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Latest revision as of 23:15, 29 January 2011

As we look about us in the churches we see so few who are really living for God, who are denying themselves, taking up their cross, and following the Lord. How many of these are neglecting their salvation and will be judged severely, and how many are weak and undeveloped because of circumstances beyond their control, is impossible for us to judge.

In any case, the overcomers, the victorious saints who truly are living in spiritual victory, appear to be in the minority in the churches.

I have written quite a bit on the subject of the less mature members of God's elect and will not, therefore, go into the same amount of detail in the present brief essay. I will give you my opinion, which is based on several types of the Old Testament, and perhaps it will provide some useful thoughts

First of all, we must recognize clearly that the victorious saints are definitely a minority in the Christian churches. There are not many overcomers, many believers who really are denying themselves, taking up their cross, and following the Lord Jesus each day.

But there are some, and it is these, I believe, who will appear with Christ when He returns to earth.

But what about the majority who have not gained spiritual victory, who have not denied themselves, taken up their cross, and followed the Lord Jesus?

It appears most Christians die before they receive full deliverance form worldliness, lust, and self-will. Since no worldliness, lust, or self-will shall be permitted in the Kingdom of God, where and how will this multitude of people be reconciled to God in these areas of their personality?

I think we have always assumed that once they die and are in the spirit realm, or when the Lord comes, they will be transformed in personality. But there is no passage of Scripture to support this assumption. Also, if the Lord can wave a wand and transform people after they die, why does He require that we overcome these challenges while living on the earth? His demands on us are stern, insisting that we present our body a living sacrifice to God. Also, Jesus gave warnings of severe punishment, found in the Gospel accounts, to be inflicted on those who bury their talents, run out of oil, or live unrighteously. Jesus said those who do not bear fruit will be cut out of the Vine, that is, out of Himself.

There are dreadful warnings in the New Testament addressed to the Christian believers concerning continuing in sin.

This being the case, how can we assume after a believer dies, or at the coming of the Lord, his or her behavior will be dismissed as irrelevant? If the growth of Christ in us is so slow in the present world, how can we assume Christ will be formed in us at once when we die and enter the spirit realm?

I think it would be more scriptural to believe the immature believers will be helped to maturity by the stronger, by those who attain the first resurrection from the dead, the resurrection and ascension that will occur when the Lord returns.

It is a scriptural principle that those with the double portion assist the remainder of the household. The stronger Christians should help the weaker in every way they can.

So it is our point of view that the thousand-year Kingdom Age is the fulfillment of the Levitical Day of Atonement; that one of the tasks of the victorious saint will be to work with the immature believers until each one finds his appointed place in the new Jerusalem.

We have a young sister, and her breasts are not yet grown. What shall we do for our sister for the day she is spoken for? If she is a wall, we will build towers of silver on her. If she is a door, we will enclose her with panels of cedar. (Song of Solomon 8:8,9-NIV)

A bruised reed he will not break, and a smoldering wick he will not snuff out. In faithfulness he will bring forth justice; (Isaiah 42:3-NIV)

The two verses that follow may indicate that after the two "days" of the Church Age the Lord will bring His salvation not only to the remnant of Jewish people but also to the less mature of the Christians.

After two days he will revive us; on the third day he will restore us, that we may live in his presence. (Hosea 6:2-NIV)

And He said to them, "Go and tell that fox, 'Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I reach My goal.'"(Luke 13:32-NIV)

It seems the purpose of the two thousand years of the Church Age is to bring forth and perfect a firstfruits who will be especially close to the Lord-perhaps for eternity. When this governing priesthood has attained maturity as measured by the fullness of the stature of Christ, then God will proceed with the development of the remainder of His Kingdom.

These are those who did not defile themselves with women, for they kept themselves pure. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They were purchased from among men and offered as firstfruits to God and the Lamb. No lie was found in their mouths; they are blameless. (Revelation 14:4,5-NIV)