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Back to The Bible's Difficult Scriptures Explained!

No discussion about the Bible’s authorship would be complete without addressing the subject of evolution. It represents, perhaps, the first proof, in overall priority, that should be examined.

Most people have been taught from childhood that mankind evolved through a long process. While the theory of evolution is commonly accepted throughout the Western World, it has never been more than an unproven theory. Yet, to believe in the biblical Creation account is considered unfashionable, un-“chic” and even unintelligent. And, of course, if the theory of evolution is true, then the Bible is a flawed book. At best, it is a mixture of truth and error. If the Bible can be so wrong, on a matter as important as the beginning of all life on earth (“Genesis” means beginning), then it cannot be trusted on any other point. If evolution occurred, the entire Bible collapses like a house of cards. (After all, Christ Himself referenced and spoke of the literal man Adam numerous times, as did the apostle Paul.)

If evolution can be disproven, and the Creation account firmly established, then a powerful proof of the Bible’s authority has also been established.

Make no mistake! All of the Bible purports to be the Word of God. It all stands or it all falls together. Either the 66 assembled books of the Bible form a book of truth from start to finish—and mankind should tremble before it—or, if evolution is true, the Bible must be judged false. It would thus stand as the greatest fraud ever perpetrated on an unsuspecting mankind!

I have carefully prepared an extensive booklet, Does God Exist? It is a companion to this section and establishes, irrefutably, through many proofs, the absolute existence of God. Again, this question is inseparable from that of whether evolution occurred. It also firmly establishes the utter impossibility of evolution, leaving no doubt why the God of the Bible states, in several places, “Only the fool has said in his heart, There is no God.”

Space does not permit repeating that entire booklet here. However, it covers proofs from astronomy, the laws of thermodynamics, the fossil record gap, the concept of “irreducible complexity” as per DNA and cells, the presence of “tiny engines” inside cells, the law of biogenesis, the extraordinary complexity of the human mind, the amazing human eye, the nature of Australian termites, the impossibility of certain kinds of fish and birds having evolved—and the staggering mathematical improbability that even one planet like earth could have appeared anywhere in the universe by chance. These proofs establish not only that God does exist, but also that the Genesis Creation account is the only plausible explanation for the origin of life.

The evidence is plain, emphatic and irrefutable—and establishes the biblical account beyond question! The fact that certain “fools” (God’s choice of terms, not mine) might ignore, reject or seek to discredit them is irrelevant to their validity. I ignore such people because I am instructed in Proverbs to “Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you also be like unto him” (Prov 26:4). People who reject absolute proof are foolish and ought not to be dignified with an answer to their foolishness. This booklet has been written for those who seek—who want—the truth!

Evolutionists invariably use terms like “We suspect…We are coming to believe…What may have happened…We may theorize that…It is our opinion…What probably occurred…We do not know…,” etc. These terms do not inspire much confidence. The dogmatic statements of the Bible do! The God of the Bible never speaks in such uncertain terms. He does not have to. He not only knows He created mankind, but that it also can be proven. Thus, He speaks boldly—with authority—about what He has done!

Consider further. Evolutionists do not know the purpose of life. They do not know why they were born. And they reject the authority of God’s Word because they do not want Him “sticking His nose” into their lives. If they can discredit the authenticity of His Word, then they need not obey Him.

I cannot make you accept the proofs of God’s existence. These are decisions you must make. I cannot force you to act upon proofs of the authority of His Word. I disproved evolution over forty years ago and had no choice but to act on this knowledge, if I were to remain an honest seeker of truth.

Remember, it is in the Bible that the six-day Creation account of God creating all plants, animals and man himself is found. If evolution is disproven, it is the very Bible account that is verified—validated—established—as the true record of how all life on earth came into being. We have now established the first and greatest proof of the Bible. However, until you have read Does God Exist?, this proof is not complete. Take time to read it. (And also read our even more extensive brochure Evolution – Facts Fallacies and Implications, which thoroughly disproves evolution.)

The Cause and Effect Principle