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Revision as of 21:13, 17 June 2011

Fruit-bearing is salvation, and it is possible only as long as we are abiding in Christ.

By nature the fruit we bear in our personality is the image of Satan: hatred, misery, anxiety, impatience, cruelty, evil works, treachery, harshness, and lack of self-control.

The image of God is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Salvation changes us from a hateful to a loving person.

Salvation changes us from a miserable, bitter person to a joyful person.

Salvation changes us from an anxious, fearful, tormented to a peaceful person.

Salvation changes us from an impatient to a patient person.

Salvation changes us from a cruel to a kind person.

Salvation changes us from a bad to a good person.

Salvation changes us from a treacherous to a faithful person.

Salvation changes us from a harsh to a gentle person.

Salvation changes us from an undisciplined to a disciplined person.

Ordinarily the Christian salvation is viewed as our entrance into Heaven. It is not. Salvation changes us, and movement from one place to another does not do this. If we are a hateful person, this is the kind of individual we will be whether in California, Maine, Germany, or Heaven.

The fruit of the Spirit, which itself is salvation, is grown only as we abide in Jesus Christ. Our adamic nature may struggle to gain love, joy, and peace, but because of our sinful nature and the spiritual darkness of our environment, Adam is unable to produce a stable virtuous character.

Righteous behavior always is an issue of power. There is universal, galactic power in Jesus Christ. When we live in Him, as in a house, the fruit of the Spirit is grown in spite of every hindrance. We must keep on living in Him if we are to be saved. When we do not keep on abiding in Him, the program of salvation ceases in spite of our theological protestations.

The way to be saved is to abide in Christ. We abide in Christ as we pray without ceasing; meditate in the Scriptures each day; obey the commandments found in the New Testament; present our body a living sacrifice in order to prove the will of God for ourselves and to obey it diligently and sternly; to join with fervent believers as we have opportunity; to pray for the gifts and ministries of the Spirit that we may help with the work of building up the saints to the stature of the fullness of Christ; to give of our means; and, most importantly, to take up our cross of self-denial and follow Jesus Christ every moment of every day of our life.

Some may find the above words a bit challenging if not threatening. This is because the standard of Christianity in America in numerous instances is so far below the requirements of the Bible that it is not worthy of being considered the Divine salvation.

If I am hearing from the Lord, terrible days are ahead of us in America, as well as in England and other places. If we are wise we will devout ourselves to serving the Lord Jesus Christ with our whole heart. By so doing we will save ourselves, our loved ones, and those who hear us. It is a "lamb for a house." When the angel of judgment passes over America we and our loved ones will be spared.

Remember Abraham and Lot!

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