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The Lord has told us that if the watchman sees the enemy coming and he does not warn the people, the blood of the town will be on his hands. I see two forces coming in the future that will affect the young people of today. One force is that of intense moral temptation. The second force is trouble of one sort or another—trouble greater than we are accustomed to in America. I am calling out a warning!

(11/12)2006) Today there was joy in the church during both services. Dr. Dianne McIntosh was our speaker. In the morning she spoke of the things in us that must leave, and the things in us that we must cultivate, if we are to have the joy of Christ overflowing in us.

In the evening Dr. Dianne continued to emphasize joy. She pointed out that the Holy Spirit and our carnal nature are warring against each other. She had the sponsors of each young person pray over him or her. She said that if we are to have the joy Jesus promised we must ask the Holy Spirit Spirit to help us put down our carnal nature so the Spirit can direct all of our daily decisions.

Then Dianne and Lloyd, our new Youth Pastor, went around and prayed over each young person. There was great joy after this.

The morning and evening tapes are well worth listening to. Please click on the links below.

At about 2:00am, Sunday morning, the Lord impressed me that I was to speak to the young people of our church concerning four practices that bring God's judgment on us. These four warnings might be thought of as though a judge told his son not to do drugs, because his father did not want to send him to prison. In other words, God is telling us what to look out for so we are not harmed in the future.

The first practice, and one that is going to bring Divine wrath upon the United States of America, is that of abortion. From the time that an egg begins to multiply in the uterus, it is a person whom God intends to bring into the world. To then kill this developing fetus is murder and will be regarded as such in the Day of Judgment.

If we have committed an abortion and then turn to God in sincere repentance, it may well be that God will forgive us. But we will suffer for it, because this act is grievous to the Lord.

Abortion may be justified in the case of rape, or if the life of the mother is in jeopardy. Also, if medical tests show the child is severely disabled in some manner, the parents can pray with the elders of the church to see if God wishes the child to be brought to term.

But to willfully end the life of a developing child for no reason other than its birth would be inconvenient, or to demonstrate the "rights" of the mother, is murder—pure and simple.

The second practice is homosexual activity. Some are claiming that the Bible does not condemn homosexuality. They have not read the Bible. Homosexual behavior, and other sexual aberrations, are viewed seriously by the Lord. They will bring God's judgment on those who participate in such acts.

The third practice has to do with those who are sexually active but refuse to have children. The Bible says younger women are to bear children. The Bible states further that a woman shall be saved in childbearing. This means that in the process of training up a child in the righteous ways of the Lord, the character of the mother is changed until she is worthy of the Kingdom of God (saved).

Notice that the three practices I have just mentioned are designed to prevent the birth of children. These actions are of Satan, who wishes to prevent the coming of people into the world who might be a threat to his kingdom, and also to show his hatred of God.

Jesus told us that many who are last in time shall be of first rank in the Kingdom of God. Satan understands this, and, as he did when the greatest of all Rulers was to be born, will try to kill all the children so the rulers of the Kingdom cannot be brought into the world.

The fourth practice which bring God's judgment on the individual concerns drugs, including alcohol and cigarettes. These defile the human body, which is the temple of the Spirit of God. God warned us He will destroy those who destroy His temple.

To those who would argue that drugs of these kind may be beneficial, let us reply by saying that any material that interferes with the working of our central nervous system prevents our being fully prepared to respond to the Holy Spirit. We are vulnerable to spiritual motivations which are not of the Lord. The victorious saint keeps himself free of all that would weaken his or her spiritual discernment and strength.

We are not living 200 years ago. We are living in the year 2006. Available sin is increasing in America and Divine judgment is on the way. In the future it will be nearly impossible for a human being to resist the moral temptations that Satan will be permitted to introduce. Only the fervent, cross-carrying disciple will be able to say no to such temptations.

Because of the increasing moral corruption of the American people there shall be troubles of various kinds. We Americans are soft. If it comes to pass that serving Christ will mean that we suffer in some manner, it is likely that the majority of today's "believers" will chose to return to the world for survival, security, and comfort.

If our young people are to be armed adequately so they can stand against what they certainly will be facing in the near future, they must be taught the necessity for praying each day; reading the Bible each day; and obeying the Lord in every detail of life.

Because of the current false definition of "grace," it often is true that the young people believe they can sin and still be accepted by the Lord. Their leaders are bringing them down to destruction, telling them that God loves them too much to permit them to suffer.

Suffering is ahead for them, even if they do not succumb to sin. Even the righteous will be saved with difficulty. The suffering will purify them and make them stronger Christians, if they will pray without ceasing.

But the young church member of today who is partaking of the things of the world, indulging in immoral behavior, watching the filthy Hollywood productions, living like the rest of the world, will fall away in the days to come, losing whatever eternal life he or she once possessed.

I know there are Christian teachers who say we cannot lose our eternal life once we are "saved." They are mistaken. Eternal life is the Life of God. It simply will not remain in someone who is behaving sinfully.

The four practices listed above were put into my mind clearly, early Sunday morning as I stated previously. They were so clear, and remained so clear, that I told the young people Sunday to regard them as though I were prophesying to them. They really were a "thus saith the Lord" to the young people of Mount Zion Fellowship in Poway, California.

My hope is that our new youth pastor and his co-workers, will keep reminding our young people of the four areas of concern until avoiding them is second nature to them.

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