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By Charles F. Stanley

Early in my life, I experienced feelings of inferiority and inadequacy. Because we struggled financially, my mom and I didn’t live in the “right” places, and I didn’t wear the “right” clothes. Even in school, I felt that I did not measure up academically to the other kids. The sense of failure and embarrassment at not being good enough was devastating to me.

The misery of inferiority is never what God intends for His children. Its seed usually takes root in the impressionable hearts of the young and thrives in an atmosphere of comparison. This kind of emotional baggage can have debilitating and enslaving ramifications in every area of life.

Feelings of inadequacy may cause avoidance of healthy challenges. Low self-esteem cripples personal relationships. And comparison undermines contentment.

Throughout our lives, a sense of insufficiency is bound to crop up from time to time. But we have the power to combat that feeling through the Holy Spirit.

First, learn to understand how God sees you. Then, when thoughts of inadequacy come, you can cling to His accurate assessment rather than a faulty view. The Scriptures say we are His workmanship—His masterpieces (Eph. 2:10). Each person is specially and uniquely designed by the Creator for His purposes. Many of the differences that cause us to make comparisons and feel discouraged are the very qualities that the Lord “programmed” into us to bring Him glory.

Second, acknowledge your weakness. Suppose a neighbor walks across the yard and tells you about his sister’s life-threatening illness. He is upset and scared, wondering what comes after death. You clearly sense God speaking in your heart, urging you to explain His saving grace to the man, but thoughts of your inadequacy nearly drown Him out. Feeling unsure is a normal human reaction, and following God’s directive requires that we acknowledge our fear: “Lord, I don’t feel capable of witnessing to my neighbor.”

Third, pray for strength. “Father, I know this is Your will, so I trust You to fulfill Your Word. You promised to make me adequate in Christ Jesus” (Phil 4:13). The Lord assumes responsibility for helping you know what to say, how to say it, and the spirit in which to deliver His message.

Finally, step out in faith. Do something that propels you into God-given opportunities, allowing Him to prove His power and your adequacy when you rely upon Him.

Let the Lord turn your shortfalls into victory—He delights in proving Himself in our lives. The key is to look beyond our limitations to Jesus Christ’s total sufficiency. Only then can we live joyful and confident lives, even when we are painfully aware of our personal shortcomings.

Feelings of inadequacy are a hindrance to becoming the people God designed us to be. They hold us back from fulfilling His purpose for our lives. When it comes to our worth in God’s sight, we can either accept His appraisal or reject Him and rely on our own feelings instead.

What will your choice be?

Copyright 2012 In Touch Ministries, Inc. All rights reserved. "http://www.intouch.org/">www.intouch.org. In Touch grants permission to print for personal use only.