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. I never thought I would see the decline of the American way of life, but it is happening. Our President, Mr. Obama, unlike the American presidents before him, does not appear to honour God. If Mr. Obama does not glorify God in the sight of the American people, he will bring himself and our nation down to destruction.

We may accept other religions into our country according to our worship of personal freedom. But regardless of our kindly, gentle attitude toward other gods and other religions, there is only One who shed His blood as an atonement for our sins. There is only one Spirit of God.

America was built with our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, in mind. Whoever will call on the Lord Jesus shall be saved. There is no other god who can save us, regardless of our acceptance of other gods and other religions.

(11/1/2009)Because our President is not glorifying God publicly, and multitudes are practicing unclean, immoral behavior, as well as worshiping foreign gods, the Divine covering is being withdrawn from our land. We are in economic trouble, We are in military trouble. God is raising up other nations against us, just as He did when Israel turned away from Him.

Abortion is the murder of innocent people. God will never bless our financial structure or our military actions while abortion is taking place. Our President honours abortion. The increase of homosexual activity, the teaching in the elementary schools of the acceptance of homosexual unions, is clearly against the Old and New Testaments. Our God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, will never, never bless a country that accepts homosexual behaviour as acceptable and normal.

What I have written above is the truth. The problem is, what are we who follow Christ to do about it.

The temptation, of course, is to fret and rail against those in positions of leadership who are turning against the Bible. Of course, if we are able to do something about the evil practices, such as a parent who has a child in public school and is invited to join with other parents concerning objectionable textbooks, we should pray and ask the Lord what we should do, if anything.

The problem is, we get our eyes off Christ and begin to focus on what Satan is doing. This precisely is what Satan desires: attention. As hatred, worry, fear, and other negative emotions grow in us because of the evil we see being practiced, we lose our faith that God still is in control of mankind. There are many passages of the Scriptures that encourage us to rejoice in the Lord always and to worship Him. Such joy and worship are our strength, and this Satan desires to steal from us.

I will extol the LORD at all times; his praise will always be on my lips. (Psalms 34:1)

When we are railing against evil people in the government we are not following the advice of the Bible. We are not extolling the Lord at all times. We are not rejoicing in the Lord always. Our mind is not focused on what is lovely and of good report.

Glorify the LORD with me; let us exalt his name together. (Psalms 34:3) How much better it is in our home or when we are with friends for us to glorify the Lord and exalt His name. We can choose to do this rather than to complain about what wicked people are doing, as we read in the newspaper.

I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. (Psalms 34:4)

The passage above is one of my favourites. It has carried me through many dangerous places. No matter what happens in America because the President and many people have forsaken Christ , those who seek the Lord will be delivered from all of that which they fear. Our attention is to be focused on the Lord Jesus, not on what Satan and his followers are doing. We have to choose whether we are going to rage against the wicked, or seek Christ.

This poor man called, and the LORD heard him; he saved him out of all his troubles. (Psalms 4:6)

God hears the meek and lowly of heart when they pray. God saves them out of all their troubles. We should not be angry and concerned about the sin we see around us. Such is not the way of peace. Rather, we are to patiently call on the Lord until our answer comes.

We Americans like to say that God helps those who help themselves. Such an idea can lead to fruitless efforts. The truth is, God helps those who look to Him and then do what He commands.

The angel of the LORD encamps around those who fear him, and he delivers them. (Psalms 34:7)

The verse above is helpful when we are surrounded with various kinds of trouble. When we fear the Lord, the angel of the Lord protects us from all sides. There absolutely is no power or authority that can get past God’s angel. Satan has to lure us outside of God’s protection is we are to remain safe from harm. Satan is very successful at doing this.

Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in him. (Psalms 34:8)

It is up to us to choose to taste of the Lord’s goodness instead of complaining about the evil in America. If I am correct, the spiritual darkness is going to become more intense. The moral abominations will increase beyond all we can imagine.

If we are to survive spiritually we must keep tasting of the goodness of Christ. We must keep in our mind His awesome power. All of this evil in America is accomplishing God’s goal. All things are working together for good.

The thirty-seventh Psalm reminds us that evil people will increase in prominence until it appears they will prosper forever. Those with integrity have lost the battle and are left without power, it seems.

But if we stay with Jesus, we yet will see the wicked overcome. All they have accomplished will be handed over to the righteous. The meek will inherit the earth and all its resources.

How do we know final victory and prosperity belong to the righteous? Because God said so!

Consider the blameless, observe the upright; there is a future for the man of peace. But all sinners will be destroyed; the future of the wicked will be cut off. (Psalms 37:37,38)

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