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There is a great wall surrounding the new Jerusalem, the perfected and glorified Christian Church. That jasper wall, whose foundation consists of precious stones, portrays the wall against sin that is in each individual who is one of those who compose the city.

There was no wall surrounding the original Garden of Eden, the birthplace of mankind. Satan had ready access to Adam and Eve. Had there been a wall, Satan could not have entered.

God is going to restore Paradise to the earth. But for eternity it shall be surrounded by a wall through which no rebellion against God’s will can enter. There shall be no more unwalled Edens!

You may wonder why, when you are serving God with all your might, you are having so many problems; so many testings. It is because God is creating in you a wall against all rebellion and uncleanness.

The Babylonians destroyed Jerusalem, including the wall. Some seventy years later the work of rebuilding Jerusalem began.

Nehemiah, the cupbearer to King Artaxerxes of Persia, heard from Hasani, his brother, that the wall of Jerusalem had been broken down and the gates burned with fire.

Since the ruined city of Jerusalem was surrounded with enemies, who certainly did not want the city rebuilt and become a threat to their domains, the construction of a wall and gates was of first importance. As long as Jerusalem was not protected, the Samaritans and Ammonites would tear down whatever was built.

So Artaxerxes agreed to send Nehemiah to see what he could do to assist those Jews who had left the comforts of civilization that they might restore their holy city.

May I say that this condition exists today in the Christian churches. The wall against sin has been torn down and the gates burned with fire, so to speak. Because of the pressures being exerted by the Muslims, the homosexuals, and the Socialists, Christian people are becoming concerned that our traditional way of life is vanishing. They wish to restore the old values of America, but there is no wall.

There are brilliant comments by various scholars, but there is no wall. There are plans by conservative politicians to overthrow the present regime, but no wall. There are public and individual protests of one sort or another. But as soon as a stand is taken, the enemy enters and tears down the flimsy construction that has been attempted.

I suppose numerous Americans do not realize this, but America has been wealthy and powerful because of the Presence of God, not because of democracy or our Bill of Rights. Now there are abortions and other sins being practiced, and God is leaving us. The problem is spiritual, and our physical weapons, such as politics, cannot prevail.

The wall has been broken down and the gates burned with fire. The wall is the resistance to disobedience to God, and to moral uncleanness. How has the wall been broken down?

The wall has been broken down by the Christian teaching of Divine grace as an alternative to godly character and behaviour. It is just as simple as that. It does not take a professor of psychology or a doctor of sociology to grasp the fact that if you tell people God sees their behaviour through Christ and they are going to go to Heaven regardless of how they behave; and stir into the pot the demon-filled atmosphere of America, no wall against sin will be created in them. They will not grow spiritually. They will continue in their unchanged nature. They will keep on sinning.

The wall against sin has been broken down in the Christian churches of America. The Muslim people are appalled when they witness the moral behaviour of the American people. And well they may be. Our behaviour in America, to a great extent, is satanic, not godly; not Christ like.

How can we expect a Muslim to come to Jesus when he sees the immoral activity of Americans, when Americans are supposed to be influenced by Christianity? I notice that the main concern of American people over the President’s policies has to do with economics. If we really were serving the Lord Jesus, our main concern would be with the practice of abortion, the murder of developing children.

What, then, is to be done?

First, each individual Christian must turn to Christ and find His will for himself or herself. I have done this. The Lord is not speaking to me about trying to save the nation but about my personal walk. Jesus is demanding that I keep Him in my consciousness every waking moment, asking Him for His guidance in every decision, to the smallest detail.

I know that the spiritual fulfilment of the Jewish Day of Atonement (Yom Kippur) is being emphasized today. We must confess our sins as the Holy Spirit points them out to us. We then must accept our forgiveness, and, with the assistance of Christ, turn away from our sins resolutely.

If we are to do this, we must search the New Testament to assure ourselves that God is not seeing us through Christ but is well aware of our behaviour. For example, if the Corinthian believers took the Communion when their heart was not right, they became ill or died. That would not be the case if God was "seeing them through Christ."

We must become absolutely convinced that we are going to reap what we are sowing. This is true whether or not we name the name of Christ. In fact, I do not think that most Christians in America actually believe that if we are to be a disciple, that is a Christian, we must deny ourselves, take up our cross, our imprisonment, and follow the Master.

The Gospel of the Kingdom is not always being taught. The wall against sin has been broken down in our country because of unscriptural teaching and preaching. The enemy is announcing from the pulpits of America, "You shall not surely die."

Well, we may not be able to convince the ministers of the Gospel that they have departed from the Scriptures. We may not be able to stop the murder of the infants. But there is one thing we can do. We can draw close to Jesus with all the strength we have until we are certain we are doing His will.

A couple of years ago, at a pastors’ convention, the Lord gave me a clear word. I did not have the opportunity at that time to express the word I had been given, but I will paraphrase it as follows: "The days ahead are going to be filled with difficulties and perplexities. You (speaking, I believe, to the young ministerial candidates at the convention) must forget about what is familiar. I am going to work in new and surprising ways (this was emphasized) that will be more than adequate to overcome the difficulties and perplexities. Follow me carefully and be strictly obedient."

This is what the Lord said, to the best of my remembrance.

I am not certain what the "new and surprising ways" will be. I think one of them may be that Christ is going to enter in a greater measure into those who are looking for Him, in fulfilment of the Jewish feast of Tabernacles. We are going to need this kind of Divine Presence, wisdom, and power if we are to be able to stand spiritually and assist others. I know this is true.

So I am resolved to save myself, my loved ones, and all who will listen to me by exhorting us all to turn away from the fascinations of the media and the electronic toys, and pay strict attention to Jesus.

Our King is mightier than all the forces of Hell. He proved this in His resurrection from the dead. He sits as King of the flood. The nations are as a drop in the bucket. He knows the sparrow that falls to the ground. In fact, He knew about that particular sparrow and when it would fall, when He created the heavens and the earth.

Our Jesus, our very best Friend, is that great! Whoever will call on Him in the catastrophic days that lie ahead, whether the individual be a Christian, Muslim, Hindu, homosexual, Socialist, Buddhist, will be helped. God’s Word, that cannot be changed, states that "Whoever will call on the name of the Lord shall be saved."

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