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Latest revision as of 23:06, 17 June 2011

It may be true that the central issue of the Kingdom of God is the Throne of God. We know that the Throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, that is, in the new Jerusalem, the perfected and glorified Christian Church. This fact has an awesome significance for the Christian believer.

(10/8/2006) The burden of today concerned matters of the Throne of God. Heaven is God's Throne. Man has been created to be God's ruler, under the Lord Jesus Christ. In order for us to be God's ruler, His Throne must be created in us. We might say that Heaven is being created in us and shall come to the earth as the new Jerusalem.

A human being is much larger than we think, with a much greater capacity than one would guess from looking at our physical body. Consider that Paul prayed we might be filled with all the fullness of God. If we can be filled with all the fullness of God, each one of us must be a mammoth temple that can house the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and a vast multitude of people.

Christ invites us to abide in Him, that is, in the throne room that is the core of His Life. In that room there is the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and whoever else will accept the invitation. There actually is room enough for every person born into the world.

But it also is true that in addition to abiding in Him, we also are to have Christ abiding in us.

Now, here is a problem. Each of us has a throne room at the core of his personality. Before we come to Christ, we are sitting on that throne.

When we place our faith in Christ for salvation, He places His Holy Spirit in us. This is a portion of eternal, Divine Life.

Then we are to keep Christ's commandments. This means we are to remove ourselves from the throne at the core of our personality and do what Christ and His apostles have commanded in the New Testament. Also, we are to obey the commands Christ gives us personally.

When we obey Christ's commands, the Father loves us. Then the Father and the Son enter the throne room at the core of our personality.

But there is a problem. Our personality is filled with all kinds of garbage that is not in the image of God. There are lust, seeking preeminence, gossip, thievery, treachery, a desire for the occult, and every other form of demonic activity and personal ambition.

God hates all of these motivations, and goes to war against them. This is what is going on today in sincere Christians.

The key to victory over the garbage lies in our desires. It is God who works in us to will and do His pleasure. The expression "to will" is speaking of God's desires for us.

If we are to please God and get the garbage out of our throne room, we must cooperate with God as He changes our desires. It can be so difficult for a human being to release his own desires and receive God's desires for him that he will draw back and refuse God's redemptive work in his personality.

To seek God's desires to the point that our desires and His are the same is death to our first personality, but the only true freedom there is. Numerous people in our day are called to this death, but, unless I am mistaken, only a few will agree. However, unless we take this path we will not appear with Christ at His next appearing.

Ours is a day in which the accuser is being overcome by a few determined believers. These are the individuals who trust in the blood of the Lamb, who reflect God's Person, will, way, and eternal purpose in Christ in their thoughts, their words, and their behavior, and who love not their life to the point of death.

The removing of Satan from his superior position in the spirit world such that he is cast down to the earth will result in rejoicing among the inhabitants of the spirit world. This is the beginning of the end of Satan's dominance over the affairs of mankind.

When God's war against our personality has been completed, and our throne room has been swept clean, then it is occupied by the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, and ourselves. Now there is room for other people, as God directs. Our inheritance as members of the royal priesthood is the nations and farthest reaches of the earth.

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