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Latest revision as of 22:12, 17 June 2011

Within each human being there is a throne room. The throne room is the area of decision making. God has created that room in us so He and Christ can dwell in us. Most human beings, included those who make a profession of belief in the Lord Jesus Christ, sit on the throne of their own personality. We can enter the Kingdom of God only as we get off the throne and put God and Christ on that throne.

(7/16/2006) It is obvious that the Christian churches are not bearing the image of God in themselves. This is because we have experienced only the first two of the three great works of redemption. We have been forgiven through the blood atonement. We have been filled with God's Spirit, and are familiar with the gifts and ministries of the Spirit.

However, most of us have not entered the third platform of redemption. We are not certain there is such a third work; and if there is, we would like to know more about it.

The third great work of redemption is typified by the Jewish celebration of Tabernacle (succot). Tabernacles speaks of the settling down to rest of God in His people.

In the Father's house there are many abiding places. The Father's house is the Lord Jesus Christ. We are being made the many rooms in that eternal house. We are living stones in the structure. We were born to be the dwelling place of God.

In order for God to dwell in us we must be willing to get off the throne of our life. This is a personal decision each individual must make, if he or she is to move past Pentecost into the spiritual experience of the feast of Tabernacles.

We were born with the ability to make up our own mind; to make our own decisions; to plan our own way. But to be in the Kingdom of God we learn to look to the Lord for our decisions; to know what path to take.

This is a difficult decision for most of us. Nevertheless, there is no other way. Either we invite the Lord into the throne room of our life, or else we continue as a wanderer in the universe.

The Lord Jesus is knocking at the door of the Laodiceans. He is requesting entrance that He may dine with us: we on His body and blood; He on our obedience and worship.

An era of physical and moral horrors is approaching the United States of America. If we are to stand we must "die in the Lord." It will be an hour when no man can work. But God will work in those who have chosen to get off the throne and accept Christ as their personal Lord.

If we are to survive in the coming spiritual darkness, and be of help to our loved ones and friends, we absolutely must make that personal decision to die in the Lord; to declare that our life is over and from now on we are living in the Life of Christ. "I am crucified with Christ. Yet I live. But it is Christ living in me."

If we are willing to joyously submit to God and let Him have His wonderful way, we may experience years of delayed gratification. We may have to continue in hope and trust; because everyone God receives He chastens. Those whom Christ loves He rebukes and chastens until the peaceable fruit of righteousness comes forth.

If we remain faithful to the point of death, there will come a time when we are permitted back on the throne of our own personality. Now the Father, the Son, and we are dwelling together in love, joy, and peace in one body.

Whoever overcomes the obstacles placed before him, just as our Lord overcame the obstacles placed before Him, will sit with Him on His throne.

Heaven is not God's house, it is God's throne. It is the place from which God governs. As of now, Heaven is located in the spirit realm and is invisible to us. But it is God's will that His throne move into the hearts of His saints. When God does this, the saints become "heaven."

Think about this. If you were to die and go to Heaven, and God and Christ were not there, would it be "heaven"? No, it would not; because Heaven is God and Christ. The rest is environment.

Well, if Christ has been formed in you, and the Father and the Son are abiding eternally in the throne room of your personality, and are governing from there, isn't it true that you are experiencing what Heaven is?

For so long we have pictured heaven as an area where we go some day. There is a place termed "Heaven." "Our Father who is in Heaven." Christ is in Heaven at the right hand of God.

But Heaven is not an area that we could travel to in a space ship. Heaven is in another dimension. In fact, it is all around us. We are surrounded with a cloud of witnesses. We already have come to Mount Zion.

So when we say the Throne of almighty God is entering us, we do not mean it is coming down from a long distance away. We mean that which is invisible to us is being revealed in us so all of God's creatures may be blessed and guided by Him.

The Christian Church shall be brought to perfection by the third work of redemption, as we are willing to surrender our own life that Christ may live in us. As the Church approaches perfection, the nations of the earth will be able to behold His Glory in us. He shall not have given His Glory to another, because it is He Himself who has been formed in us and now is dwelling in us.

It is true that we are approaching an age of moral and physical horrors. God has designed a most marvelous solution for us. It is not that we will be caught up to Heaven in our immaturity and foolishness. What good would that do? It would be out of the frying pan into the fire for us.

Rather God's solution for the dark days ahead of us is to make His home in us. We are to become the place of God's eternal rest. When the Father and the Son are living in us, there is no horror, no terror that can harm us in any manner. During that night no man will be able to work. But it will be a period of the greatest glory and fruitfulness for those who have "died in the Lord."

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