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Back to By David C. Pack


The Bible teaches that a powerful antichrist will soon arise to rule the world. But what does the word “antichrist” mean? You can know—and comprehend!—the Bible answers to the most important questions about the antichrist!

A final, great antichrist is coming. You must understand what this means—and how the Bible makes plain that the last antichrist is far from the only one to avoid.

Prophecy watchers, popular preachers and authors, and other so-called experts butcher the truth about the coming antichrist. Some reduce this prophecy, others badly twist it, still others declare it already fulfilled, and another group dismisses it entirely. On top of this, many so-called Bible authorities speak with competing, disagreeing voices about the subject, and thus add to the confusion.

The appalling ignorance of these voices—all of them—is painful to hear.

Satan counterfeits every doctrine of the Bible. The antichrist would hardly be an exception. While generally understood to be a figure of horrific evil and a threat to all mankind, the antichrist is today seen by most to be largely focused against the Jewish people. Based on a completely wrong understanding of Daniel 9:27, tens of millions believe that this world-deceiver will make a “7-year covenant” with the modern nation of Israel, before breaking the agreement halfway through, thus introducing the Great Tribulation for the last 3½ years of his “reign.” It is commonly believed that at this point he will throw off his cloak and reveal his true colours.

This entire belief is wrong! Daniel 9:27 simply does not say this. But this thinking is having an effect on great numbers of people who have come, largely over the last 150 years, to believe this idea.

Here is the great irony. Due to misunderstanding, one school of rapturists is even eagerly awaiting the antichrist’s arrival—practically salivating over it in anticipation because of what they have been told it means for them. Tragically, these are completely unprepared for his coming—in fact, for their coming, because there will be in effect two final antichrists, called the Beast and the False Prophet.

A religious arch-deceiver will point to and underscore the Beast’s authority with powerful, spell-binding miracles. In almost all of the modern scenarios, however, most confuse the antichrist—the Beast—with verses talking about the False Prophet, such as II Thessalonians 2:9 and Daniel 7:8.

Almost all have no idea where to look—for what system—in fact, the only system—that could spawn these final deceivers. This is in part because they are not looking, and do not really care. They are busy trusting in a fictional rapture, nowhere taught in God’s Word. They expect to be snatched away—so why worry? Many others unnecessarily fear that they will be “left behind” after the supposed coming rapture.

Hollywood has added to the interest in prophecy and the rapture fiction through imaginative graphics, coupled with actors depicting popular ideas. Silly artwork and bad actors have only hindered correct understanding.

The most basic prophetic understanding reveals that the final antichrist must be alive today—so must the False Prophet—simply because of the obvious shortness of remaining time in this age. This monstrous final deceiver is not a historical figure, such as Nero, Saladin, George III, Napoleon Bonaparte, Saddam Hussein or Adolf Hitler—who, it could be said, was certainly a type of the antichrist. Neither is he Vladimir Putin, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad or any one of several American presidents who have been suggested.

In all of this, everyone is looking in all the wrong places!

If you cannot understand what is an antichrist—what they are, and what they do—and that they are all around you now!—you will never recognize the final antichrist. You must know what to look for—and avoid. You must be able to understand the setting—and gravity—of what is now being spawned in Europe.

To learn much more about the term “antichrist,” watch The World to Come broadcast “The Final Antichrist –Who and What.”