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Back to Study the Book of First Corinthians

1.What did Paul invite the overconfident Corinthian believers to do? .
2.For what did Paul praise the believers at Corinth? .
3.What line of headship did Paul teach? .
4.What should be true of a man while he is praying or prophesying? .
5.What should be true of a woman while she is praying or prophesying? .
6.What choice does Paul present to the women of the church at Corinth? .
7.Why should a man not have his head covered while he is praying or prophesying? .
8.Why should a woman have her head covered while she is praying or prophesying? .
9.What principle does Paul declare? .
10.Why should a woman have her head covered while she is praying or prophesying? .
11.How does Paul broaden his teaching on this subject? .
12.From what substance was the first woman formed? .
13.How has every man, with the exception of Adam and Melchizedek, arrived on the earth? .
14.From where does everything come? .
15.To what does Paul appeal? .
16.What does nature teach us? .
17.What is true of a woman who has long hair? .
18.With what thought does Paul conclude his discourse on the proper attire of men and women who are praying and prophesying? .
19.Is Paul praising the Corinthian believers because of their conduct in the assembly? .
20.What was Paul hearing about the saints in Corinth? .
21.Why was Paul ready to believe there were divisions among them? .
22.What did Paul say about their coming together to eat the Lord’s Supper? .
23.What does Paul remind them? .
24.What were they doing? .
25.Does Paul praise them for this? .
26.What had Paul received directly from the Lord Jesus, although he had not been one of the original twelve Apostles? .
27.How did the Lord Jesus refer to the loaf of bread as He broke it? .
28.With what attitude of mind should we eat the broken body of the Lord? .
29.What did the Lord say as He held up the cup after the last supper? .
30.In what attitude are we to drink of His blood? .
31.What are we proclaiming when we eat the broken body and drink the shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ? .
32.What, then, is true of those who are turning the Lord’s Table. into a banquet in which the rich are drunk and the poor are hungry and ashamed?
33.What should a believer do before he partakes of the Communion ? .
34.When should the believer eat of the bread and drink of the cup? .
35.What is true of the believer who comes to the assembly of saints and partakes of the Lord’s Table,. and yet does not have an attitude of worship and devoutness toward the Communion elements as representing the body and blood of the Lord, or love and concern for the members of the Lord’s Body with whom he is gathering?
36.What was this believer not discerning and understanding? .
37.What had happened to many of the Corinthian believers who had held a wrong attitude toward the Lord’s Table? .
38.What is true when we examine our own conduct? .
39.What does the Lord do when He does judge us? .
40.How can we show a proper attitude toward the Lord’s Body—our fellow Christians? .
41.What should the believer do when he is hungry? .
42.What did Paul promise the saints? .

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