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Latest revision as of 15:42, 29 January 2011

Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? (James 2:19-20)

Knowledge plays an important role in the Divine salvation. There is a need for people to be aware of the existence of the Godhead-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, and of the righteous and holy Nature of God. There are aspects of the rebellion of the angels, and of the entrance of sin into the world, that when we know of them help us understand the presence and results of sin in the human personality and the need for forgiveness and deliverance.

Another realm of knowledge concerns the attitude God has toward sin, and the covenants God has made with people because of their sin. Of special importance is the knowledge of God's will for the individual as revealed in the Scriptures and also in personal revelation. God's will for His elect includes their transformation into the moral image of Christ, their union with God through Christ, their readiness to build up the members of the Body of Christ, and their readiness to serve as the light of the world, beginning with their own neighborhood.

It is supremely important that people become aware of the future of mankind with respect to God, that is, the resurrection of the dead in which each person receives the consequences of his or her behavior, and the forceful installation of the Kingdom of God on the earth.

The areas of knowledge associated with the Kingdom of God are as follows:

Knowledge of the existence of the Godhead-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit and of the righteous and holy Nature of God.

Knowledge of the aspects of the rebellion of the angels and of the entrance of sin into the world, that when we know of them help us understand the presence and results of sin in the human personality and the need for forgiveness and deliverance.

Knowledge of God's attitude toward sin and the covenants God has made with people because of their sin.

The knowledge of God's will for the individual as revealed in the Scriptures and also in personal revelation.

God's will for people includes their transformation into the moral image of Christ, their union with God through Christ, their readiness to build up the members of the Body of Christ, and their readiness to serve as the light of the world, beginning with their own neighborhood. In addition, the saints, the members of Christ, are being trained in spiritual warfare.

The Kingdom of God will be installed on the earth as Christ and His saints descend from Heaven and drive all sinners, spiritual and physical from the earth. Justice finally will come to the meek of the nations.

For, behold, the day cometh, that shall burn as an oven; and all the proud, yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the LORD of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root nor branch. (Malachi 4:1)

Knowledge of the future of mankind with respect to God, that is, the resurrection of each person from the dead that he or she may receive the consequences of his or her behavior; and of the forceful installation of the Kingdom of God on the earth.

Throughout the history of the Christian Church great emphasis has been placed on a correct understanding of the facts of the above areas of knowledge. Theologians have argued. Wars have been fought. Dissenters have been tortured and martyred. The attitude of the Christian leaders and organizations has been that people must agree with the positions and beliefs of the leaders and organizations. The individual who does not conform to the accepted statements concerning the areas of knowledge is cast from the group, organization, or movement, penalized in some manner, and sometimes tortured and slain.

The various Christian denominations exist because of the different understandings of the areas of knowledge associated with God and His Kingdom.

As we are approaching the coming of the Lord and His Kingdom to the earth we are growing aware that belief in what is true in the Kingdom of God is not of itself salvation.

The knowledge of the facts of the Kingdom of God serves as a basis and guide for the Divine salvation. Because the knowledge serves as a basis and guide it is important that it be accurate. But accurate knowledge, and a profession of belief in accurate knowledge, are not salvation. Salvation is not composed of what we know or believe.

The error of current Christian thinking is that if one professes belief in correct doctrine he is saved. Added to this confusion is the unscriptural position that being saved means he will attain permanent residence in Heaven when he dies.

God's purpose behind all of His covenants is that people practice righteousness, love mercy, and walk humbly with God. By viewing God's salvation as a profession of belief in the true facts of redemption, with the goal of spending eternity in the spirit realm, we have effectively undermined God's desire to have righteous people who perform His will in the earth and who are able to bring deliverance and eternal life to others.