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[[Ex 3]] Sermon on Exodus 3:1-12  
Sermon on Exodus 3:1-12  
"WHO AM I" Intro: God's watchful care over His people, "I have seen, etc." I. WHEN DID HE ASK THE QUESTION? A. After forty years of herding sheep in the desert regions of Median. B. Forty years earlier he would not have asked the question, "Who am I?" 1. He was the son of Pharaoh's daughter. 2. He was trained for the throne. 3. He was conscious of God's call on his life. a. ...  
"WHO AM I" Intro: God's watchful care over His people, "I have seen, etc." I. WHEN DID HE ASK THE QUESTION? A. After forty years of herding sheep in the desert regions of Median. B. Forty years earlier he would not have asked the question, "Who am I?" 1. He was the son of Pharaoh's daughter. 2. He was trained for the throne. 3. He was conscious of God's call on his life. a. ...  

Latest revision as of 00:40, 19 September 2011

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Sermon on Exodus 3:1-12

"WHO AM I" Intro: God's watchful care over His people, "I have seen, etc." I. WHEN DID HE ASK THE QUESTION? A. After forty years of herding sheep in the desert regions of Median. B. Forty years earlier he would not have asked the question, "Who am I?" 1. He was the son of Pharaoh's daughter. 2. He was trained for the throne. 3. He was conscious of God's call on his life. a. ...

Sermon on Exodus 3:1-4

I. THE CALL OF MOSES. A. As Paul, separated from mother's womb. 1. Divine deliverance as child. 2. introduced into the Pharaoh's household. 3. Schooled in Egyptian court. B. At age of 40, a scholar, statesman, qualified. 1. Conscious of God's destiny and call for him. a. Visited his brethren. b. He acted on the basis of what he knew. 1. "He supposed his brethren understood ...

Sermon on Exodus 3:7-8

"I SEE, I HEAR, I KNOW" Intro: Laugh and the world laughs with you. The place of affliction and sorrow often lonely. Doesn't anybody care? I. I HAVE SURELY SEEN THE AFFLICTION OF MY PEOPLE. A. Nothing is hid from the gaze of God. "Everything is naked and open before Him." 1. This can be a terrifying truth. a. Sin and darkness associated. 1. We want to hide our guilt. 2. When ...

Sermon on Exodus 3:7,8

"HE SEES, HE HEARS, HE KNOWS." Intro. It has been said that the life of Moses can be divided into three equal segments. Forty years in the Pharaoh's court becoming somebody, forty years in the wilderness discovering that he is nobody, forty years finding out how God can take a nobody and make somebody out of him. Moses is coming to the end of the second stage of his life, his forty...

Sermon on Exodus 3:11

"WHO AM I?" Intro: We hear much talk today of "identity crisis." There is a great attempt to bring people to a consciousness of themselves as persons rather than a role player. You are not a wife or mother first, you are a person first. Any self-centered concept will lead you to emptiness and frustration. We need a God-centered personality and life. I. "WHO AM I?" A. God had brou...

Sermon on Exodus 3:11, 13; 4:1, 10, 13

"THE RELUCTANT SERVANT" Intro: Moses' life divided into 3 40-year periods. The story we consider today took place at the end of the second 40. I. THE CALL OF GOD TO MOSES. A. The burning bush. B. The commission of God, "I will sent thee to Pharaoh." II. THE OBJECTIONS OF MOSES. A. No ability vs. 11. 1. Who am I? 2. We have a concept that God is conducting a talent search. a...

Sermon on Exodus 6:6-7

"GOD'S I WILLS" Intro: The difference between I will and I shall. Moses first attempt to deliver the people a disaster. I. "I WILL BRING OUT FROM UNDER THE BURDENS OF EGYPT." A. These things all happened as examples. 1. Egypt represents the old life before Christ. 2. Red Sea, baptism. 3. Wilderness, learning to trust God. 4. Promised land, the life of victory in Christ. B. T...

Sermon on Exodus 8:25, 28; 10:11, 24

Intro: Egypt a type of the world - Pharaoh of Satan-Israel of the church. Satan sees to lead into compromise, experiences short of full surrender. I. GO YE SACRIFICE TO GOD IN THE LAND. A. Believe in God and remain in the world. 1. People tell me they pray every night. 2. You can be a Christian and not go to church. a. Can you disobey God and be saved? 1. "He that hath my comm...

Sermon on Exodus 9:27

"CONFESSION OF SIN" I. HARDENED SINNER IN TERROR "I HAVE SINNED." A. Why the confession? 1. Thunder & hail, fire running along ground. 2. How many similar confessions elicited from calamity. a. Storm. b. War. c. Earthquake. d. Bed of sickness. 3. Men on parole committing crime. II. DOUBLE MINDED MAN "I HAVE SINNED" BALAAM - Num. 22:34. A. Though he confessed to the angel ...

Sermon on Exodus 10:1,2

"TELL YOUR CHILDREN." I. GOD HAS BEEN MANIFESTING HIS POWER UNTO THE ISRAELITES. A. They have seen the power of God bring the great Egyptian nation to its knees. B. He has made stiff the heart of Pharaoh so that He might show His awesome power to His people. C. God wants the people to know what a mighty God He is. 1. They have watched Him as He has been dismantling the Egyptian...

Sermon on Exodus 8:25,28; 10:9-11,10,24

"THE DANGER OF COMPROMISE." I. WHEN YOU ARE DETERMINED TO FOLLOW THE LORD IT SEEMS THAT SATAN BEGINS TO OFFER COMPROMISES. A. God requires absolute, unconditional surrender. As a teenager I used to sing, "All my days and all my hours, all my will and all my powers, all the passions of my soul, not a fraction, but the whole, shall be Thine dear Lord, shall be Thine dear Lord." That...

Sermon on Exodus 11:7

"THE BIG DIFFERENCE" Intro: Many differences, yet many similarities Rom. "No differ." I. THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN THE MAN OF THE WORLD AND THE CHRISTIAN. A. Unfortunately this difference not always obvious, but it should be. 1. Different appetites. a. Goals. 1. The worldly man may be seeking security. 2. The worldly man may be seeking pleasure or happiness. 3. The worldly man...

Sermon on Exodus 12:3-7

"THE PASSOVER LAMB" Intro: The demand to Pharaoh, the plagues to his hardened heart. I. THE FINAL PLAGUE, DEATH OF THE FIRSTBORN. A. On the night of April 14th, God was going to pass through the land of Egypt. 1. The destroyer, often called the death angel, was to slay the firstborn of every household. 2. For the households of the children of Israel to be spared, they must prep...

Sermon on Exodus 14

"THE GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE" Intro: The movement and history of Israel was typical and to establish spiritual truth. I. Cor. 10. "These things are our example." And slavery in Egypt type of life in sin. I. THE PRESENT POSITION. A. Between two mountains and the sea. 1. Led into absolute trap. 2. No possible way of escape. B. Who led them to this awkward position? 1. If it was...

Sermon on Exodus 14

"TRAPPED" I. THE TRAP. A. Moses directed the children of Israel to turn toward the Red Sea between Pihahiroth and Baal Zephon. 1. With mountains on either side and the sea in front, no place to go. a. When Pharaoh heard of it he said, "The wilderness has shut them up." 2. To complicate matters, Pharaoh with his army sealed off the entrance by which they came and left no escape ...

Sermon on Exodus 14:13,14

"THE SALVATION OF THE LORD" Intro: God has afflicted the Egyptians with all the plagues. Now after the death of the first born, the Pharaoh in an emotional decision has ordered them to go. Now that he has had time to consider, he ordered his army to pursue them. I. MOSES, IT SEEMS, HAS MADE AN OBVIOUS BLUNDER. A. He has led the people into a valley toward the sea. 1. With the se...

Sermon on Exodus 14:15

I. SOMETIMES ANSWER VERY WRONG. A. I was taught to as a child. 1. "Lord bless that which we are about..." 2. Memorized prayers have no value. 3. Repetition of phrase has no value. a. Boy in Cairo; ILL. B. It is part of my religion. 1. Like Fakir holding arm aloft. 2. Dancing through fire. C. I felt better afterwards. 1. Ought you to feel better? II. MANY TIMES PRAYER OUT ...

Sermon on Exodus 14:15

"GO FORWARD." I. THE DILEMMA THEY FACED. A. They were escaping from the Egyptians and had come into a valley that led to the Red Sea. 1. The mountains of Pihahiroth, were on one side of them and the mountains of Migdol on the other. 2. When the Egyptians heard of the directions they had taken they said they were entangled in the land, the wilderness has shut them in. 3. Apparen...

Sermon on Exodus 15:1

"SONGS OF PRAISES." Intro. "Then sang Moses and the children of Israel, this song unto the Lord." When? When they saw the Egyptian army destroyed as the Red Sea closed in on them. I. THE PEOPLE HAVE JUST WITNESSED THE AWESOME POWER OF JEHOVAH GOD, THE GOD THEY HAVE CHOSEN TO FOLLOW AND SERVE. A. God had deliberately led them into a trap in order to show them His mighty power of d...

Sermon on Exodus 17:8

"THE BATTLE WITH THE FLESH." I. THEN CAME AMALEK AND FOUGHT WITH ISRAEL. A. Amalek was the grandson of Esau. Esau was a man of the flesh; Jacob a man of the Spirit. Thus, even in their descendants you find the flesh fighting against the spirit. 1. Throughout the scriptures you will find that the Amalekites are a a type of the flesh. 2. Paul told the Galatians that the flesh lust...

Sermon on Exodus 20

"THE LAW OF THE LORD IS PERFECT." Intro. Life exists on two planes: the vertical and the horizontal. The vertical axis on which your life revolves is your relationship with God. The horizontal is your relationship with others. There is a fixed center point so that if the vertical axis is out of line, your life is doomed to become topsy turvy. People are always seeking to find the b...

Sermon on Exodus 20:20

"THE LAW OF THE LORD" Intro: "For the law came by Moses..." I. THE OCCASION OF THE GIVING OF THE LAW. A. Chapter 19:3-8. 1. God reminds house of Jacob of what He did for them. a. "I bare you on eagles' wings." b. "I brought you to myself." 2. What God promised to do. a. "Make them a peculiar treasure unto God among all people." b. They were to be a kingdom of priests. c. A...

Sermon on Exodus 21:5-6

"THE PIERCED EAR" I. A SLAVE. A. How one became a slave. 1. Captured nations. 2. Sold. 3. Kidnapped. 4. Born. B. Conditions of a slave. 1. Food, clothes, shelter provided by master. 2. No possessions of their own. 3. No rights. 4. Submitted to will of another. C. A slave's state related to master. 1. Under some intolerable. 2. Under others very good, had more than they...

Sermon on Exodus 21:5-6

"THE PIERCED EAR" I. THE CONDITION OF SLAVERY. A. When you belong to another. 1. Not free to exercise your own will. 2. Your activities dictated by another. B. How one became a slave. 1. By birth. 2. By being sold. C. Blessing or curse relative to master. 1. Some conditions very good. 2. Other conditions unbearable. D. Law concerning contented slave. II. ALL MEN ARE SLAV...

Sermon on Exodus 22:7-9

"CAN WE BECOME GODS?" I. JOHN RECORDS THE DISPUTE OF JESUS WITH THE PHARISEES IN CHAPTER 10. JESUS HAD JUST SAID: JOH 10:30 I and [my] Father are one. JOH 10:31 Then the Jews took up stones again to stone him. JOH 10:32 Jesus said to them, I have shown you many good works from My Father; for which of those works do you stone me? JOH 10:33 The Jews answered him, saying, It is no...

Sermon on Exodus 23:20-30

"THE PRINCIPLES OF CONQUEST" Intro: History of Israel, typical history. I Cor. 10. Written for examples that we might be admonished, lest we also perish in the wilderness. Heb.4; admonished to enter into God's rest. I. THE CHRISTIAN LIFE IS INTENDED TO BE FULL, RICH AND ABUNDANT. A. This is not always the image projected by adherents. 1. Some Christians question our joy. 2. Kei...

Sermon on Exodus 23:27-30

"THE PRINCIPLES OF VICTORY" Intro: Typical history. Egypt represents bondage to flesh. Wilderness struggle with the flesh. Rom. 7, Gal, 5. Promised land, victory over the conquering of the flesh. I. THE IMPORTANCE OF KNOWING GOD'S PRINCIPLES. A. One of the problems with our flesh is impatience. 1. We want things done instantly. a. Instant success. b. Instant pudding. 2. As a ...

Sermon on Exodus 23:30-33

"GOD'S METHOD OF VICTORY" Intro: The history of the children of Israel coming out of Egypt into promised land, typical history. Egypt type of world, etc. -"These things happened unto them as examples." In dealing with them, God revealed certain principles. I. AS CHRISTIANS GOD HAS PROMISED US VICTORY. A. He has intended you to experience an abundant life. 1. Indescribable joy, f...

Sermon on Exodus 24:3,7

"PROMISES, PROMISES." Intro. Moses has just shared with the people the Lord's commandments and His judgments, and the people promised: I. "ALL THAT THE LORD HAS COMMANDED, WE WILL DO." A. They made a solemn vow before the Lord to obey His law. 1. The Law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul. 2. The statutes of the Lord are right. 3. The judgments of the Lord are true, a...

Sermon on Exodus 27:1

"FELLOWSHIP WITH GOD." I. GOD MADE MAN FOR THE PURPOSE OF MEANINGFUL LOVING FELLOWSHIP. A. As we look at Adam and Even in the Garden of Eden, we see man fulfilling the ultimate intention of God as he communes with God in the garden. 1. I do not pretend to understand this, but it would seem that God longs for and desires fellowship with man. 2. In the past we have pointed out tha... Sermon on Exodus 31:12-17

"THE TRUE SABBATH." Intro. Whenever God made a covenant, He gave a sign of that covenant. I. GOD'S COVENANT WITH THE CHILDREN OF ISRAEL. A. You keep My law, and My statutes, I will be your God and give you rain in due season; I will give you peace in the land; I will rid the evil beasts out of the land: I will give you victory over your enemies; I will make you fruitful and multi... Sermon on Exodus 33:12-15

Intro: The children of Israel have broken God's law. The golden calf. Moses' prayer. I. GOD'S RESPONSE TO MOSES. A. "Depart with these people that you have led out of Egypt, and go into the land." 1. God is not acknowledging them as His. 2. They were so quick to turn away from Him. B. "I will send an angel before thee." 1. God is not promising to go with him. 2. Just sending ... Sermon on Exodus 33:14-15

"GOD'S GUIDING PRESENCE" Intro: Moses is interceding for people after the golden calf. Verse 2. God promises to send an angel to them to bring them into the land. Moses argues he doesn't want any substitute angel he doesn't know, He wants God. I. GOD'S PRESENCE IS PROMISED, "MY PRESENCE SHALL GO WITH THEE." A. The value of His presence. 1. He had protected them. a. From the pur... Sermon on Exodus 33:14-15

"THY PRESENCE NEEDED" Intro: Moses had ascended into the cloud & fire on the Mt. After a period of time, people came & said to Aaron, "Make us Gods." "These are the Gods." Moses came into the camp & saw the people dancing naked before this golden calf. He cast down the tables of stone, ground the calf into powder & mixed it with water & made the people drink it. I. MOSES' GREAT ... Sermon on Exodus 34:5-8

"AMAZING GRACE." Intro. The Lord had told Moses that he had found grace in his sight. So Moses requested that he might see the glory of Yaweh. The Lord told him that no man could see His face and live. But that Moses should stand in a cleft of a rock and the glory of the Lord would pass by, and after the Lord had passed by, Moses could see the afterglow. So Moses perched himself in... Sermon on Exodus 35:21,22

"GIVING TO GOD." I. THE PROBLEM OF GIVING TO GOD. A. What could I possibly give to God that He needs? 1. He doesn't need anything. PSA 50:12 If I were hungry, I would not tell you: for the world [is] mine, and the fulness thereof. B. The issue becomes, "What can I give to God that He wants?" 1. In the psalm we read this morning, David asked, "What shall I render to the Lord fo...