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Below are hundreds of prophecies fulfilled by the life of Jesus, proving him to be the Messiah, and proving his Divinity. Prophecies of Jesus Fulfilled Separated By Book of Bible

{ |Prophecies of Isaiah - written 778 years before Christ was born |Old Testament Prophecy |New Testament Fulfilment } The Jews would reject the Messiah. Isaiah 6:9-10

John 12:37-40

Jesus would teach in parables. Isaiah 6:9-10

Matthew 13:13-15

Jesus would be born of a virgin. Isaiah 7:14

Luke 1:34-35

Jesus would be called Immanuel, God With Us. Isaiah 7:14

Matthew 1:21-23

Jesus would be God. Isaiah 7:14

John 12:45
1 Timothy 3:16

Jesus would have wisdom from His childhood. Isaiah 7:15

Luke 2:40

Jesus would be a Stumbling Stone for the Jews. Isaiah 8:14

Matthew 21:43-44

Jesus would minister in Galilee. Isaiah 9:1-2

Matthew 4:12-17

Jesus would be a light to the Gentiles. Isaiah 9:1-2

Luke 2:28-32

The birth of the Messiah. Isaiah 9:6

Luke 2:11

Jesus would be the Son of God. Isaiah 9:6

Luke 1:35

Jesus would be both man and God. Isaiah 9:6

John 10:30
John 12:45
John 14:7

Jesus would be from everlasting. Isaiah 9:6

Colossians 1:17

Jesus would come from the lineage of Jesse. Isaiah 11:1

Luke 3:23-32

Jesus would grow up in Nazareth. Isaiah 11:1

Matthew 2:21-23

Jesus would have the Spirit of God upon Him. Isaiah 11:2

Matthew 3:16-17

Jesus would have the Spirit of knowledge and wisdom. Isaiah 11:2

Matthew 13:54

Jesus would have the Spirit of knowledge and fear of God. Isaiah 11:2

Matthew 11:27
John 15:10

Jesus would have a quick understanding in the fear of the LORD. Isaiah 11:3

Luke 2:46-47
Luke 2:41-49
Luke 4:31-32
John 14:31

Jesus would not judge on the basis of outward appearance. Isaiah 11:3

John 2:24-25
John 7:24
John 5:30

Jesus would judge the poor with righteousness. Isaiah 11:4

Mark 12:41-44
Luke 13:30

Jesus would come from the lineage of Jesse. Isaiah 11:10

Luke 3:23-32

Jesus would come for all people. Isaiah 11:10

Acts 13:47-48

Jesus would have the key of David. Isaiah 22:22

Revelation 3:7

Jesus would defeat death (sin). Isaiah 25:8

Revelation 1:18
2 Timothy 1:10

Several Saints would rise to life at the resurrection of the Messiah. Isaiah 26:19

Matthew 27:52-53

Jesus would be the cornerstone. Isaiah 28:16

1 Peter 2:4-6

Jesus would heal the blind. Isaiah 35:5

Mark 10:51-52
John 9:1-7

Jesus would heal the deaf. Isaiah 35:5

Mark 7:32-35

Jesus would heal the lame. Isaiah 35:6

Matthew 12:10-13
John 5:5-9

Jesus would heal the dumb. Isaiah 35:6

Matthew 9:32-33
Matthew 15:30

The forerunner (John The Baptist) of Jesus would live in the wilderness. Isaiah 40:3

Matthew 3:1-4

The forerunner (John The Baptist) would prepare people for the coming of the Messiah. Isaiah 40:3

Matthew 3:11
Luke 1:17
John 1:29
John 3:28

Jesus would be God. Isaiah 40:3

John 10:30
Philippians 2:5-7

Jesus would be as a shepherd. Isaiah 40:11

John 10:11
Mark 9:36-37

Jesus would be God's messenger. Isaiah 42:1

John 4:34
John 5:30

Jesus would have the Spirit of God upon Him. Isaiah 42:1

Matthew 3:16-17

Jesus would please God. Isaiah 42:1

Matthew 3:16-17
Matthew 17:1-6

Jesus would not desire personal attention for Himself. Isaiah 42:2

Matthew 12:15-21

Jesus would have compassion for the poor and needy. Isaiah 42:3

Matthew 11:4-5
Matthew 12:15-20

Jesus would receive direction from God. Isaiah 42:6

John 5:19-20
John 14:10-11

Jesus would be ministered to by God. Isaiah 42:6

John 8:29
Luke 22:42-43

Jesus would be the "New Covenant". Isaiah 42:6

Matthew 26:28

Jesus would be a light to the Gentiles. Isaiah 42:6

John 8:12
John 1:1-9 

Jesus would heal the blind. Isaiah 42:7

Matthew 9:27-30
Matthew 21:14

Jesus would be the First and the Last. (The Amen) Isaiah 44:6

Rev 1:17-18
Revelation 3:14 

Jesus would be from everlasting. Isaiah 48:16

John 17:24

Jesus would come for all people. Isaiah 49:1

1 Timothy 2:4-6

Jesus would be called by God while in the womb. Isaiah 49:1

Matthew 1:20-21

Jesus would be called by His name before he was born. Isaiah 49:1

Luke 1:30-31

The Messiah's words would be as a sharp as a two-edged sword. Isaiah 49:2

Rev 2:12-16
John 12:48

Jesus would be protected by God. Isaiah 49:2

Matthew 2:13-15

Jesus would be empowered for the judgment of mankind. Isaiah 49:2

John 5:22-29

Jesus would be God's servant. Isaiah 49:3

John 17:4

The Messiah's life and death would glorify God. Isaiah 49:3

Matthew 15:30-31
John 12:27-28

Jesus would be sorrowful because of the Jew's unbelief. Isaiah 49:4

Luke 19:41-42
Matthew 23:37 

Jesus would be God's servant. Isaiah 49:5

John 6:38
John 8:29

Jesus would come to bring Israel back to God. Isaiah 49:5

Matthew 15:24
Matthew 10:5-7

Jesus would be God's servant. Isaiah 49:6

John 1:49-50

Jesus would be a light to the Gentiles. Isaiah 49:6

Acts 13:47-48

Jesus would be despised. Isaiah 49:7

John 10:20
Matthew 27:22

The Palms of Jesus would be a witness. Isaiah 49:16

John 20:25-28

Jesus would speak with God given knowledge. Isaiah 50:4

John 12:49
Matthew 7:28-29

Jesus would not be rebellious to God's will. Isaiah 50:5

John 12:27

The Messiah's back would be lashed (stripped). Isaiah 50:6

Matthew 27:26

The Messiah's face would be beaten and spit upon. Isaiah 50:6

Matthew 26:67

Jesus would not waver from His mission. Isaiah 50:7

Luke 9:51-53

Jesus would be justified by His righteousness. Isaiah 50:8

1 Timothy 3:16
Romans 8:32-34

Jesus would completely trust in God. Isaiah 50:8-10

John 11:7-10

Jesus would proclaim the gospel from the mountain tops. Isaiah 52:7

Matthew 5:1-7:29

Jesus would be God's servant. Isaiah 52:13

John 9:4
John 14:31

Jesus would be highly exalted by God. Isaiah 52:13

Philippians 2:9-11

The Messiah's face would be disfigured from extreme beatings during His trial.

Isaiah 52:14
Mat 26:67-68
Mat 27:26-30

The Messiah's blood would be shed to make atonement for all mankind. Isaiah 52:15

Revelation 1:5

The Messiah's own people would reject Him. Isaiah 53:1

John 12:37-38

Jesus would grow up in Nazareth. Isaiah 53:2

Matthew 2:21-23

Jesus would appear as an ordinary man. Isaiah 53:2

Philippians 2:7-8

Jesus would be despised. Isaiah 53:3

Luke 4:28-29

Jesus would be rejected. Isaiah 53:3

Mat 27:21-23

Jesus would suffer great sorrow and grief. Isaiah 53:3

Luke 19:41-42
Mat 26:37-38
Matthew 27:46

Men would deny association with the Messiah. Isaiah 53:3

Mark 14:50-52
Mat 26:73-74

Jesus would heal many.

Isaiah 53:4-5
Luke 6:17-19
Matthew 8:16-17

Jesus would bear the sins of the world upon Himself.

Isaiah 53:4-5
1 Peter 2:24
1 Peter 3:18

Many would think Jesus to be cursed by God. Isaiah 53:4

Mat 27:41-43

Jesus would bear the penalty of death for man's sins. Isaiah 53:5

Luke 23:33
Hebrews 9:28

The Messiah's would be bruised for our iniquities. Isaiah 53:5

Colossians 1:20
Eph 2:13-18

The Messiah's back would be lashed at His trial. Isaiah 53:5

Matthew 27:26
1 Peter 2:24

Jesus would be the sin-bearer for all mankind. Isaiah 53:6

Galatians 1:4

Jesus would be oppressed and afflicted. Isaiah 53:7

Mat 27:27-31

Jesus would be silent as a lamb before His accusers. Isaiah 53:7

Mat 27:12-14

Jesus would be God's sacrificial lamb. Isaiah 53:7

John 1:29
John 19:14-18

Jesus would be condemned and persecuted. Isaiah 53:8

Mat 26:47-27:31

Jesus would be judged. Isaiah 53:8

John 18:13-22
Mat 26:57-66
Matthew 27:1
Matthew 27:22
Luke 23:11

Jesus would be killed. Isaiah 53:8

Matthew 27:35

Jesus would die for the sins of the world. Isaiah 53:8

1 John 2:2

Jesus would be buried in a borrowed rich man's tomb. Isaiah 53:9

Matthew 27:57-60

Jesus would be completely innocent. Isaiah 53:9

Mark 15:3
Matthew 27:17-24

Jesus would have no deceit or guile in His mouth. Isaiah 53:9

John 18:38
Luke 23:33-34
1 Peter 2:21-22

God's will would be that Jesus should die for all mankind. Isaiah 53:10

John 18:11
Romans 3:23-26

Jesus would be a sin offering. Isaiah 53:10

Matthew 20:28
Ephesians 5:2

Jesus would be resurrected and live forever.

Isaiah 53:10
Mat 18:28:1-7 
John 21:14 
Rev 1:17-18

Jesus would prosper. Isaiah 53:10

John 17:1-5
Revelation 5:12

God would be completely satisfied with the suffering of the Messiah. Isaiah 53:11

John 12:27 
Luke 23:46

Jesus would be God's servant. Isaiah 53:11

Philippians 2:6-7

Jesus would justify man before God. Isaiah 53:11

Romans 5:8-9

Jesus would be the sin offering for all mankind. Isaiah 53:11

Hebrews 9:28

Jesus would be exalted by God for his sacrifice. Isaiah 53:12

Matthew 28:18

Jesus would freely lay down His life to save mankind. Isaiah 53:12

John 10:15-18 
Luke 23:46

Jesus would be counted with the criminals. Isaiah 53:12

Luke 23:32

Jesus would be the sin offering for all mankind. Isaiah 53:12

2 Cor 5:21

Jesus would intercede for man to God. Isaiah 53:12

Luke 23:34

Jesus would be resurrected by God. Isaiah 55:3

Acts 10:40-41
Acts 13:34

Jesus would be a witness. Isaiah 55:4

John 3:10-12
John 18:37

Jesus would come to provide salvation for all mankind. Isaiah 59:15-16

John 6:40
1 Thes 5:8-10

Jesus would intercede between God and man. Isaiah 59:15-16

Mat 10:32-33
Romans 8:34

Jesus would come to Zion as their Redeemer. Isaiah 59:20

Luke 2:23-38
John 10:11

Jesus would have the Spirit of God upon Him. Isaiah 61:1

Matthew 3:16-17

Jesus would preach the gospel of Good News. Isaiah 61:1-2

Luke 4:16-21

Jesus would come to provide salvation. Isaiah 63:5

John 3:17
Col 2:13-15

Jesus would be revealed to a people who were not seeking Him. Isaiah 65:1

Mat 15:22-28
Romans 10:18-20

Jesus would be rejected by His own (Jews). Isaiah 65:2

John 5:37-40

Jeremiah Prophecies: written 519 years before the birth of Christ. Old Testament Prophecy New Testament Fulfilment Jesus would come from the lineage of David. Jeremiah 23:5

Luke 3:23-31

Jesus would be Lord and King. Jeremiah 23:6

John 13:13

Herod the King would kill many children trying to destroy the Christ Child (Messiah). Jeremiah 31:15

Matthew 2:16

Jesus would be born of a virgin (Mary). Jeremiah 31:22

Matthew 1:18-20

Jesus would establish the New Covenant with man. Jeremiah 31:31

Matthew 26:28

Jesus would come from the lineage of David. Jeremiah 33:14-15

Luke 3:23-31

Lamentations Prophecies: written 519 years before Christ's birth. Old Testament Prophecy New Testament Fulfilment Jesus would be buffeted on the face at His trial. Lam 3:30

John 18:22

Ezekiel Prophecies: written 580 years before the birth of Christ. Old Testament Prophecy New Testament Fulfilment Jesus would come from the lineage of David and be king of Israel. Ezekiel 17:22-24

Luke 1:32-33

Jesus would come from the lineage of David. Ezekiel 34:23-24

Matthew 1:1

Daniel Prophecies: written 538 years before the birth of Christ . Old Testament Prophecy New Testament Fulfilment Jesus would ascend into heaven after His resurrection. Daniel 7:13-14

Acts 1:9-11

Jesus would be highly exalted with God. Daniel 7:13-14

Eph 1:20-22

The Messiah's dominion would be eternal. Daniel 7:13-14

Luke 1:31-33
Hebrews 1:8

Jesus would come to condemn sin and conquer death. Daniel 9:24

Galatians 1:3-5

Jesus would be God's anointed. Daniel 9:24

Luke 1:35

Jesus would be revealed to the Jews 483 years after the decree to rebuild Jerusalem. Daniel 9:25

John 12:12-13

Jesus would be put to death. Daniel 9:26

Matthew 27:35

Jesus would die to take away the sins of the world. Daniel 9:26

Hebrews 2:9

Jesus would die before the temple was destroyed. Daniel 9:26

Mat 27:50-54

Daniel saw a vision of Jesus in His glorification. Daniel 10:5-6

Rev 1:13-16

Hosea Prophecies: written 725 years before the birth of Christ. Old Testament Prophecy New Testament Fulfilment God would call His Son (Messiah) out of Egypt. Hosea 11:1

Matthew 2:13-15

Jesus would defeat sin and death. Hosea 13:14

1 Cor 15:55-57

Joel Prophecies: written at least 500 years before the birth of Christ. Old Testament Prophecy New Testament Fulfilment Jesus would provide salvation for all mankind. Joel 2:32

Romans 10:12-13

Amos Prophecies: written 750 years before the birth of Christ. Old Testament Prophecy New Testament Fulfilment God would blacken the sky during Jesus' crucifixion. Amos 8:9

Mat 27:45

Micah Prophecies: written 700 years before the birth of Christ. Old Testament Prophecy New Testament Fulfilment Jesus would be buffeted on the face at His trial. Micah 5:1

Matthew 27:30

Jesus would be born in the town of Bethlehem. Micah 5:2

Matthew 2:1-6

Jesus would come from the lineage of Judah. Micah 5:2

Luke 3:23-33

Jesus would be eternal. Micah 5:2

Revelation 1:8

Haggai Prophecies: written 520 years before the birth of Christ. Old Testament Prophecy New Testament Fulfilment Jesus would visit the second temple. Haggai 2:6-9

Luke 2:27-32

Jesus would come from the lineage of Zerubbabel. Haggai 2:23

Luke 3:23-27

Zechariah Prophecies: written 520 years before the birth of Christ. Old Testament Prophecy New Testament Fulfilment Jesus would be God and dwell among His people. Zechariah 2:10-11

John 1:14

Jesus would be sent by God. Zechariah 2:10-11

John 8:18-19

Jesus would be God's chosen messenger. Zechariah 3:8

John 17:4

Jesus would be both a High Priest and a King. Zechariah 6:12-13

Hebrews 5:4-6 
Hebrews 8:1
Romans 8:34

Jesus would enter Jerusalem and be greeted with rejoicing. Zechariah 9:9

Matthew 21:8-11

Jesus would be viewed as King. Zechariah 9:9

John 12:12-13

Jesus would be just and worthy. Zechariah 9:9

John 5:30

Jesus would bring salvation to all mankind. Zechariah 9:9

Luke 19:10
Titus 2:11-14

Jesus would be humble in spirit. Zechariah 9:9

Matthew 11:29
John 13:4-14

Jesus would enter Jerusalem riding on an ass. Zechariah 9:9

Matthew 21:6-9

Jesus would be the cornerstone. Zechariah 10:4

Ephesians 2:20

Israel's rejection of Jesus would result in God removing His protection of the people (Jews). Zechariah 11:10

Luke 19:41-44

Jesus would be betrayed by Judas for thirty pieces of silver. Zechariah 11:12

Mathew 26:14-15

The thirty pieces of silver would be thrown into the temple. Zechariah 11:13

Matthew 27:3-5

The thirty pieces of silver would be used to buy the Potter's Field. Zechariah 11:13

Matthew 27:6-7

The Messiah's body would be pierced (blood/water emitted). Zechariah 12:10

John 19:34

Jesus would be God's co-equal. Zechariah 13:7

John 14:9-10

The disciples would be "scattered" after the death of the Messiah. Zechariah 13:7

Matthew 26:31-56

Malachi Prophecies: written 420 years before the birth of Jesus. Old Testament Prophecy New Testament Fulfilment A messenger (John The Baptist) would prepare the way for the Messiah. Malachi 3:1

Matthew 11:7-10

Jesus would make an unannounced appearance at the Jewish temple. Malachi 3:1

Mark 11:15-16

Jesus would communicate the "New Covenant". Malachi 3:1

Luke 4:43

The Messiah's coming would be announced by a man coming in the spirit of Elijah (John The Baptist). Malachi 4:5

Matthew 3:1-2
Matthew 11:13-14

The Messiah's announcer would turn many hearts to God. Malachi 4:6

Luke 1:16-17
Mark 1:1-5