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"Universal Fellowship of Metropolitan Community Churches (MCC).

The Churches for Homosexuals, called "MCC", "Metropolitan Community Churches", were formed in Los Angeles , 1968, by Troy Perry, a Baptist minister father of 2 children.

Now there are 35,000 members in the MCC, in 230 congregations, with 80% gay membership.

Perry claims that he and other homosexuals experienced on "coming out of the closed".

Many Christian Churches , have special ways to help homosexuals, as they have to help alcoholics, drug addicts, divorcees... within the ranks of the Catholic Church rose up a movement called "Dignity" with "the primary purpose to help the gay to realize that to be Christian he need not deny his homosexuality.

"Homosexual" activity, is considered a "sin" in the Bible... "but", adds, "you have been washed clean, you have been sanctified, and you have been justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and through the Spirit of our God" (1Cor.6:9-11).

Isaiah 53:5, says that Jesus "was wounded for our sins and crushed for our iniquities"... "sins" and "iniquities"... Jesus paid for all "sins" and for the "factories to make sins", for the "bad habits", for the "vices", for our "iniquities"... we are all "sinners", we all have "bad habits"... and all we have to do is to be humble, to repent, and to go to the Sacrament of Confession as often as we need (Jn.20:23, 1Jn.1:9))... Pope John Paul II goes to Confession "every day"... don't you be ashamed to go to Confession often, it is the place where we daily can appropriate the merits of the cross of Christ, it is the "throne of grace and mercy" of Heb.4:16.

The basis for the rehabilitation in "Alcoholic Anonymous" is the Catholic Sacrament of Confession, the five conditions for a good Confession carried out in several days... may be it will be a good idea to apply the same method for those who consider themselves homosexuals.... and the "first step" of the method for Alcoholics is to openly recognize being an Alcoholic, "I am an Alcoholic"...

My advice: If you want to get reed of any "vice", pray 3 Hail Marys every night, you will see wonders in your life!... if you are not a Christian, pray them!, it cost you nothing, you have to renounce to nothing, but try them!, you will see wonders in your life.

The "Bible", clearly condemns homosexuality or sodomy as being immoral and sinful. The Pope John Paul II clarifies that "homosexual activity" is morally wrong, as distinguished from "homosexual orientation", which is not sinful in itself (Oct.5, 1979).

The New Testament, condemns homosexual activity, or sodomy, in at least 3 places: Rom.1:26-32, 1Cor.6:9-11, 1Tim.1:10... and says "they will not inherit the kingdom of God " (1Cor.6:9)... in Leviticus 18:22 homosexuality or sodomy is called "an abomination".

The worst attitude about any vice, including homosexuality, is "to boast" about it, and "to applause others who practice it", as it says in Rom.1:32... no one should be proud or boast to be a murderer, or an alcoholic, or a thief, or a liar, or a prostitute, or a homosexual... the reason why God chastised so severely Sodom and Gomorrah in Genesis 19 is because they were proud of their immoral sexual activities, and they applauded those who openly did them or boasted about them.