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The following is a prayer you might consider praying to help ensure you are free from any curse or demonic activity. It should not just be read quickly. You need to wait on the Lord earnestly and expectantly for him to show you anything you need to know, realizing that it might be days or weeks before the full answer comes.

Dear God, I want to be committed solely to the Lord Jesus Christ, trusting in him alone for my salvation and blessing. Jesus alone has all power over evil, and all power to bless me, protect me, and give me a glorious future. Through his sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection, Jesus has destroyed the devil’s power over humanity. Jesus alone makes me holy and spiritually unites me to you, the Holy One. He suffered and died and rose again for me. I want to be rid of all sin in my life and I trust Jesus’ sacrifice as fully sufficient to gain your forgiveness and cleansing of all my offences.

I realize that it is the very nature of evil to be deceptive and to pretend to be good and even claim to be from you. So I ask you to open my eyes to any area where demons might be deceiving me. If at any time I have deliberately or unintentionally opened any door of my life to spiritual influences not from the true God, then I ask your forgiveness and I repent of it. If it would help me to become more aware of what I did that is wrong so that I might consciously repent of it, then please show me.

I refuse to accept any supposed benefits from involvement in anything spiritual that does not have your full approval. Please take from my life any supposed “blessings” or “advantages” or “pleasures” that do not have their source in you. If I need to end any emotional or spiritual attachment, then I want to end it. If there is anything in my house or possessions that dishonors you, then I will destroy it, regardless of its sentimental or material value.

In the name of Jesus, the pure and spotless Lamb of God, the King of kings who through faith dwells in me, I come against any opening to evil that might be in my life due to the actions of other people, be they relatives, friends, enemies, or whatever. I look to the Lord Jesus to deliver me from all evil and seal off every part of my life from demonic influence from any source. Please bring to my attention anything that I need to be consciously aware of in order to experience total freedom and holiness. If there is any help from other people or information that would be beneficial in my full deliverance, I ask that you send them my way.

I praise you for loving me and for being more powerful than anything evil. I look to Jesus and him alone for my full protection.

If the Lord reveals anything your relatives were involved in that you should renounce, please understand that you are not renouncing the people themselves; only certain spiritually dangerous things they knowingly or perhaps innocently did.

As explained in Spiritual Warfare: Turning Spiritual Attack into Victory, when facing the demonic we need not only to pray but to directly command dark spiritual powers to leave in Jesus’ name. Say out loud that you belong to Jesus and declare in Jesus’ name that you sever any spiritual ties to previous generations that do not glorify Christ. Renounce and disown, as specifically as you can, any sins your relatives have done.

It is usual for demons to try to return from time to time in the hope that you didn’t really mean it or that you have changed your mind. So you will have to hold your ground and you might end up having to make this declaration several times. For more on this aspect of spiritual warfare,