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Latest revision as of 22:09, 17 June 2011

The Lord gave me two words this morning, as I prayed before the service. The first was: "Paradise can exist only where God’s will is being done completely." The second was: "The Lord Jesus Christ is not coming to bring His Church to Heaven but to enforce God’s will in the earth." "Your Kingdom come. You will be done in the earth." As I pondered these two word I became aware of the awesome consequences of these two truths.

(6/25/2006) I have realized for some time that the Lord is not returning to take His Church to Heaven but to install God’s Kingdom on the earth. Somehow this morning what it means to install God’s Kingdom on the earth became clearer to my mind. The installing of God’s Kingdom on the earth means God’s will shall be done throughout the earth, in answer to the "Lord’s Prayer" that is prayed throughout Christendom: "Your Kingdom come. Your will be done in the earth as it is in Heaven."

Since Paradise can exist only where God’s will is being done, then if Paradise is to be returned to the earth, God’s will must be enforced throughout the earth. This accounts for the rule of the rod of iron.

But think what this means for each of us. If we are able to do God’s will by overcoming what comes against us, we will rule with Christ over the nations of the earth. When the Lord Jesus returns we will be raised from the dead, caught up to meet the Lord in the air, and then return with Him to enforce God’s will in the earth.

However, it appears few Christian people believe they can do God’s will completely, and so they turn to "grace" to save them in their defeated state.

There is a lie that originated in Satan. It is that we cannot do God’s complete will during our present lifetime. The Christian people have accepted this lie as being the truth. They do not believe they can do God’s will completely. They have accepted defeat uncritically without realizing the New Testament does not teach this.

The New Testament teaches us we can be more than a conqueror through Christ; that we owe nothing to the flesh to walk in its craving; and that if we continue to yield to our flesh we will die spiritually. This what the Bible teaches. Can you believe it?

All we have to do is to look to Christ each day and obey Him. When we do this He enables us to gain victory over every sin and do the will of the Father perfectly.

Why don’t you try it and see if I am telling the truth?

However, we really do not have a choice. If we do not conquer through Christ all that would prevent our doing the Father’s will perfectly and completely each day, we will not be raised from the dead at the coming of the Lord.

Now, why is this? It is because the purpose for His coming is that He might, together with His saints, enforce the will of God among the peoples of the earth. Obviously, if we ourselves have not been able to do God’s will, how can we possibly work alongside Christ and enforce God’s will in the earth.

It is a fact that we either will be ruled by the conquering saints or we will be a conquering saint. Every individual in the Kingdom of God will either rule or be ruled. Why? Because without strict, uncompromising government, people will not do the Father’s will. This is why Paradise was lost in the first place.

Let’s think about Paradise. First of all, the supreme goal of the mentally healthy person is love, joy, and peace. These are the fruit of the Spirit as we learn to live in the Spirit of God.

When we think of Heaven, of Paradise, we think of a beautiful, carefree environment, such as was true in the garden located in Eden.

But we see, as was the case in Eden, that a beautiful, carefree environment can be lost readily if we disobey God. Isn’t that true?

Eve did not eat from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil because she wanted to be a suitable helper for Adam but for her own aggrandizement. This motivation caused her to disobey God. Paradise was lost at that moment. Love, joy, and peace disappeared. Murder and confusion have followed to the present hour.

The most important element of the entire universe is the will of the Father. Even our Lord Jesus Christ is subject to the will of the Father.

We have been washed in the blood of Calvary. We have been sealed with the Spirit of God. The issue before God’s people in the present hour is that of stern, uncompromising obedience to the Father.

If you are reading my words, a choice has been placed before you. You can believe the satanic lie that no one can do God’s will perfectly and completely. You will make Divine grace a substitute for victory in Jesus; an alternative to righteous behavior; an excuse for immoral behavior.

Or, you can grasp the fact that the new covenant offers you total victory through Jesus Christ; that doing the Father’s will perfectly and completely in every circumstance of life is possible as Christ assists you; that such behavior is expected of every person in the universe; that doing God’s will is the Kingdom of God.

God does not expect you to raise yourself by means of your own strength and dedication. You cannot save yourself from the bondages of sin and disobedience. But He does expect you to believe Christ can deliver you from sin. God does expect you right now, at this very minute, to look up to Him as ask Him to enable you to do His will at all times—and furthermore, to delight in doing His will.

To fear God and keep His commandments is the whole duty of man. Religions, including the Christian religion, place grievous burdens on the back of the believer. Christian leaders would have us believe we are saving the world by our efforts.

I had been taught in Bible school that souls were sliding into Hell and it was my responsibility to get out there and prevent this from happening.

One evening I was in church, listening to an exhortation to commit ourselves to missionary endeavors. I told the Lord I would go anywhere He wished; do anything He said.

The Lord spoke to me and said: "I love you."

I have a friend who finished Bible school. His denomination exhorted him to "plant a church; plant a church; plant a church." So he tried to "plant a church." After two or three years he gave it up. He went to the Lord to see what God wanted. The Lord spoke to him: "Lose weight." This actually happened.

It appears to me, after 61 years as a sincere Christian, that most Christian activity is babylon, that is, man-driven religious enterprise. How few believers can claim they are hearing from the Lord and doing His will.

I feel in my bones, as the saying goes, that the Lord is ready to save us from all this babylonish confusion. He is at hand. He is present. All He asks is that we look to Him at all times in every circumstance, seeking His wisdom and His help. This is the rest of God. It is so easy! His commandments are not grievous. God will not require anything of us that He will not make possible. This means we always can do His perfect will.

The choice is ours!

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