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Latest revision as of 13:53, 5 February 2011

They are no longer in existence since the 82 death in the fire at WACO , Texas , in 1993, after the tragic 50-day siege.The Branch Davidians, were an offshoot of the Seventh Day Adventists.

Like the SDA, Branch Davidians believed in an imminent Second Coming of Christ, but were badly weaken as an organization when this failed to happen as predicted in 1959. Even they were sued by many of their members who had bought land close to the supposed place of the Coming of Christ.

The SDA had by that time overcome the embarrassment of their own wrongly predicted Second Coming for 1844, 1845, 1854, 1873..."Vernon Howell", changed his name to "David Koresh", and took over the leadership of the Davidians in 1986 after ousting leader George Roden.

He declared himself the "sinful Messiah" in 1985, and took over the lives of all Davidians, expecting the imminent Coming of Jesus, to establish his kingdom, and, of course, the Davidians would be the rulers with Christ during the Millennium in the Paradise Earth... but only those faithful to Koresh!.

Koresh was the illegitimate son of a 15-year-old mother and was later abused by his stepfather. He was thrown out of the Adventists at the age of 19 for being a troublemaker. He spread the Davidians to Britain ,Australia , Israel ...