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Copyright © 2007 Trumpet Ministries, Inc. All Rights Reserved

Sometimes a store will sell a product, declaring that “one size fits all.” It might be an adjustable watchband, or a pair of men’s socks. The Kingdom of God is not like that. It is true that when an individual comes to the Lord for forgiveness, he or she is just as forgiven, just as holy before God, as the most experienced saint. Also, he or she is raised with Christ to sit at the right hand of God. However, after this the demands made on the individual by the Spirit of God are as varied as there are believers.

(1/6/2008)The parable of the talents, in the twenty-fifth chapter of the Book of Matthew, reveals to us that the Lord does not give the same responsibility to every believer. In another place it speaks of those to whom much has been given.

What is a Kingdom talent? It is whatever is given to us as an individual. It can be our level of intelligence, some special ability in the arts or sciences, our health, our children—in short, all our resources; all of that which we can use to further the work of the Kingdom of God.

The parable of the talents impresses on us that if we set aside our own ambitions that Christ may be served, our reward will be increased responsibility in His Kingdom. However, if we place our own life in the world ahead of our service to the Lord, we will be regarded by the Lord Jesus as a wicked, lazy servant. Our talent or talents will be take from us and given to another. Finally, we will be removed from the light and glory of the Kingdom of God and placed in spiritual darkness. From my experience I would say that such dire consequences can happen to us in this world, before we die.

So how we employ what has been given to us is an extremely serious business. I think the modern teaching is that somehow “grace” covers our laziness, such that no matter whether or not we use our resources to please Christ, we will be blessed and be received into Paradise in any case. Thus today’s preaching makes the Word of God of no effect. It is no wonder that America is in the state it is, as it is being weakened in every area of life!

So it absolutely is not true that if we bury our talent, so to speak, we will be regarded favorably by the Lord God because of His grace and mercy! It will happen to us just as the Lord said. It is obvious that much of today’s Christian teaching is coming from Satan himself. Such teaching is leading the Christian people to destruction!

Actually it is the greatest pleasure to serve Christ. Whether we are to be of high rank in the Kingdom, or have been appointed to a lesser place, the demands on us are always accompanied by love, joy, and peace. His yoke is easy and His burden is light. God’s commandments simply are not grievous!

Christ does require of every believer that he present his body as a living sacrifice. This means we approach every day with the attitude that what Jesus is desiring of us that day is of supreme importance. We look to Him continually for wisdom, strength, and joy in His service.

We never, never, never are to consider making a living to be more important than what Jesus wants of us. God’s Word promises us that if we place the Kingdom of God first in importance, and seek it at all times, our needs shall be taken care of. If this promise can be broken, then none of the Bible promises are trustworthy.

Each member of the Church, the Body of Christ, has a place of importance. Each believer has something to give to build the Kingdom of God. We do not have to fret ourselves trying to find out what it is. We just have to keep looking to Jesus at all times, listening to Him, and obeying Him strictly. If we do this, He will keep us from the judgments that are to come upon our nation because of abortion, sexual perversions, and other sins.

If you wish to know what your role is in the Kingdom of God, what you are to do, do not compare yourself with another believer. Do not be presumptuous and “step out of the boat” unless the Lord invites you. Neither be lazy, sluggish, bowed down with the cares of the world. Be content in the prison where the Lord has placed you, meanwhile letting your requests be made known to God. Walk hand in hand with Christ throughout your lifetime.

Jesus’ mother at the wedding said to the household servants, “Whatever He says to you, do it.” This is it in a nutshell. Do what Christ directs you to do. Follow the Lamb wherever He goes. Ask God in Jesus’ name if He will help you give up your own hopes and ambitions that you might live by the Life of Jesus Christ; that you might be His helper; that you might be an extension of Him. God will answer this prayer each day if you keep at it and don’t give up.

“One size does not fit all.” We are not to compare ourselves with another believer. We are entering an age of chaos in America that no new president is going to repair. This is because, as happened to the Israelites of old when they forsook the Lord, we are losing the Lord’s covering that has been on America in the past. No president, no matter how capable or sincere, can prevent the Divine judgments that are to come on America. We can see them already in so many areas, can’t we.

What can the individual believer do? Jesus said to me, “I have new and surprising things for every Christian who will forget about the ways of the past, wait on Me, listen carefully to Me, and be strictly obedient.” This word came to me a few months back during a pastors’ conference. I know it was the Lord, and still is the Lord.

Remember Jeremiah and Nebuzaradan. It does not matter how dreadful the circumstances, God will take good care of every person who is faithful to Him. Nebuzaradan invited Jeremiah to go and live safely in Babylon. Thus the world will “swallow up” the river of moral filth with which Satan hopes to the destroy the Lord’s people, and they will be saved if they are keeping the Lord’s commandments. But the Israelites, in their wickedness, carried off Jeremiah to Egypt.

Be of good cheer. Hope in the Lord. Serve Christ patiently and He will save you and your loved ones from the flood of Satan that is starting to cover our land.

Your friend in Christ,

Pastor Bob Thompson

You can hear the morning sermon at morning. http://www.wor.org/audio/audio.htm

You can hear the evening sermon at evening. http://www.wor.org/audio/audio.htm

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