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'''[[My Family History]]'''
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Latest revision as of 21:05, 29 May 2012

Back to 1The Bible’s Greatest Prophecies Unlocked!

The devil has always sought to position himself in place of the true God. Through his universal system, he blinds and enslaves humanity. Billions are deceived. Previous billions have been. Many more will be. Even you have been lied to. A complete seduction has taken place, and the false church has played the central role in it. The most important knowledge has been kept from you by those you most trusted!

No matter its length, no one chapter could possibly cover everything about the reach and effects of the counterfeit universal system that has ravaged the world of Christendom. For instance, so much more could be explained about the almost unending number of individual false doctrines that this system has devised about salvation and the afterlife, heaven and hell, law and grace, baptism and conversion, judgment, the true Church, among many others. In addition would be the origin of the many different pagan holidays that have been imported into professing Christianity, as well as the stories of how those bringing them have gotten away with it usually by merely pasting Christian-sounding names over them. (There are certain other counterfeits of individual Bible truths that will be covered in later chapters.)

However, for those willing to accept the plain words of the Bible and history—and just the volume of facts, evidence, proof, fruit and scriptures presented here—the white horse and rider are plainly identified as false, counterfeit Christianity!This horse and rider—armed with a very real bow—are almost done with attempts to gain converts through missionary work and dialogue. The European political, legal and military machine will soon be used by the final Beast to enforce the practice of Roman state religion—again! Powerful “arrows” will target all resistors, unleashing the most horrific global war and religious persecution the world has ever seen!The historical pattern re-emerges: Religious authority harnesses the power of civil authority to impose its will. False Christianity begets unthinkable destruction. Hence, the second horseman...