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(23. What Divine blessing did the Apostle Paul pronounce on all the Christian people in Corinth?)
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[[Study 2 Corinthians 14|Next Page]]
==1. What trip was Paul preparing for now?==  
==1. What trip was Paul preparing for now?==  
His third one to them.
His third one to them.
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The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.
[[Study 2 Corinthians 14|Next Page]]
[[Category:Studies and Guides]]
[[Category:Studies and Guides]]

Revision as of 02:26, 15 January 2011

1. What trip was Paul preparing for now?

His third one to them.

2. How are facts confirmed, according to Scripture?

By the testimony of two or three witnesses.


Deuteronomy 19:15. Perhaps Paul was referring to his three trips as three "witnesses."

4. What had Paul told them previously during his short visit from Ephesus, and now while absent was stating again, just before he came to them for the third time?

"Concerning all who have sinned in the past, and everyone else as well: if I come again I will not spare anyone."

5. Of what were the Corinthians seeking proof?

That Christ was speaking in Paul. The subsequent centuries have proved that Christ indeed was speaking in Paul. How often it is true that the worth of an individual is not recognized until he or she dies. It is sad that the Apostle Paul could not have received during his lifetime the honor due him. But he has received honor in abundance in a better world; and incomprehensibly greater honor will be assigned to him in the day of resurrection. This is the heritage of the servants of the Lord and their righteousness is of Him.

6. How would one describe the expression of Christ toward the Corinthians?

Christ was not weak toward them but powerful among them and in them.

7. What was Christ's condition when He was crucified?

Christ was brought down to weakness and death under the ever-watchful eye of the Father.

8. By what power is Christ living now?

By the power of almighty God.

9. What was Paul's condition?

He was weak, being dependent on Christ for all things; but he will live with Christ by the power of the almighty God being directed toward the Corinthians. Here is the final statement of one of the principal themes of Second Corinthians. It is theme of life from death, strength from weakness. Christ was crucified in weakness. He was brought lower than any man. Yet, through that weakness, that crucifixion, comes God's power to save mankind. Now Christ possesses all authority and power in Heaven and on the earth. The same is true of every Christian worker. God brings us low so that His glory may be revealed. God never shall allow the flesh of man to glory in His Presence. God's power shines through our weakness and frailty, our confusion and mistakes, being directed toward the people whom God is intending to bless and build up in Christ.

Only as we are willing to be rendered helpless by the Lord can the work of the Kingdom proceed. The wonderful aspect of strength from weakness is that although we are helpless, the power that is working through us and with us is omnipotent. God's wisdom and power are more than sufficient to meet every challenge, to overcome every adversary. Who can resist God Almighty? If we will remain faithful we too will be raised at the appearing of Christ in glory. Then we will rule in authority and power, being coheirs with Him.

10. What does Paul advise the Corinthian believers to do?

"Examine yourselves whether you are in the faith. Put yourselves to the test." It is important that we understand whether or not we are in Christ. Our hope of the resurrection is based on our being in Christ. . . . even so them also which sleep in Jesus will God bring with him (1 Thessalonians 4:14). . . . and the dead in Christ shall rise first (1 Thessalonians 4:16).

Our hope of protection in the day of trouble is based on our abiding in the Lord. He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty (Psalms 91:1). Doctrinal correctness is desirable but it is not an indication we are in Christ. Church membership often is helpful but it is not an indication we are in Christ. What does it mean to be in the faith?-to be in Christ? To be in Christ means we are dwelling in His Person and will. Our personality and will are dwelling in His Personality and will. Our behavior is found in Him and He is found in our behavior. Our actions are in Him and He is in our actions. Our speech is in Him and He is in our speech. Our thinking is in Him and He is in our thinking. In every area and aspect of our person and behavior Christ is found; and every area and aspect of our person and behavior are found in Him.

A true saint thinks in Christ, speaks in Christ, acts in Christ. When we behave wickedly we are not behaving in Christ. When we speak profanity or uncleanness we are not speaking in Christ. When our mind is dwelling on lust or covetousness we are not thinking in Christ. This is true whether or not we make a profession of Christ as our Lord and Savior. He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. But whoso keepeth his word, in him verily is the love of God perfected: hereby know we that we are in him. He that saith he abideth in him ought himself also so to walk, even as he walked (1 John 2:4-6).

How does the Christian evaluate himself or herself? How can we be certain we are abiding "in Christ" and He in us? We are to judge our own behavior, looking to see if it is true that each day we are showing forth to a greater extent the Life of the Lord Jesus, gaining victory over worldliness, sin, and self-will. We are to judge our own speech, making certain we are speaking faith and glorifying God, through Christ driving malice, gossiping, lying, filthiness, foolishness, from our personality. We are to judge our own thoughts, insuring that we are meditating in the Word of God, gaining victory over unclean imaginations and covetousness. We are to judge our own hearts, asking ourselves if Christ's Presence and love are filling our emotions and attitudes. Are we truly gaining the upper hand over lust, and self-centeredness? This is how we examine ourselves, determining whether we are in the faith.

The great error of our day is the belief that maintaining correct doctrine is proof that we are in Christ and candidates for the first resurrection from the dead. Salvation is not in word alone. Salvation is in the possession of Christ in our personality.

11. What should the Corinthian believers recognize concerning themselves?

That Christ is in them, unless they are shown to be not behaving as Christians. Chapters Twelve and Thirteen of Second Corinthians reveal conclusively that it is not enough to profess belief in Christ in order to achieve salvation. If we are living in the sins of the flesh we are not Christians at all. We are not meeting the standard. It is clear that the "grace" teaching of today is not what Paul meant by the grace of God under the new covenant. The current Christian theology is in error. The proof of salvation is not a profession of Christ, it is the expression of the Character of Christ in the human personality.

12. What was Paul's hope and trust?

That the Corinthians would realize that Paul would not fail the test of Christian behavior.

13. What was Paul's prayer for them?

That they would do no evil.

14. Why did Paul desire that they would do no evil?

Not so Paul would appear to pass the test but so they would be doing what is right and honorable, even through they were of the opinion that Paul was not measuring up to the standard of behavior.

15. In what way could Paul use his power?

Not against the truth but only for the truth.

16. When did Paul rejoice?

When he was weak and they were powerful.

17. What was Paul's prayer for the believers in Corinth?

That they would be perfect in Christ.

18. Why was Paul reproving and instructing them in this letter, while he was absent from them?

So when he arrived in Corinth he would not have to deal sharply and severely with them with the authority the Lord gave him for building them up, not for the purpose of overthrowing them.

19. What was Paul's admonition to them?

Rejoice; be made perfect and complete; be encouraged and comforted; be of one mind in the Lord; live in peace.

20. What is the promise to those who will live in such a manner?

The God of love and peace will be with them.

21. How were the believers to greet one another?

With a holy kiss.

22. Who were sending greetings to the believers in Corinth?

All the saints. Perhaps Paul especially had in mind the saints in Ephesus and Macedonia where he had been located for the past months.

23. What Divine blessing did the Apostle Paul pronounce on all the Christian people in Corinth?

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit.