realms uncheered by any Gospel-ray. Tremble, awake.<br><br>
Here is ungodly compromise. No hope of possibly resulting good can justify ungodly means. This principle is rotten to the core. It has been the sluice-gate of a flood of crime, and girdled earth with zones of misery. Actions from such motive are manifest transgression and most fearful risk. SELF is gratified under pretense of winning souls. Presumption madly presumes, and arrogates the property of God. Can man convert? No! He alone who said, "Let there be light, and there was light," can give the light of Christ. To marry, hopeful of conferring grace, is to plunge into wild billows, dreaming that some life-boat may venturously rescue--or some plank may providentially afford escape.<br><br>
There is, also, a decree, which locks up in hopelessness--which paralyzes all the means of grace--which freezes all the streams of feeling--which chokes all the avenues of impression--which rivets the chains of Satan. God from His high throne may pronounce, "Let him alone." "Ephraim is joined to idols; let him alone." Hos. 4:17.<br><br>
Sometimes hearts are led on by misinterpretations of God's providence. The opportunities of communion--the combination of facilities--the disappearance of all hindrance--the mutual wish, are fondly received as tokens of divine approval. The thought is cherished, 'Surely this union must be of heaven, or the path would not thus open.' Blinded passion finds a providence in Satan's traps. No outward barrier appears--and their the sloping descent seems smoothed by a heavenly hand. Other beguilements soon spread their lures. Checking conscience speaks no more. Then alliance joins the godly and the godless. The gracious and the graceless pass under an unequal yoke.<br><br>
Then the final curtain falls. Judicial deafness supervenes. The hardness cannot melt.<br><br>
Alas! what fearful folly--no, what undoubted sin! How visionary the hope of any sunbeam from such a cloud! What incongruity! How can two walk together, whose motives, principles, desires, objects, aims, pursuits are separate, as pole from pole? One seeks God, as the chief good. The other follows this world as the guide. One brings each matter to a throne of grace. The other only cares to know the policy of man. One glories in the cross. The other counts it as a weak dream. One prizes the blood, as all salvation. The other scorns it, as enthusiastic folly. One grieves, that earth, with its vast multitudes, is waging war against its rightful King--and longs to send the saving truth on eagle's wings abroad. To the other, Christ's glory is an empty sound--a thought without reality--a shadow without form. To find amusement in the vanities of time--to sip admiration from the cup of flattery--to flutter with the giddy moths around the blaze of merriment, is the whole life. It would be easy, but more sad, to trace these paths of separation. Suffice to say, while grace is grace, it must tend heavenward--while the heart is graceless, it must shun God. Thus the sons of God and children of men essentially diverge.<br><br>
Analyze the dread decree. It blocks up all the channels, through which saving mercy flows. "Let him alone," my MINISTERS. When you set forth the Savior's love--and all the glories of His finished work--and all the pardon purchased by His blood--and all the peace of faith--and all the happiness of heaven--"let him alone." Let all be dark before his eyes. Let no sound pierce the deep grave of his soul. Hearing, let him not hear.<br><br>
What then are the baneful fruits? Can there be harmony with no connecting cord? Can there be happiness with such dislikes? Can there be peace without agreement? "What fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion has light with darkness?" 2 Cor. 6:14. The house is divided. The family is at variance. The graceless may not gain. The gracious surely loses. For the spirit must be depressed. Zeal must be disheartened. Activities must be impeded. And mourning must sadly sit, where joy and gladness should sing cheerfully.<br><br>
"Let him alone," my BIBLE. When his eye rests on brightest texts, inviting to the cross--warning of hell--depicting the eternal world--showing the ransomed with their harps of gold--unfolding the realms of agony--let the page be a vacant blank. Let every word be as a skeleton, breathing no life. "Let him alone."<br><br>
Ungodly alliance in the old world thus stands as a warning Beacon. Let the regenerate mark, and be wise. If they take partners from the charnel-house of Satan's empire, they gain no blessing, but a curse--no happiness, but woe--no solace, but discomfort--no help, but hindrance--no delight, but grief--no credit, but a shame. Woe waits on unions, which are not the fruit of earnest prayer--contracted for God's glory--cemented in His love--and wholly "in the Lord."<br><br>
"Let him alone," my PROVIDENCES. If the whole universe were convulsed with earthquakes--hurricanes--appalling terrors--desolating plagues, let him look on unmoved. Let him stand hardened by the open grave. Let him be hardened on the bed of pain. Let things most adverse, things most prosperous, be alike to him. Among them all, let his rocky heart become more adamantine. "Let him alone."<br><br>
But marriage is a typical rite. It has a mystic meaning. It points to heavenly union. It shows the soul's alliance to the Lord. It brings Jesus before us in all His faithful love. He is the Bridegroom of the Church. The Church is His affianced bride. In such espousal, all is right. Error here can find no place. Misery hence cannot arise. Disappointment cannot ensue. The bonds and fruit are altogether holy. The communion is one stream of sanctified delight.<br><br>
"Let him alone," my SON. You are all love--all grace--all mercy. But love must not love him. Grace must not look savingly of him. Mercy must not yearn tenderly over him. Your blood must not cleanse him. Your cross is not for him a shelter. Your righteousness is not his robe. You have knocked often at his heart. Knock no more. "Let him alone."<br><br>
Reader! has your soul formed this glorious contract? Are you cemented into Christ? Is your heart wholly given to Him? Is it one with Him in devoted love? Do His vows bind you? Is your life the happy service of a faithful spouse?<br><br>
"Let him alone," my SPIRIT. It is your property to bestow grace. It is your province to convince of sin. It is your prerogative to reveal Jesus. It is your glorious office to minister salvation. But leave him graceless. Break not his fetters. Give no sight of Jesus. You have striven often. Strive no more. "Let him alone."<br><br>
If hitherto you have lingered afar off, let this hour witness your glad espousals! Hesitate no more. Draw near. He never turns in coldness from the coming soul. Only behold Him, and your love must kindle. Mark well His beauty. Compared to Him, the sun is dark--the heavens are a cheerless blank--and nature's loveliest garb but as vile sackcloth. To see Him is to love. Behold His grace--His tenderness--His noble efforts to secure His bride. He leaves His heavens. He condescends to lowliest state. He spares not His very life. He sheds His blood to cleanse her. He hangs on the accursed tree to ransom her. He undergoes her every penalty. He bears her legal curse. He pays her every debt. He expiates her every sin. He endows her with all He is--with all He has. His righteousness is her robe. His heavens are her home. His throne is her seat. His glory is her portion. His eternity is her everlasting day. In this union there is no varying fickleness--no cooling affections--no partings. "I change not, therefore you are not consumed." Mal. 3:6 "I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn you." Jer. 31:3. "I will never leave you nor forsake you." No treachery in her provokes divorce. He loved her in her filth and misery. He loves through all her faithlessness. He will love her through eternity's eternal course.<br><br>
Reader! what a Beacon you have here! Do you tremble? Then the decree has not imprisoned you up in condemnation. Be wise, and never trifle more. Heed every whisper of the Spirit. When He warns, turn! When He teaches, drink deeply of the lesson. When He calls, hasten with all speed. Quench not the first spark of His light. Never neglect His gentlest voice. Never resist His mildest drawing. Watch Him with intent gaze. Follow Him with instant step. Yield to Him in full obedience. He leads from sin--from self--to Jesus and to heaven.<br><br>
Reader! beware of Ungodly Alliance. But seek above all things this glorious espousal. Rest not, until you can truly say, "I am my Beloved's, and my Beloved is mine."<br><br>
Holy Spirit! seal for glory all readers of this warning!<br>
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Latest revision as of 19:10, 22 September 2012


"The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose." Genesis 6:2

The Bible is God's Book, therefore it is all divine. Each page gives proof. No human thought could originate such truths. No human mind could so unfold them. Infinite breadths and lengths--eternal depths and heights, are marvelously wrapped up in a few brief words. Enlightened readers see the sure conclusion--this author is more than man.

Take an early illustration. "I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your seed and her seed; it shall bruise your head, and you shall bruise his heel." Genesis 3:15.

This sentence--the Gospel of the old world--is brevity comprising boundlessness. It is a narrow field without horizon. Analyze the contents. Two antagonistic powers march forth. Two rival empires are portrayed. All earth's sons, who have been, are, and shall be, appear under opposing banners. Their enmity is ceaseless. One is bruised. The other wins eternal triumphs. Thus one little map unfolds the total history of Christ and His blessed subjects--of the devil and his cursed slaves. No mortal pen wrote this.

Doubtless the transcendent object of the verse is the God-man Jesus. The prominent spectacle is His deep humiliation--His painful sufferings--His noble achievements--His final trampling on all the powers of darkness. Christ, as the woman's bruised and conquering seed, largely fills the forefront. But as Christ personal is here--so, also, is Christ mystical. As the term, "your seed," addressed to the old serpent, embraces the whole race of the ungodly--so the term, "her seed," speaking of the woman, is Christ, and all contained in Him--Christ, and all the family of faith. "He is head over all things to the Church, which is his body, the fullness of Him that fills all in all." Eph. 1:22, 23. The head is lifeless without its members. Christ is no Christ without His people.

Thus this wondrous verse draws a broad line. On the one side, "your seed" appears--on the other, "her seed." No neutral standing is left. Each mother's son is Christ's or Satan's.

This momentous truth pervades the Word. Advance at once to Gospel times. Hear Jesus. "The field is the world--the good seed are the children of the kingdom; but the tares are the children of the wicked one." Matt. 13:38. This word is emptiness, except, some have the royalty of Heavenly parentage, while others belong to the apostate spirit's house. John echoes the note. "In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil." 1 John 3:10. The conclusion cannot be eluded--earth is the home of two discordant families.

Sometimes the separate portraits are separately exhibited. The dark compartment is not cloaked. "You are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father you will do." John 8:44. They were a reprobate race--and their lives proved their origin. Again, "You serpents, you generation of vipers, how can you escape the damnation of hell?" Matt. 23:33. Here, again, is a vile progeny, and their final home.

The bright contrast also gloriously shines. God is the Father of a kingly race. "Fear not, little flock; for it is your father's good pleasure to give you the kingdom." Luke 12:32. Jesus is the Father of an ever-living family. His name is "Wonderful, Counselor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father." Isa. 9:6. The Spirit is the Father of a spiritual creation. "That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit." John 3:6.

Thus Scripture marks out, two widely severed realms. It shows a great gulf fixed, and kingdoms on each side.

Vivid facts endorse these statements. Behold man's first-born. Let Cain and Abel be examined. Naturally they spring from the same stock. In form and lineament they correspond. Their outward frames and mental powers import one origin. They have like features. They tread the same earth. They breathe the same air. They have like cravings and desires. They are supported by the same food. They sleep the same sleep. They converse in the same language. Great is their outward sameness.

But greater far is their internal difference. In spirit they are as estranged as pole from pole. Cain "was of that wicked one." 1 John 3:12. To Abel the sweet testimony is accorded, "By faith he obtained witness that he was righteous." Heb. 11:4. All who have faith belong to heaven's family. "You are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus." Gal. 3:26. Therefore righteous Abel was a son of God.

One received Christ as King--for this is faith's constant act. The other toiled in Satan's prison-house--as all do, who are strangers to this grace. One was light--the other was sightless in a dark world. One was Zion's citizen--the other groveled a worldling among worldlings. One journeyed in the narrow way of life--the other went downwards in destruction's broad road.

This is the truth interwoven in the text before us. "The sons of God saw the daughters of men." Diverse families are here. Some were born again--and thus a new creation made them "sons of God." Others experienced no vital change. They remained corrupt offspring, of corrupt parents--conceived in sin--shaped in iniquity--unclean, because the stream of an unclean fount--dead, because hanging on a withered branch--children of wrath, because their heirdom was the curse.

Such is the mighty difference. What is the power which effects it? It must be external. For all men are equally dead-born. And death can never generate life. The strengthless have no strength. The motionless cannot move. The speechless cannot cry. The skeleton cannot rise. The dry leaf cannot bloom. Ashes cannot brighten into flame. The power, then, is not inborn.

Omnipotence from above achieves the change. The holy Spirit, descending on the wings of love, and moving in the almightiness of His strength, implants new being in the heirs of life. Others, unchanged by heavenly grace, cumber the earth, as moving sepulchers holding dead souls.

Here reason proudly asks--"What is the cause of such distinction? where is the just principle?" Faith with all reverence replies--"The cause is wise, for it is God's wisdom--it is good, for it is God's will--it is righteous, for it is God's resolve--it is holy, for it is God's decree.

"Shall not the Judge of all the earth do right?" Genesis 18:25. There is no stern severity--no arbitrary caprice--no sport of chance. "He works all things after the counsel of His own will." Eph. 1:11. True, faith reads not yet the records of the courts above--but it confidingly reposes on the word--"What I do, you know not now, but you shall know hereafter." John 13:7.

As the tabernacle rose after a pattern marked out in the Mount--so the antitypical Church rises according to an eternal model. Wisdom and love lay the first stone--wisdom and power frame the materials--wisdom and mercy fit each to its place--wisdom and truth bring forth the topstone--wisdom and grace receive the total glory. "Oh! the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! how unsearchable are His judgments and His ways past finding out!" Rom. 11:33.

The glorious reign of truth will soon break forth. Then the chosen family shall put off disguising flesh, and rightly put on robes of light, and show their crowns of gold. Now they are intermingled with the crowds of earth. They move as others up and down the world. In this field the wheat and the tares grow side by side. In this wilderness the rare flowers are beset with weeds. In these waters, good and bad fishes promiscuously swim. In these pastures, the sheep and goats crop the same herbs. In this great house vessels of gold and wood, of silver and earth, have the like shape. At this banquet guests robed and unrobed sit down. At this mill two grind together, the one to be taken, the other to be left.

Thus in time-state the heirs of mercy and of wrath are intermixed. The flesh is their common tabernacle. An atmosphere of contagion envelops both. The spiritual seed must traverse the slippery ground of earth. The tempter marks them well--and hates them most--and never ceases to assail. Traitors, also, in the heart, are active to betray. They are not, as to spirit, of the world. But, as to flesh, they are still in the world. Outward allurements woo them to forbidden paths. The old nature--still alive--looks too complacently on congenial evil. Old passions, pent up, beat rebelliously on the holy barriers. Thus countless are the occasions of transgression. Multitudinous are the pitfalls in the way.

The history of the old world brings these perils into open light. But it especially shows one sunken rock, the scene of many wrecks. It raises a Beacon on one tremendous precipice. It warns, that MARRIAGE, designed for pure delights, is often perverted to a deathful snare. The record thus speaks. "The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose." Such was the ancient mischief. Alas! it has survived the flood. Those waters drowned not the fire of such lust. They quenched not the evil embers of the heart. Proneness to ungodly alliance still exists. Here still a fruitful spring of misery is found.

What inlet induces this temptation? The word replies--the eye. "The sons of God SAW that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they married any of them they chose." Just so Eve saw the many beauties of the baneful fruit. The fascination enters through the door of sight. The lovely features, the attractive look, the charm of countenance, the grace of symmetry, the beauteous frame decked in the elegance of attire, gradually fix the gaze. This gaze is danger. For the fleshy element ever has leaks--imperiling the bark. It opens many crevices to godless thoughts. It is not yet in heaven. It is not yet angelic. It has not yet escaped the tempter's territory. Child of man, beware. Make a covenant with your eyes.

If the spark of desire once kindles, Satan is quick to fan it into flame. Conscience, at first uneasy, is soon quieted by subtle opiates. Hindering mountains will soon sink down. A path will open to facilitate advance. At each interview objections will seem less, and at last almost nothing.

There may be moments of reflection, when the spiritual obstacles may intrude. It then may be felt, that the attracted hearts meet not in Christ--that the needles point not to the same Polar Star.

But then hope whispers, that wedded union may soon lead to union in the Lord. The child of God will fondly trust, My tender teaching, unreserved counsels, strict example, holy walk, and fervent prayer, will soon issue in my partner's thorough change. Soon the one Savior will be our common trust and joy.

Here is ungodly compromise. No hope of possibly resulting good can justify ungodly means. This principle is rotten to the core. It has been the sluice-gate of a flood of crime, and girdled earth with zones of misery. Actions from such motive are manifest transgression and most fearful risk. SELF is gratified under pretense of winning souls. Presumption madly presumes, and arrogates the property of God. Can man convert? No! He alone who said, "Let there be light, and there was light," can give the light of Christ. To marry, hopeful of conferring grace, is to plunge into wild billows, dreaming that some life-boat may venturously rescue--or some plank may providentially afford escape.

Sometimes hearts are led on by misinterpretations of God's providence. The opportunities of communion--the combination of facilities--the disappearance of all hindrance--the mutual wish, are fondly received as tokens of divine approval. The thought is cherished, 'Surely this union must be of heaven, or the path would not thus open.' Blinded passion finds a providence in Satan's traps. No outward barrier appears--and their the sloping descent seems smoothed by a heavenly hand. Other beguilements soon spread their lures. Checking conscience speaks no more. Then alliance joins the godly and the godless. The gracious and the graceless pass under an unequal yoke.

Alas! what fearful folly--no, what undoubted sin! How visionary the hope of any sunbeam from such a cloud! What incongruity! How can two walk together, whose motives, principles, desires, objects, aims, pursuits are separate, as pole from pole? One seeks God, as the chief good. The other follows this world as the guide. One brings each matter to a throne of grace. The other only cares to know the policy of man. One glories in the cross. The other counts it as a weak dream. One prizes the blood, as all salvation. The other scorns it, as enthusiastic folly. One grieves, that earth, with its vast multitudes, is waging war against its rightful King--and longs to send the saving truth on eagle's wings abroad. To the other, Christ's glory is an empty sound--a thought without reality--a shadow without form. To find amusement in the vanities of time--to sip admiration from the cup of flattery--to flutter with the giddy moths around the blaze of merriment, is the whole life. It would be easy, but more sad, to trace these paths of separation. Suffice to say, while grace is grace, it must tend heavenward--while the heart is graceless, it must shun God. Thus the sons of God and children of men essentially diverge.

What then are the baneful fruits? Can there be harmony with no connecting cord? Can there be happiness with such dislikes? Can there be peace without agreement? "What fellowship has righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion has light with darkness?" 2 Cor. 6:14. The house is divided. The family is at variance. The graceless may not gain. The gracious surely loses. For the spirit must be depressed. Zeal must be disheartened. Activities must be impeded. And mourning must sadly sit, where joy and gladness should sing cheerfully.

Ungodly alliance in the old world thus stands as a warning Beacon. Let the regenerate mark, and be wise. If they take partners from the charnel-house of Satan's empire, they gain no blessing, but a curse--no happiness, but woe--no solace, but discomfort--no help, but hindrance--no delight, but grief--no credit, but a shame. Woe waits on unions, which are not the fruit of earnest prayer--contracted for God's glory--cemented in His love--and wholly "in the Lord."

But marriage is a typical rite. It has a mystic meaning. It points to heavenly union. It shows the soul's alliance to the Lord. It brings Jesus before us in all His faithful love. He is the Bridegroom of the Church. The Church is His affianced bride. In such espousal, all is right. Error here can find no place. Misery hence cannot arise. Disappointment cannot ensue. The bonds and fruit are altogether holy. The communion is one stream of sanctified delight.

Reader! has your soul formed this glorious contract? Are you cemented into Christ? Is your heart wholly given to Him? Is it one with Him in devoted love? Do His vows bind you? Is your life the happy service of a faithful spouse?

If hitherto you have lingered afar off, let this hour witness your glad espousals! Hesitate no more. Draw near. He never turns in coldness from the coming soul. Only behold Him, and your love must kindle. Mark well His beauty. Compared to Him, the sun is dark--the heavens are a cheerless blank--and nature's loveliest garb but as vile sackcloth. To see Him is to love. Behold His grace--His tenderness--His noble efforts to secure His bride. He leaves His heavens. He condescends to lowliest state. He spares not His very life. He sheds His blood to cleanse her. He hangs on the accursed tree to ransom her. He undergoes her every penalty. He bears her legal curse. He pays her every debt. He expiates her every sin. He endows her with all He is--with all He has. His righteousness is her robe. His heavens are her home. His throne is her seat. His glory is her portion. His eternity is her everlasting day. In this union there is no varying fickleness--no cooling affections--no partings. "I change not, therefore you are not consumed." Mal. 3:6 "I have loved you with an everlasting love, therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn you." Jer. 31:3. "I will never leave you nor forsake you." No treachery in her provokes divorce. He loved her in her filth and misery. He loves through all her faithlessness. He will love her through eternity's eternal course.

Reader! beware of Ungodly Alliance. But seek above all things this glorious espousal. Rest not, until you can truly say, "I am my Beloved's, and my Beloved is mine."