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Back to The Rise of False Prophets

For many former members of The Philadelphia Church of God, the future may seem uncertain. How should they—you?—move forward from this point? Where do they go from here, and how can they get there?


(Author’s Note: The INTRODUCTION explained that the following article first appeared in The Pillarmagazine, written for RCG’s members. Therefore, some language in this section reflects what would be said to ex-PCGers already in The Restored Church of God. However, I have significantly amended and expanded the article to its current size and form. For this reason, the article sometimes carries an “us” tone, and at other times a “you” tone.)

Most brethren in The Restored Church of God have sifted through one or more of the groups that splintered from the Worldwide Church of God. Many gravitated early toward the organization carrying the attractive name “Philadelphia Church of God.”

This fundamental question presents itself: How have so many been deceived into believing that PCG is the true Church of God? Can certain experiences there be used to ultimately serve the brethren from this point forward? Are there common potential areas of weakness that ex-­PCG members should work on? If you have been in PCG, please do not be offended by what you read here. These things must be said to those who will hear.

Our Worst Problems

The very worst problems experienced by RCG have virtually all come from ex-PCG members who came among us. Initially appearing to be sincere, and perhaps having been genuinely so when they arrived, literally scores of people from this organization have sought outright to destroy this Work. This includes many who also later spent time in a variety of slivers that came from PCG.

While it is painful to report, I must say that in all my years in Christ’s ministry I have never before experienced such accusative, judgmental, arrogant, destructive, sometimes dysfunctional, and in some cases vicious behavior. Rather than being thankful for deliverance from such a brutal, blasphemous organization, so many have been programmed by false conditioning there to instead see themselves as especially discerning, uniquely insightful—unusually able to distinguish true doctrine from false, loyalty to Mr. Armstrong versus disloyalty, good from bad, etc. Worse, invariably no one was able to tell them otherwise.

While each organization has created attitudes in people that must be left behind as a result of anointing the eyes, ex-PCG brethren must address in advance of coming with us learned attitudes that are simply not welcome here. If you are considering The Restored Church of God after having been in this organization for any length of time, it is imperative that you read this section with yourself in mind.

Over time we had to accept that there are very few who come with us from PCG who really hold to the truth. The majority have been almost impossible to work with and have eventually left RCG. If you do not fully love the truth, please do not come with us. We have had some terrible experiences with brethren from PCG. They are so often unteachable and ungovernable. They are extremely picky and accusative. We have dealt with hundreds of them. Many simply cannot merge well into RCG.

After they come with us, they act as though they have special knowledge, and they burst with arrogance. If you decide to come with RCG, understand that we now have to see you as coming with a certain problem. Of course, we will be patient, loving and kind to you—if you permit us!—but consider long and hard whether you will be happy here.

Also understand that the longer individuals stay in PCG the more difficult it is to work with them. Those truly being brought by God will anoint their eyes and repent of wrong attitudes. They will fight their way through, and grow out of all old thinking. Understand that you can be an exception to what has been described here. Many have been!

A Deception From the Beginning

As the WCG was entering the apostasy, a pastor near Oklahoma City, who seemed to be standing up for the truth, departed in December, 1989. He formed a new organization, calling it the Philadelphia Church of God.

From that time, the early PCG was often compared internally to the Radio Church of God—­an organization with “small beginnings.” It was an exciting time for many who viewed themselves as on the ground floor of an organization that would quickly expand in size and scope, and then flee to the Place of Safety.

Many who joined PCG at this time were happy to be a part of an organization standing up for the truth, supposedly having a headstart on the rest of the brethren. The leadership vehemently proclaimed that the PCG was the only group holding fast to the truths restored during the Philadelphian Era. But this was far from the case. They also proudly stated that PCG was the only organization that recognized Mr. Armstrong as the end-­time Elijah.

However, those who went with PCG early on simply rebelled, often leaving God’s Church over pickiness rather than faithfulness to the truth. Think. The WCG was much less on track in the liberal 1970s than in 1989 when PCG’s leader left. However liberalized it had become, the WCG was still the Body of Christ in the 1970s, and it would have been wrong to leave. Ninety-five percent of those who left were never seen again. The point? Those from PCG considering RCG must understand what they left when they did—and what they joined in its place.

Many brethren, meaning those with the Spirit of God, found their way to this organization during this early period. The beginning years of the PCG were filled with excitement—­the anticipation of being part of a short warning to “all the Laodiceans,” after which all PCG members would receive a reward of physical protection. It was even stated from the pulpit that this “short warning work” would probably only continue until 1997, a year that would mark the end of 6,000 years from the creation of man.

The first few years of this organization’s history were spent laying the groundwork for changes to come—­all the while reassuring the congregation that the doctrines of PCG were to be exactly as had been established in the Philadelphian Era. The “Philadelphia standard” was to be maintained. The ministry also flattered the membership, convincing them that they were the “very elect” who “cannot be deceived.” This was proclaimed by misapplying Matthew 24:24. They were told often how special they were, how they were receiving knowledge others were not learning, how they were “God’s jewels” according to Malachi 3:17. This had the natural effect of puffing them up, of making them believe that they were better than everybody else, when all they were really doing was quietly growing in pride at an incredible rate, and to a phenomenal level.

Sermons focused on strong hierarchical government, on the importance of autocratic ministerial authority, on assaults against the “rebellious Laodiceans,” and finally on new prophecy or revelation that Mr. Armstrong could not have known. Brutal government was routinely practiced, and for the smallest even perceived “wrongs.” When terrible fear evidently occupied, and sometimes even preoccupied, large numbers, this should have been a warning signal. For these reasons and others, attentive spiritual eyes and ears should have recognized that something was not quite right, and that they were steadily moving further in the wrong direction. Ironically, while having been conditioned to think themselves able to see what so many in other organizations could not, it was the presence of blindness at a stunning level—perhaps the worst in all of Laodicea—that prevented such conclusions.

As time progressed into the mid- to late-1990s, new members continued to filter in from the WCG, as well as from other splinter groups. However, along with this second wave of ex-­WCG members were many new attendees without any prior Church of God experience. This occurred simultaneously with an ever-­growing emphasis on Gerald Flurry, his authority, and his place as an “oracle of God.” This leader began to proclaim himself to be an intercessor between man and God—­as someone critical or necessary for everyone to be able to communicate with Jesus Christ and God the Father.

However difficult it may have been to realize at the time, this period saw much less importance given to established truth, and ever more emphasis placed on the leader’s so-­called “new revelations.” The sandy foundation being constructed was preparing minds to accept what would have been unthinkable in the early years. Also, it is crucial to understand that, unlike the splinters and slivers, all of which are led by weak and compromised, but in some cases converted, leaders, PCG was being led by a very dark and different—­but equally REAL!—spirit. And it was not the Spirit of God. In this way, those exiting PCG fight a much different battle than those leaving any other splinter or sliver. Their direct exposure to, and influence by, the god of this world makes their unlearning process different from others.

Here is how this influence entered: First, the leader assumed the office of a “prophet.” Then, he went on to boldly and presumptuously claim the title of “That Prophet,” as mentioned in John 1:21—an obvious reference to Jesus Christ. This subtle deception was introduced to congregations in the manner that outrageous lies usually are—­incrementally over a prolonged period of time.

As the new millennium progressed, new members rarely had either WCG or splinter experience. The third wave of attendees was zealously loyal to the leader calling himself “That Prophet.” One of the prerequisites for attending services in the PCG began to include a prospective member’s willingness to enthusiastically accept this blasphemous false doctrine.

Next, the blasphemy accelerated, as the leader quickly took more and more divine titles to himself.

With prospective members being expected to accept and believe such outrageous teachings, why did PCG appear to enjoy such success early on?

PCG's Success Explained

In general terms, PCG was catapulted to apparent success in the 1990s because it formed early in the apostasy when few other real options existed. The PCG seemed to provide a refuge to many who were seeking sanctuary from the apostates in the WCG. PCG appeared to offer brethren continuity in their lives, when available alternatives were markedly disconnected from the way of life practiced during the Philadelphian Era.

PCG grew rapidly to perhaps 7,000 members (including children) sometime in the mid- to late-1990s and held steady at or near that number for a time. Many will recall Romans 11:4 being used repeatedly to excite the congregations to believe in their special place among these 7,000! The flight to a place of protection had to be near, they reasoned.

But the exodus to this place of protection never commenced for PCG. In fact, in the mid-1990s, the enthusiastically embraced Jordanian project ended in disgrace as PCG was expelled as an unwelcome guest from that Western-­friendly country.

As PCG prophecy became ever more muddled and outrageous, membership began to decline. At the time of this writing, PCG has about 4,000 or less in attendance. Those of you who came from this organization are of the fortunate group that survived not only an apostasy, but also an equally dangerous fraud. Many who exit PCG donot survive the experience. They have become spiritually “ruined,” people unable ever again to demonstrate either the love of God or an ability to trust Christ to lead His Church. Perhaps some others were simply not converted. However, many converted brethren who leave PCG find themselves wandering among the splinters, or excusing themselves from their responsibilities entirely by choosing to stay home.

By making the move from PCG into The Restored Church of God, you have taken a great leap toward recovery. One of the first steps is to recognize that the PCG experience negatively impacted all of you. But what areas of your character need the most attention?

We will see that there are admirable qualities in every former Philadelphia Church of God member. But, to recover from having become too big in their own sight, we will also analyze some of the common problems many have been afflicted with after experiencing the delusion peculiar to PCG.

Self-Righteous Anger

If you were a PCG member in the early- to mid-1990s, you can probably recall a high level of enthusiasm among all in the organization. You probably embraced the new organization with tremendous zeal, while being thankful for finally being free of the apostates in WCG. You may have thanked God that there was a place to go—­an alternative to the sprint back to Protestantism.

I have sometimes reflected on the similarities between the zeal during this period and our current experience in RCG. However, a deeper analysis quickly reveals stark and critical differences.

I have come to realize that much of my zeal was misdirected. Let me explain by asking a question to former PCG members who came out of WCG. What was the most common, natural human emotion engendered in you when listening to the angry, loud, bombastic sermons delivered by the PCG leader? Did you experience inner peace? How about joy?

A very common emotion felt by all during this period of zeal was anger—­specifically, anger directed at the apostates, but also at the Laodiceans who were lumped together with them! Many of us probably wondered occasionally if these attacks could really be a voice from the true God.

However, we continued for years because, quite frankly, many of us were very angry ourselves at the WCG leadership—­especially the senior WCG leadership—­after having been betrayed by them. The self-­proclaimed “righteous” anger many of us experienced was used by the devil in an attempt to enslave us in this organization. But Satan also used our need for a sanctuary or refuge. We were excited to find a place to continue in the way of life that we practiced. We had finally arrived at a place to fellowship with like minds, in unity—in agreement—­or so we thought.

Many might remember Mr. Armstrong’s mother’s favorite scripture, Psalm 133:1, being used repeatedly by speakers to describe PCG. But, while “unity” was internally promoted as another PCG quality, discord and conflict became obvious.

Soundness of Mind

Many in other splinter groups viewed PCG disdainfully, or described the leadership as unbalanced or even insane. This tended to unify us in anger toward them: “What could a bunch of doomed, lukewarm Laodiceans know anyway?” we might have reasoned.

This is not to say that PCG’s critics were justified in broad-­brushing all in the organization. These attacks only served to increase the indignation and anger in the membership toward those on the outside, and actuallygalvanized them, contributing to the internal presumption that PCG was nearly perfect and completely sound. As the years passed, reality indicated just the opposite—­PCG as a group was becoming less sensible and balanced. But these changes were often subtle, difficult to see at first.

Many times, whenever a leader, such as an elder or deacon, departed or was disfellowshipped from that organization, he would be viciously attacked and demonized from the pulpit. Outrageous lies would be told about him in sermons in order to convince the membership of how “evil” he was. Deceived, many members would conclude, “No wonder he’s no longer with us.”

The retaliatory posture of the leadership contributed to the delusion of the membership. Real and imagined persecution from outside justified and encouraged the fight against “the Laodiceans” and the world. “Christ’s servants were persecuted and attacked in every age,” went the reasoning. The members were told many times that their leader’s counterattacks were, in reality, acts of love provided in the hope that the recipients would repent! Most did not recognize the folly and un-­Christian nature of these attacks.

Of course, an attack from the PCG leader did not even require provocation from someone outside the organization. Seemingly, anything could set him off.

We knew well II Timothy 1:7, “For God has not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.” We might have observed how the leadership seemed to really enjoy their interpretation of “power,” and we were told that “love” was agape, and was usually akin to the “tough love” spoken of in the world. We also knew we had “sound minds”—­right?

Although you were part of an unsound organization, your overall soundness of mind may have been preserved, but this would have been in spite of PCG, not as a result of it. But it is almost certain that you did not exit entirely unscathed!
While this may seem obvious, we tend to ignore or even justify unsound attributes when they are found in ourcharacter. One of the assigned tasks each of us has is to isolate, understand and overcome acquired unsound qualities.

The Works of the Flesh

PCG members, although required to submit absolutely to certain points of administration (especially those concerning the leader), often tend to be somewhat independent. Remember, many left WCG early—­and often on their own accord. While this quality is not negative in and of itself, it can cause some to be difficult to work with in the framework of organization. Therefore, we must ensure that we are not prone to “strife” and “seditions,” feeling “we left so early because we see things more clearly. We can help the leadership of RCG stay on track.” History has shown that those ordained in PCG have been the very worst part of the problem.

After witnessing too much mercy for outright sin in the WCG during the apostasy, many went to the opposite extreme. They exhibited little tolerance for imperfection in others, often overlooking many areas in which they could improve themselves. However, Christ admonishes us to be concerned with our own imperfections and to overcome them, and not be overly concerned with the faults in others (Matt. 7:3-5).

Many PCG members unconsciously take on some of the characteristics of the leader—­even after departing in disgust. Let’s strive to identify these un-­Christian qualities in ourselves and eliminate them quickly!

Ex-­members may be comfortable with regimentation and strict discipline. However, this by no means would include everyone. Again, many suffering the abuses of badly administered hierarchical government may react by rejecting the government of God altogether!
Be extremely careful not to drift into that mindset.

A Few Specific Guidelines to Effect Change

Doctrines have been muddled and changed throughout the splinter groups. Although PCG purports to practice all of the same doctrines restored by God to the Church, many exceptions are administered, with other teachings now simply ignored. The purpose here is not to point out specific errors, but to encourage all who have come from PCG to study diligently.
Do not assume that you know all that you used to know! “Study to show yourself approved…” (II Tim. 2:15)! Without doubt, there will be certain points of doctrine that you will have to re-­establish in your mind as you continue through your Christian walk.

Much of what the deceiver leading PCG teaches is outrageous and easily identified as heresy. However, some of his error is more subtle and difficult to expose. Therefore, one must re-­examine the third of the Bible that is prophecy and confirm that such retained understanding is indeed God’s understanding.

Anger management is one of the first orders of business for anyone seriously considering removing the ill effects of the PCG experience. This may be difficult—­and many may not even recognize their internal anger until too late.
No one likes to be taken advantage of or lied to. PCG members directed much of their anger at the brethren in other splinters and the apostates after being defrauded. The spiritual trauma can be enormous for those who discover they have been taken advantage of and lied to again!

After leaving PCG, many have fallen spiritually dead, throwing the truth away as a result of their disgust and anger toward carnal men who distorted and misapplied that truth.

The result has been that many have experienced increased disgust with people in general, and leaders in particular. Our steady zeal for the truth can wane or even wax cold if bitterness sets in—if cynicism is permitted to take over. We can begin to see only imperfect men, and ultimately lose contact with the true God.

We should always be diligent in doctrine and conduct—­and have certain high expectations of our leaders. However, distrust, followed by extreme distrust, can easily change into outright paranoia and become unworkable! The seriousness of this human tendency, so prevalent in this age, cannot be over-­emphasized. All people battle selfish, carnal nature on this issue in this confused and decadent age nearly devoid of competent and selfless leadership!

Let’s root this out before the root of bitterness takes us out!

,/PCG Experience Viewed as Glass Half-Full

In spite of all these assaults working against God-­like character, there are many benefits to having been a part of PCG—­one being the experience and maturity gained. This can be used practically when interacting with others anywhere—­but especially inside God’s true Church and with those in other splinters.

What All Brethren Can Learn From the PCG Experience

The Restored Church of God has a significant percentage of brethren who came out of various splinter groups, each one having its own unique history, works, personality, character traits, attitudes—­and strengths and weaknesses.

For example, the United Church of God (UCG) has thousands of members, with the largest ministry of all groups, and is known for its “love” and “tolerance.” And yet, this group continually compromises with and liberalizes doctrines and traditions. The Living Church of God is doctrinally more accurate than UCG, but it too has watered down many doctrines and also remains obsessed with miracles. Likewise, PCG has unique problems.

Regardless of your splinter background—­or even if you have never been in a splinter—­we can all learn from the PCG experience. Survivors of that organization can bring with them strengths and weaknesses that can teach us to stay on track toward the kingdom.

<?Diligent, Faithful and Loyal

In the late 1980s, it became evident that Mr. Armstrong’s successor was changing doctrine. Feeling betrayed, the first wave of brethren to leave the WCG saw PCG as a safe haven—­a group acknowledging Mr. Armstrong as the end-­time Elijah, and upholding the truths that God had restored to the Church through him, including the same form of government. These early PCG members sincerely wanted to follow Christ’s instruction to “hold that fast which you have, that no man take your crown” (Rev. 3:11).

And they were so disgusted with the WCG apostates that many were willing to tolerate what appeared to be questionable and quirky doctrines found in PCG’s bookMalachi’s Message—­the core of that organization’s beliefs. The apparent glue that held the membership together was its commitment to Church “government.”

The leadership of PCG indoctrinated its members with an extensive education that overemphasized the form of government. Void of the spiritual aspects of God’s true Church government, members were conditioned to worship the PCG FORM of government, which was built on the assumption that top-­down governmentautomatically qualifies as being from God. Yet, consider the Roman Catholic Church, which has the correct governmental structure, but without doctrinal truth! Obviously, the correct form or pattern of government is not enough.

Remember this crucial definition of the one true Church: “…the house of God, which is the Church of the living God, the pillar and ground of the truth” (I Tim. 3:15). God’s government administers on the purity and love of the truth, as well as the truth about what constitutes the love of God: “My little children, let us not love in word, neither in tongue; but in deed and in truth” (I John 3:18 ).

Despite having been taught the wrong emphasis, true PCG survivors are known to be faithful, responsive and loyal to government in the Church. They diligently follow instructions, without wavering or excuse. This is unusual in today’s lukewarm age.

There is something else that makes ex-­PCG members unique in the era of liberalism and compromise: They have been trained to give, to sacrifice for the Work of God. They seem less needful of reminders to send God’s tithes and offerings. As a result, they are generally more faithful in their support of the Work than those who have come out of other splinters.

Favoritism—­and Abuse!

The earliest members of PCG believed they were the first to see the doctrinal changes in WCG, and, as a result, many proudly wore this as a badge of distinction. Also, because of their courage and faith to leave the apostasy early on, members were conditioned to be “watchdogs” for the Church.

Compared to the doctrinal confusion and compromise of UCG, and how it destroyed any sense of proper Church government, it was easy for PCG members to feel secure that its own group employed the correct form of government.

They also compared themselves to the “Presiding Evangelist” leading LCG, who still refuses to acknowledge that Mr. Armstrong was the end-­time Elijah. It became apparent to them that this leader secretly felt that he was to be the Elijah, but would not explicitly admit this, to avoid offending tithepayers who still believed Mr. Armstrong had fulfilled this prophecy. For many in PCG, this double standard reinforced the belief that their own organization was the only one in which God was working.

PCG came to see the splinter groups and the WCGas the Laodiceans. This appeared to make PCG the only possible choice of being the one true Church. The PCG leadership encouraged its members to feel spiritually superior to all brethren outside their group. This gave birth to a dangerous attitude of “us” vs. “them”—“Philadelphians” vs. “Laodiceans”—and created an unbiblical and spiritually unhealthy atmosphere that bred pride, arrogance and self-­righteousness. (This is what often spills over into RCG.)

Members were made to feel that they were crowned the “very elect” who could not be deceived, who were courageous enough to stand up against an “overgrown bully”—the Worldwide Church of God. They were collectively convinced that they were God’s favorites over the thousands of spiritually-­depleted Laodiceans. PCG members soon found themselves trapped in a deceitful snare of favoritism—­and mistreatment.

Ironically, while the PCG leaders cunningly puffed up their members, they also systematically abused them. They did not tolerate any questions about their leader’s “revelations” and “new understandings.” Questioning new teaching was tantamount to calling that man’s integrity into question. Therefore, any hint of doubt was grounds for being viewed as a heretic. In effect, PCG employed a “no-­tolerance policy,” which quickly degenerated into systematic governmental abuse. Members had to learn how to maneuver through a maze of constant fear and suspicion. Many lives were, in fact, spiritually ruined.

Yet, the few who managed to survive this ongoing nightmare learned how to endure distress, setbacks and affliction, and they have proven to be unusually faithful, loyal and zealous. This is largely because they had already laid deep roots years earlier, back in WCG when it was on track.

With a few exceptions, those who were baptized in PCG—­and had never been in God’s Church when it was “on track”—seldom escape PCG’s prophetic junk and doctrinal confusion.

Many brethren have left PCG harboring deeply-­ingrained resentment toward their former leaders—­and yet unknowingly reflect the same overbearing characteristics of that leadership! Having been exposed to wrong conduct for several years, they have been subconsciously programmed to behave just as rudely. Many have become loud, aggressive and insulting—­oblivious to how others perceive their actions. Such ingrained behavior can only be conquered and rooted out through sincere, conscientious effort—and through sometimes much prayer and fasting.

Proving All Things

PCG was built largely upon prophetic teachings, although its take on prophecy is largely unbiblical—­inconsistent with what Mr. Armstrong once taught and what Scripture reveals. False doctrines and twisted prophetic “understandings” so widely taught by some splinters today often originate from PCG.

Most who have been in PCG for any prolonged length of time have neglected to continue “proving all things,” having been admonished to become grounded only in church literature. To investigate or question the scriptural validity of “new revelations” is seen as being disloyal to government.

Those truly called of God should work out their own salvation with fear and trembling—­not out of fear of an oppressive government, but rather from proper fear and respect of God. The best way to rebound from those years of suppression and fear is to exercise the liberty to prove all things and even ask questions when in doubt—­without fear of being reproved for sincerely seeking help.

One effect of having been in PCG is suspicion toward any leader who has a strong degree of determination. Some confuse this with the dictatorial approach of their former leader, and conclude that they prefer a “softer” approach toward government. Some even choose to “stay at home.”

When the Church was on track, it followed Mr. Armstrong’s leadership because he taught the full truth. This is what made its government valid. And this must be the goal of those who determine to endure to the end! He was certainly a strong and determined leader!

We all must wake up and get rid of the excess baggage we may have brought with us, regardless of our former associations. This is the way to fulfill God’s purpose in our lives.

Remember, we are all admonished to hold to what we have. The full truth is precious and continuing the Work of God is all-­important, and both should be recognized as such. Scars of abuse and betrayal are no excuse to wallow in self-­pity. Instead, we must press on, rejoicing in the truth while allowing no man to steal our crown.

Perhaps the main benefit of having been a part of PCG is that we were not at home in our living rooms believing we could continue in the faith by ourselves. While some doctrines may have been neglected, or observed in somewhat of a slipshod manner, most were at least noted and, to a degree, practiced. People who venture out on their own quickly fall away from truth. This is one reason God exhorts and commands His people not to forsake “the assembling of ourselves together” (Heb. 10:25). Tragically, thousands have done this, and this includes many who left PCG and came to this end.

There is little that can be achieved in this world, or among God’s people, without organization. Those in PCG did not get sidetracked on alternate forms of government. This knowledge can be used to benefit RCG by recognizing the value of visible organization—­and supporting what God is doing.

Most who came through PCG observed a poor administration using a form of the government of God. We have probably observed—and experienced—abuse by selfish and incompetent leaders. Determine to be different! If given responsibility or authority, determine never to abuse this charge! Always err on the side of compassion when dealing with the people of God.

Most of the doctrines of God remained intact within PCG. The gravest errors were so-­called “new revelation” added, not doctrines taken from our understanding. This can be a great asset! A former PCG member is not starting completely from scratch when it comes to understanding the true doctrines of God.

For some, certain positive Spokesman Club experiences may have occurred while in PCG. Hopefully, many men took advantage of this training while a part of that organization, and can apply what was learned—­perhaps not immediately because of our size, but certainly in the future. Such training is invaluable in developing the whole, complete, Christian man.

Finally, perhaps more than any other organization, PCG did not drift into the social liberalism that has affected the human family in the western world, as well as most of the splinters in this age. Proper roles of men and women were encouraged. Husbands were instructed to provide for and lead their families (I Tim. 5:8), wives were to submit to their husbands’ authority and to be homemakers, if possible (Eph. 5:22; Titus 2:5), and children were expected to be in subjection to both parents.

Do not take this knowledge of family for granted. It carries incalculable value. Many among God’s people have lost much, if not most, of the basic understanding of the God-­plane relationship between a husband and a wife. Determine to build your family on a solid foundation, and to be a shining light.

In one sense, the PCG experience does not generally have to be reflected upon as being different from experiences in other splinters. You must identify strengths and weaknesses in your past, and root out imperfections (Matt. 5:48).

Moving Forward

Repetition of crucial points can be helpful. The book would not be complete unless we repeat and expand (and add) some few points contained in this and earlier sections. Summarizing certain elements of what has been covered will be helpful. All readers of the Splinter Explanation Packet, however, should recognize that many of the points here are helpful to many others besides those who have been in The Philadelphia Church of God. Do not simply dismiss what will be covered here as things that pertain to “those people.”

Over the years, many dedicated brethren have come with us from PCG. Many of these begin excited, zealous and ready to move on. But, in time, sometimes quickly, not a small percentage of them turn to nit-picking, criticizing, and outright accusing the leadership of the Church—unconsciously falling back on their unseen PCG conditioning and “training.” This problem has proved so severe among many that at least half of those from PCG found “reasons” to leave—the majority of these were from among those who came in the early years of RCG. This was before we had sufficient literature in place to make clear in advance who and what—and all that—we are. Strangely, many of these were willing to tolerate an almost endless amount of abuse and nonsense from the PCG ministry and from its headquarters in order to remain in a false church, but seemed only too quick to leave RCG at the slightest perceived “problem” once they had come back into the true Church and Body of Christ, and come under the true government of God.

Strive to be as absolutely thorough as possible in your analysis of all that is at stake as you decide whether you will come to The Restored Church of God. Read the last paragraph and the next paragraphs of this final section very, very carefully, trying as hard as humanly possible—and with God’s help—to admit to yourself where and to what degree you have been affected by what you have experienced in your years in PCG.

Recognize that these years simply changed you in ways that other splinters did not experience in the same way. The betrayal was more intense in some regards than that which occurred in the WCG. (This is largely because you entered PCG with the hope that you had not only been “delivered” from the false doctrine there, but you had been shown “special” things that the other splinters—generally also those who left later than you—were not seeing.) While your feelings will almost certainly tell you that you have not been as affected as you think, the fact remains that this unconscious “reorientation” has happened to thousands—and these same thousands have had great difficulty being able to recognize it.

As you make your final decision, if not done already, thoroughly consider all that you are (re)setting your hand to do (Luke 9:62). Be sure that you have fully come to grips with how PCG literally trained its members—through an endless array of what could only be called attack sermons—to look down upon those in “all the Laodicean groups,” even teaching them that they were “at war with the Laodiceans.” Then recognize that this training is hidden in multiple layers within you—until, again with God’s help, you train it out of yourself. Remind yourself that you are returning to everything the Church was when Mr. Armstrong was alive and the Worldwide Church of God was completely on track.

This tendency has had another unseen effect on many of those with a PCG background. It has caused some to unconsciously elevate themselves to the role of steering or “coaching” Headquarters with little ways to “make things better.” Be careful of the very wrong tendency to point out how literature or sermons could have or should have included this, that or the other point.

Finishing the Work

First, the true WORK OF GOD, in all of its component parts, is continuing here. All of the splinters have gotten confused about what is God’s Work, and, in some cases, whether that Work was even to continue past Mr. Armstrong’s lifetime. The Work that Mr. Armstrong did is the same Work that is being continued in RCG—and in a tremendous way within the understanding that we are the ones fulfilling Revelation 10:11, the ones truly “prophesying again.” All of Mr. Armstrong’s references to the laymember’s part in God’s Work, inMYSTERY OF THE AGES and The Incredible Human Potential, among others, apply once again to all of God’s people.

Be sure that you are clear about the fact that the “work” that PCG was doing (particularly in its emphasis in spreading its “new revelations”) was false, and in no sense the true Work of God. While this has brought confusion to a few, a return to the participation in God’s true Work, exactly as the entire Church once did it, should bring perhaps some of the greatest inspiration that you could experience. (Of course, the SEP explains the role and duty of the Messenger to the seventh era, which could not have applied to Mr. Armstrong who was the Messenger to the sixth era.)

Many who leave The Restored Church of God claimto be convicted about doctrine, but so readily seem to abandon the need to preach the kingdom of God to the world and to warn modern Israel. These almost invariably choose one of several tiny groups asserting that Mr. Armstrong finished the Work in 1986. Be very sure that you get all of this straight in your mind before arrival—and, if you are here, review THE WORK OF GOD book until it is embedded—hardwired!—deep in your mind.

The Truth

Second, the full RESTORED TRUTH is being taught to the Church and preached to the world, and this is made possible because all of the literature from the past—and more—has been re-written and is once again fulfilling the purpose that God, through Mr. Armstrong, intended. Some few from PCG (and this is not entirely unique to those just from that organization) have gotten confused about exactly what it is that Mr. Armstrong may have taught on this, that or the other point. Some have felt that RCG has been wrong because they had come to accept as having come from Mr. Armstrong what was, in fact, a wrong teaching that PCG either invented or never had straight. Some have been willing to recognize that they were wrong and that our understanding of what Mr. Armstrong taught is correct, but some few refused to believe that they had ingested wrong ideas, and, thinking that they were most perfectly “holding fast,” could not be brought back to proper understanding so that they could really hold fast.


Third, FELLOWSHIP is once again wholesome among God’s people as the brethren walk together in the unity that the entire Church once enjoyed. You will notice almost immediately that there is a wonderful happiness, joy and peace that radiates from the lives of people with whom you are now meeting. While not yet perfect in these areas, and recognizing that we are all striving to continuously grow and be more like Christ, this is generally what those who are with us reflect. (In fact, when prayer requests are made, brethren invariably report, no matter where they are in the world, that the mail and email response is beyond anything they have previously experienced.)

It Takes Time

We recognize that it takes time, sometimes much time, to completely recover from having been betrayed in the way that PCG brethren were—and this means slowly learning not to talk continually about “old war wounds” and all of the “terrible things” being done to God’s people “back there in the PCG.”

Of course, many who are with us were never in the Worldwide Church of God or even one splinter, let alone several. This means that they are in their first love, and are “on fire” for the truth as the way all of God’s people were when they heard it for the first time. We must be extremely careful about what we discuss from the past, and to not make negative things the focus of conversation, because “newer ears” are listening—and this means that you could be offering to new “babes” a confusing example of true Christianity, and this coming from those who should be the most mature among God’s people. Newer people simply cannot relate to or benefit from these awful experiences of the past, and are not edified by hearing more than a very little bit of this kind of thing, and even then it should come with helpful qualification. In this regard, be careful not to isolate within RCG into an “ex-PCG clique” because these love to relive the past through endless horror stories (that, sadly, were mostly true). The Church that Jesus Christ promised to build can never have “a church within the Church.” This cannot and must not ever be.

On the other hand, former PCG members should not meditate on the time spent in that organization ascompletely negative and distasteful, or a complete waste of years, but as a period in which those who went there experienced some of life’s—and Christianity’s—most critical lessons. But this is only true to the degree you recognize that these lessons applied not just to others—but to you.

Government, Instruction and Correction

Fourth, GOD’S TRUE GOVERNMENT is in place, with Christ the Head of His Body and leading His Church. God has given government to His Church to protect and preserve it as well as to guide and direct it in all that it must do, including a host of judgments and administrative decisions that will continue to be necessary for the rest of the age. Tell yourself that this government will correct you—probably indirectly through sermons or articles, but there is also a chance that this could come in a personal way, and when you may be least expecting it. This is the time to focus on Job 5:17-18, Hebrews 12:6-12, and both Proverbs 3:11-12 and Proverbs 9:8-10.

Remember that correction is inseparable from true Christianity. Since all of God’s true saints are in preparation—thorough training!—for not just the relatively brief Wedding Supper, but for positions of rulership, possessing real power, tell yourself that you should desire and even crave the right kind of instruction and correction, which is administered in love by those you have learned to be true ministers of Jesus Christ. Be careful that the slightest hint from them that you are wrong on a point does not become an equation with “they are lording it over the flock”—and “this is the same as it was in PCG, and therefore could not be God’s government”—and everything gets thrown aside as you suddenly bolt out of the Church over what is often seen to be almost nothing by those not involved.

Remember, in this regard, that Romans 8:7—hostility to government—is common to all human beings, and this facet of human nature does not completely disappear until the resurrection.

Determine, as Paul wrote, to “forget those things which are behind” and to “reach forth unto those things which are before.” Paul then described himself, saying, “I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus,” finally adding this: “Let us therefore, as many as be perfect, be thus minded” (Phil. 3:13-15). Periodically remind yourself that the Christian’s central goal is to become “perfect” in Christ, and we must remember to be “thus minded”—and that none of us were born anything close to the finished product God intended when He called us. Remember, God calls Himself the “Potter” and us the “clay” (Isa. 64:8; Isaiah 45:9). It is most crucial that those with a PCG background continually remind themselves to LOOK FORWARD toward the end of their calling—eternal salvation—instead of at the real or perceived shortcomings of those around them. As explained, this includes their view of RCG as a whole.

As the age draws to a close, we must diligently “redeem the time, because the days are evil” (Eph. 5:16) and, with God’s guidance, work painstakingly to improve our character.

This final section has focused primarily on works of the flesh and attitudes of mind that need to be overcome. However, do not forget the spiritual fruits that God expects in those He has called and chosen: “…love, joy, peace, long-­suffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, temperance” (Gal. 5:22-23). Stay focused on replacing any acquired bad habits and qualities with these God-­like traits, and you will both heal and move forward with renewed inspiration and zeal.

Excitement—this time for the right reasons—truly awaits you in The Restored Church of God should you make the decision to move forward with all that you have learned in this book and from the rest of the Splinter Explanation Packet.

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