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Next Part The Kingdom of God is Coming

Back to By David C. Pack

With the possible exception of Jonah (who no doubt preached the gospel outside of his book), it can be shown that, in one way or another, all those often identified as the “Minor Prophets” preached the gospel of the kingdom of God. Remember, seeing the phrase “the gospel of the kingdom of God” is not the only way of describing the gospel! Genesis 12:3 and Galatians 3:8 have already shown this.

Review the following verses. In each case, you will find that they refer, directly or indirectly, to the kingdom of God: Hosea 2:16, 19; 3:5; Joel 2:21-27; Amos 9:11-15; Obadiah 21; Micah 4:1-3; Habakkuk 2:14; Zephaniah 3:14-20; Zechariah 14:1-3, 8-9; Malachi 3:1-3.

After reading these scriptures, it is obvious that Peter was right, and that “God has spoken by the mouth of all His holy prophets since the world began…the restitution [restoration] of all things,” which can only occur with the coming of God’s government to earth. It is crucial to make one final point. Acts 3:21 states, “God has spoken by the mouth of…” The kingdom of God is a message from God.

It should be clear that it is GOD who speaks through whatever kind of servant He is using—prophet, patriarch, judge, deacon, preacher of righteousness, king, evangelist or apostle! If a man was truly His servant, God always spoke this same message through him—“since the world began”! Is There a Separate Gospel of Jesus Christ? As mentioned, Mark 1:1 speaks of “The beginning of the gospel of Jesus Christ.” Let’s ask: Is the “gospel of Jesus Christ” a different—a second—gospel? Did Paul forget that there was another gospel besides the one about the kingdom?

The answer is an emphatic “No!” But most preachers teach that the gospel of Jesus Christ is about Christ, also claiming that He is the kingdom of God and that the gospel of the kingdom is Christ. We have seen that this is false, and completely unbiblical! The gospel of Jesus Christ is His gospel—His message about the kingdom of God!

We have seen that Jesus was a Messenger sent from God with an ANNOUNCEMENT! It was not about Himself—it was about God’s kingdom coming to reign over the entire earth. In John 12:49-50, Jesus said, “For I have not spoken of Myself; but the Father which sent Me, He gave Me a commandment, what I should say, and what I should speak. And I know that His commandment is life everlasting: whatsoever I speak therefore, even as the Father said unto Me, so I speak.” It should now be clear that Christ functioned as a messenger—as a SPOKESMAN for the kingdom of God.

In John 14:24, Jesus said, “the word which you hear is not Mine, but the Father’s which sent Me.” Christ brought the Father’s message—not His own. This should now be clear. Remember, He stated in Luke 16:16 that “The law and the prophets were [preached] until John: since that time the kingdom of God is preached.”

That is what this Work is doing today. Through this booklet, the truth of God’s kingdom is being preached to you and to thousands of others. Defining a Kingdom Many ask, “But exactly what is the Bible definition of a kingdom?” Preachers and theologians have tried to spiritualize this away because they have not carefully examined God’s own clear definition.

Turn to Daniel 2:1-49. This chapter is actually a lengthy prophecy symbolized by a giant metallic man composed of four sections (five elements), which represents four literal kingdoms. Take time to read this entire prophecy. It contains what the Bible means by the term “kingdom.” This explanation is found at the end of Dan 2:39, which refers to these kingdoms “which shall bear rule over all the earth.” These can only be described as real governments with real power over real people.

Some believe the kingdom of God is merely an idea in the “hearts of men.” This verse cannot be explained away as a reference to some nebulous, vague idea about a “kingdom in the hearts of men.” There is also no way to make God’s definition fit any particular church or churches. It speaks of rulership by governments with authority over literal nations on this earth—and over literal people. Will you let someone tell you otherwise or will you believe God’s Word? Remember, the above kingdoms “bear rule over all the earth.”

Take note of two important aspects of the giant metallic image described in Daniel 2:1-49. They give insight into events prophesied to occur just before Christ’s Return. First, the metal decreases in value as we descend from the head to the legs and feet of the image. The quality of each succeeding kingdom/empire is less in value than the one preceding it. Second, the metal increases in strength as we descend the statue’s body. In other words, the power and scope of each succeeding kingdom/empire is greater than the one preceding it.

Finally, notice that the two legs of iron (Dan 2: 32-33, 40-42) represent a kingdom that is divided. This depicts the Roman Empire, which was divided, with capitals at both Rome and Constantinople. The last ten toes of the feet are part of iron and part of clay. Iron does not and cannot mix with clay, so this is a picture of final instability. When the feet break apart, the entire man will collapse. Careful study must be made of three chapters in order to fully understand the succession of these four kingdoms and to see more clearly that the ten toes are actually ten separate kings who temporarily unite in the last days.

Next, compare Revelation 13:1-18 and 17:1-18 with Daniel 7. This is a sobering and powerful prophecy about latter-day events—events that will affect you and me in our lifetime! Revelation 17:8 describes a “beast” that ascends out of a “bottomless pit” and is ridden by a “woman.” Rev 17:12 shows that this beast involves ten kings who shall have power and unite under a charismatic leader who will take the role of the beast. This will be the seventh, and last, short-lived resurrection of the Holy Roman Empire—arising RIGHT NOW in the heart of Europe. A United States of Europe is coming and lies just ahead of us. It is vital that you understand what these prophecies mean! (Read our extensive free booklet Who or What Is the Beast of Revelation?)

Something amazing happens “in the days of these kings” (the ten toes, depicting the ten last kings of Revelation 17:12). The coming greatest of all events removes all doubt about exactly WHAT the kingdom of God is. Also, that it happens “in the days of these kings” is God telling us WHEN it will happen. We read it earlier. Daniel 2:44 states, “And in the days of these kings shall the God of heaven set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people [God will never allow people to seize control], but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever.”

It is God, not men, who will establish the final and greatest world-ruling empire of all time. And He tells us that He will never allow men to intervene and disrupt it—that it will “stand forever.” This promise is SURE. But the world is blissfully unaware of the oncoming freight train of near-term, end-time events soon to strike it—whether men believe it or not!

The Woman of Revelation 17:1-18 Before continuing, we need to consider more about whole chapters of prophecy, which amplify Daniel 2:1-49.

Comparing Daniel 7:1-49 with Revelation 13:1-18 and 17:1-18 reveals that there are seven revivals of the Holy Roman Empire. Six have come and gone—and one remains that is now forming! It will last for about 3 1/2 years, during the same terrible period of the Great Tribulation (Matt. 24:21-22). Immediately after this last resurrection, the kingdom of God will come.

It is vital to understand another important connection to the seven revivals (or resurrections) of the Roman system. Revelation 17:1-18 describes each of these revivals as having “a woman sit[ting] upon [the] scarlet collared beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns” (Rev 17:3). The seven heads are seven separate revivals, with a ten-horn final revival composed of ten kings. It is this woman who spreads the “mystery of iniquity” spoken of by Paul (II Thes. 2:7).

Of the woman, Rev 17:5-6 state, “And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus.” Rev 17:1 calls her a “great whore that sits upon many waters…” with Rev 17:15 explaining that the “waters” are many “peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.”

This is a graphic description of a very large and powerful Gentile church that is a modern descendant of Babylon. She is “mother” to many “harlot” daughters who came out of her in protest because they disagreed with some few of her abominations. This is not a small church, but rather a “great” church ruling “many” peoples. Rev 17:2 speaks of her “fornication” with the “kings of the earth.” And Rev 17:18 speaks of the woman as “that great city, which reigns over the kings of the earth.”

This is a very different woman than the one of Revelation 12:1-17, who is to marry Christ (Rev. 19:7; Matt. 25:1-10; Eph. 5:23) at His Return. This chapter describes the true Church of God that the great Gentile church has persecuted for almost 2,000 years (Rev 17:6). It is the large church’s ministers who have “crept into” God’s Church (Jude 3-4) as “wolves” speaking “perverse things” and seeking to pull people back into the mystery of false Christianity.

Daniel 7:19-20 sheds more light on what happens when the saints return with Christ. Their first responsibility is to replace what Daniel calls the “fourth beast” (the final world empire Christ replaces at His Return), which rules with the assistance of a “little horn.” This little horn is the religious kingdom that is the same as the woman who rides the Revelation 17:1-18 beast. This religious kingdom has ruled over all previous resurrections, or revivals, of the Roman Empire.

The saints will have endured tremendous persecution at the hands of this “little horn” woman. But eventually the faithful saints will be rewarded in an incredible way. Consider: “I beheld, and the same horn [the Babylonish system of Rev. 17:5-6] made war with the saints, and prevailed against them; Until the Ancient of Days came, and judgment was given to the saints of the Most High; and the time came that the saints possessed the KINGDOM” (Dan. 7:21-22).

Eventually, God will destroy this whore and her harlot daughters, once and for all, by turning the beast she rides against her (Rev. 17:16). But first she must “ride” the final revival of the Holy Roman Empire (Babylonian system)!

There is not much time left until this last revival appears—it is forming even now—with the wonderful kingdom of God to appear soon after (Rev 19:11-16). All the governments of men—including that of every large and small country on earth—will be smashed and replaced by God’s coming SUPER GOVERNMENT.