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By: K. B. Napier

In the midst of fast growing ecumenical fervour, Christians who understand the difference between the Truth and lies know that the perverted 'church' of Rome, the Roman Catholic cult, is a threat to Christian freedom to worship. In previous centuries, this threat and the knowledge that Roman Catholicism was a heresy to be opposed, was known to all true Christians, virtually without exception. But today, the spirit of lies is abroad and Christians join hands with pseudo-Christians (unbelievers), who in turn join hands with Rome.

Whilst a small but watchful band maintains a proper vigilance toward Rome, it appears that a more determined enemy has been ignored...Islam. The reason for this may be that Rome presents a false Christianity, but Islam presents a false religion. There is a sense in which we may 'ignore' Islam because, unlike Roman Catholicism, it does not pretend to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Quite the opposite! Thus Islam seems to be outside the 'brief' of many Believers today.

Let the warning bells be sounded, however! We need the Rome-watchers to sound the alarm...but we also need Islam-watchers, to waken the city of God and to warn them against a threat of immense proportion. Islam is not a threat to the Truth of God because it does not claim to be based on the Christian Bible. Yet, it is a threat to Christians themselves...to their physical freedom, to their livelihood, to their stated beliefs, to their public worship, to their very lives! A threat different to Catholicism as it now stands, but a very real one. Catholicism is still a threat to all these things - let us not be quietened to that fact.

But so is Islam. Islam (like hardened Catholicism) bluntly, through its modern statements and its own Koran, say that Muslims who kill Christians are helping Allah! No matter what Muslims say in the UK and in other non-Muslim-ruled countries, Islam says that non-Muslims are 'infidels' to be slaughtered in the name of Allah. That is why Mohammed and his Arab generals put thousands to the sword in his lifetime...those who refused to become Muslims were killed. That is how Islam spread so far in the East. Nowadays it is spread not so much by personal belief but by political means via violence and laws.

Iran, a hard-line Islamic country, leads the way and is a model for many actual or intending Islamic-ruled countries. In the Sudan, thousands of Christians were crucified upside-down early in 1993. Did you know that? It is the avowed intention of African Muslim countries to eradicate Christians. Already Christian nationals are being maimed, killed and burned out of their homes. Muslims are being placed in positions of power. In Kartoum, thousands of Christians were being held with little food and water, simply because they are Christians. Yes - in 1993!

There is very little difference between Roman Catholic intentions for Christians and Muslim intentions - both hate true belief in an Almighty God, with equal contempt. Both are willing to remain quiet amongst Christians when they are not in the majority. And both are simply waiting for the right time to strike. When Roman Catholicism gains the ascendancy in a country, it begins a period of economic and political rot. The same happens where Islam takes over....but let us not think that this is necessarily the wish of the nationals who live there. They will suffer along with Christians - perhaps not so severely, but they will suffer nevertheless, through starvation, lack of opportunities, and bad economic conditions. Let it be said again - it is the basic teaching of the Koran to kill all who will not bow to Allah and his followers, the Muslims.

It is the avowed intention of strict Muslim leaders to force Islam on everybody in the world. African countries are falling like nine-pins to this pressure. Can you imagine what it would be like if all of Africa came under the iron fist of supreme Islamic rulers? If you think Hussein or Gadafi are bad - what do you think the giant Africa would be like under an unified strictly-Islamic rulership, whose pattern is Iran?

Many try to say that Iran-type Islam is an extreme form and that Muslims living in the West will not tolerate its ravings. After all, Muslims in the West have a much easier life and only want to live in harmony with Christians and others. NOT SO! As with Catholicism, Islam only tolerates what it must, when it must. Given the chance it will flex its muscles, as it has in Iran, Iraq and various African states. This is because IT MUST DO SO to remain true to its founder and to the Koran.

Thus violence and repression are part and parcel of the basic religious beliefs of Islam. Those who we call 'extreme' are actually only being true to their beliefs, whilst those who we say are moderate and want only peace, are actually not complying with their own stated beliefs. That even proselytes in the West will fall in line with what we call 'extremism' is seen in the way the pop-singer known as 'Cat Stevens' (now a Muslim), a British subject, upholds the death threat made by Iran against the writer Salman Rushdie (what he wrote is not the issue here).

It is not a good sign and points the way to the truth of the situation - Islam will stop at nothing to impose its will on whoever is in its path. When that happens, even UK-resident Muslims will obey the basic teachings of their religion. Many will no doubt do so against their better judgements - but they will nevertheless obey, for the sake of their own lives as much as for a sign of their obedience.

In Britain, there is already a mock Muslim 'parliament' in existence. Typically, the elected British parliament treats it with amused tolerance. But, in reality, the Muslim leaders who created such a parliament are in deadly earnest. They want Muslim laws (and all that sadly goes with them) and want their own Muslim government. Let us be plain about it - IT IS TREASON! Like Guy Fawkes, these Islamic leaders want only the downfall of the British government, the British way of life, its semblance of democracy and freedom and the Christian faith. For its treason alone, this mock government should be immediately declared unconstitutional and treasonous. Islamic countries think nothing of killing their own people if they dare to oppose their government or beliefs.

Yet we allow Islamic penetration of our entire British system of life! The West has not dared to stand up fully to thug-leaders of Islamic countries who kill and cause fear amongst millions...just as Hitler was ignored until his threats touched our own shores! Must we wait for a similar threat close to home? Islam is already rumbling on our own doorsteps. Muslim leaders have the audacity to 'demand' Islamic laws and special treatment; they already are gaining concessions for Islamic schools; and all in Britain! How far will we allow it to go? Until it is too late? Until our own government waves a bit of paper and says, moments before disaster, that "The Muslims only want peace"?

As Believers we must take the threat seriously. Our brethren in Africa and the Middle East are already being murdered and attacked in their thousands. The net closes. We must evangelise Muslims in the UK, fervently and without ceasing. We must oppose Islamic demands for specially-Muslim conditions and laws. We must stand against the mock Islamic parliament in Britain and must ensure that our own leaders know it. Islam must not have an easy passage! Hundreds of former churches are being sold to Islamic people who turn them into mosques.

This is a shame on those who sell such properties. They are instrumental in the downfall of their own land. There is more to the buying-up of old churches than the purchase of a building...there is nothing better than for Muslims to take over a former Christian building and to use it for Allah - it is a sign of triumph over the infidels. Don't sell the buildings for Islamic use. Write in a clause against it. Above all, be vigilant and warn others. We have warned before - our Christian freedoms are almost over!

Bible Theology Ministries

© August 1993



United Kingdom