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There is on the horizon a time of judgment on America because of our sins. There is approaching also, perhaps appearing at the same time, the greatest witness ever given of the coming of the Kingdom of God to the earth.

When the Kingdom witness has been borne to God’s satisfaction, the power of the witness shall be lifted, and Antichrist then will be able to overcome the witness of the saints. Antichrist will overcome the Kingdom witness of the saints, as he has already in America, by their love for the world, by their willingness to yield to the lusts of the flesh, and by their determination to live their own life apart from Christ. Symbolically speaking, the source of the death of the witness is Egypt, Sodom, and Jerusalem.

(3/30/2008) The scenario set forth above will not take place neat, discrete steps but over a period of time. It has commenced already.

Thinking of our own country, its moral collapse is evident. Because we have turned away from the Lord, God is raising up terrorists to attack us. Our economy is not healthy. Murder, rape, fraud, violence, and gluttony characterize the American way of life. As a result, God’s hand of protection is lifting from America.

At the same time, God is preparing saints who will bear witness of the soon coming of the Kingdom of God to the earth. They are learning to live one moment at a time. Everything that would obscure the testimony of Christ is being removed from them, and they are being taught by the Spirit of God to conduct themselves in iron righteousness, fiery holiness, and stern obedience to God.

As far as the Christian churches people as a whole are concerned, both in the spirit and physical worlds, there will be a severe shaking that will separate those who are divided in their consecration to Christ from those who are wholly dedicated to Christ.

There are several passages in the Books of Daniel and Revelation that speak of the overcoming of the saints by Antichrist. Their testimony of the Kingdom of God shall be slain by Sodom, Egypt, and Jerusalem.

Sodom represents the lust of the flesh, particularly unnatural sexual activity.

Egypt speaks to us of the world spirit that we are tempted to look to, to provide survival, safety, and pleasure—particularly entertainment.

Jerusalem portrays the intersection of self-aggrandizement and religion. “Jerusalem” always will murder Christ wherever He appears.

Antichrist will be given enormous authority in the days to come—enough authority to enable him to reach to “the host of heaven” and throw some of the host to the earth and trample on them.

We see “Sodom” today as Christians are drawn away by sexual lust. The pornography on the Internet is killing their witness and they do not realize it. Some of the believers are leaving their wife or husband. The witness of the coming of the righteous Kingdom of God to the earth has been destroyed in the United States of America by “Sodom.”

As far as “Egypt,” the love of the world, is concerned, I do not know how it is in the rest of the world. But in America, many Christians think nothing of spending their time on worldly entertainment. They are accustomed to going to the theater and watching films that contain four-letter words.

The Christian testimony, the testimony of the Lord Jesus Christ and His coming Kingdom, is being killed in America by the immorality of the believers and their leaders, and by their worldliness. Numerous believers hold football and baseball games on the same level of importance as the gathering of the saints to worship God.

“Sodom” and “Egypt” always kill the witness.

However, the greatest murderer of the witness, the murderer of the Lord Jesus, is Jerusalem. Jerusalem represent self-direction.

The most destructive practice in which a human being can engage is that of ordering his life according to his own desires and understanding, instead of by looking to Jesus, day and night, for every step.

Under the Law of Moses, a lamb was slain every morning and every evening. Whenever the lamb was slain, wine was poured out in the Holy Place of the Tabernacle next to the Table of Showbread. This ceremony tells us that the believer is to offer his body a living sacrifice every morning and every evening. Every time he does, he is fed with the Showbread, the flesh of the Lamb, and given to drink of the blood of the Lamb. By doing this he is living by Christ as Christ lives by the Father.

When self-direction and religious ideas intersect, religious organizations and denominations are produced. We then have Babylon, the murderer of all true worshipers of God.

Self-direction is displayed differently in various religions. In the Hindu and Buddhist faiths, self-direction is revealed in the worship of demon gods. The gods are horrible looking and bring destruction in their path.

The Muslim religion displays its self-direction by murdering all who oppose it. It presents God as a murderer who will kill anyone who does not conform to his tenets. Anyone who loves and worships God, and knows God, is well aware that God does not murder people because they are confused about religious practices and memberships. This simply is not the way of the Lord—not since Christ came and died for the sins of the world.

The Christian religion displays its self-direction in a love of wealth, fine surroundings, lightness, and foolishness. There is a false sense of freedom from condemnation that accompanies the self-seeking gospel. “We all are fine and on our way to mansions in Heaven, while everyone not in our group is to be thrown into the Lake of Fire. This is because our god is so loving and merciful.”

We can look for a diminishing of the influence of America in the world, because of our turning away from Christ. There shall be various catastrophes, some weather related; perhaps others having a military source. There shall be earthquakes. Our culture, largely through the influence of the productions that proceed from Hollywood, is losing its strength.

In the midst of this confusion, God is calling out a remnant of people to bear the authority and power of the final Kingdom witness, and is preparing them.

The temptations to be involved in the Antichrist world system; to yield to the passions of the flesh; and the determination to live our own life apart from constant communion with the Lord Jesus; are going to increase greatly in the days to come. Those who are not wholly committed to Christ will not be able to resist these demonic persuasions.

In the middle of trouble, sin, and revelation, there shall arise strong Christians of all ages who will bear witness to every nation of the soon coming of the Kingdom of God to the earth. As soon as the witness has been completed to God’s satisfaction, the anointing of power and authority will be lifted.

Then, everything God has created from the beginning of time, both in the spirit world and the physical world, shall be shaken. All people and things which have not been the result of the working of Jesus Christ shall be shaken out of the Kingdom of God. Only that which God has performed through the Lord Jesus will remain in the Kingdom. All else shall be removed.

Then the Kingdom of God shall be established on the earth at the hands of Christ and His victorious saints.

The end of all of this is the doing of God’s will in the earth as it is done in Heaven. We can prepare ourselves for the events I have just described by looking to the Lord Jesus at every moment of every day and night, asking Him to show us His will and to give us the strength and wisdom to perform His will perfectly and completely.

In the new world of righteousness on the horizon, the doing of God’s will shall be enforced by the rod of iron wielded by those who have consecrated themselves totally to doing God’s will, as it comes forth through the Lord Jesus Christ.

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