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1.What did Paul request of the Corinthians?

That they would bear with him in a little foolishness. It appears that Paul regarded his previous comments about boasting, and about those who were measuring themselves with their own standards of measurement, as being foolish talk. The whole business was nonsensical. Paul knew he was an Apostle of the Lamb and that the individuals who were advising the believers in Corinth had not been sent by the Lord.

2.What reason does Paul give for his remarks to the Corinthians?

He was jealous over them with God's jealousy.

3.What was Paul attempting to do?

He was attempting to present the Corinthians as a pure virgin to Christ.

4.What did Paul fear?

As the serpent deceived Eve by his craftiness so the thoughts of the Corinthians would be led astray from single-minded devotion to Christ.

5.What is Paul telling them, perhaps sarcastically, in verse four?

They really are bearing up well when someone proclaims to them another Jesus whom Paul did not proclaim, when they receive a spirit different from the Spirit of Christ whom they had received from Paul, when they accept a gospel different from the Gospel Paul had brought to them.

6.How does Paul regard himself?

In no way is he inferior to these apostles who were exceedinglygreat in their own opinion, who had come to Corinth after Paul had established the church there.

7.What does Paul state concerning his own speaking ability?

It is uncultured, unpolished. The Corinthians, being Greeks, admired a public speaker who was skilled in oratory. Apparently Paul was being criticized for his plain manner of speaking. No doubt Paul was an able speaker but he chose to speak directly and without flowery phrases so the hearers would be convinced by the power of the Spirit of God rather than by clever oratory.

8.What does Paul state about his knowledge as an Apostle of Christ?

He had in every way demonstrated to the believers in Corinth his knowledge in all aspects of the Kingdom of God.

9.What question does Paul ask?

"Did I commit sin by humbling myself so you might be exalted, in that I announced the Gospel of God to you without charge?

10. How was Paul supported?

He drew from other churches, taking of their material goods so he could preach to the Corinthians.

11.What happened when Paul ran out of funds while he was preaching in Corinth?

Some of the brothers coming from Macedonia supplied Paul's needs. He had kept himself from being a burden to any person of Corinth.

12.What was Paul's attitude and determination?

He never had been and never would be a burden to the believers in Corinth. As the truth of Christ was in him, no person in the region of Achaia would be able to silence his boasting that he had received help from no one, he had been a burden to no one.

13. Is Paul boasting because he does not love the saints in Corinth?

No. God knows that he does love them.

14.Why, then, is Paul boasting about bringing the Gospel to them without charge?

He is destroying the ground from under the feet of the false teachers and apostles who had come to Corinth and who were attempting to belittle Paul in the eyes of the believers. They were boasting of their own greatness and seeking to find fault with Paul. In spite of all their boasting, it is evident they were not superior to Paul. Paul is pointing out to the believers in Corinth that these self-proclaimed apostles not only are by no means greater than Paul, in spite of their clever speeches, but also are being supported by the Corinthians. Paul, on the other hand, whose knowledge of Christ had been revealed to the saints in Corinth, never took any money from them. He is showing the folly of the boasting of the false apostles, destroying their prestige in the eyes of the Corinthians.

15.What does Paul term these "great ones"?

False apostles; deceitful workers.

16.What were the deceivers doing?

Disguising themselves as apostles of Christ

17. Why is it not surprising that they should so disguise themselves?

Because Satan disguises himself as an angel of light.

18. What is not a great or surprising matter?

That the ministers of Satan should disguise themselves as servants of righteousness. The end of such ministers will be according to their works.

19. How did Paul not wish to be regarded?

As being a foolish person. If they consider him to be foolish they should at least receive him and allow him to boast a little to them.

20. Is Paul speaking from the Lord when he says this?

No, he is speaking foolishly in his own boastful confidence.

21.Why is Paul boasting?

Since many individuals are boasting about their fleshly accomplishments, he also will boast about his own accomplishments.

22. Why are the Corinthians ready to bear with the foolish?

Because they consider themselves to be so wise. Perhaps Paul isbeing sarcastic here. He is saying, "You are so wise you are happy to be ministered to by fools who are boasting confidently about how marvelous they are."

23. Who are the "wise" Corinthians willing to bear?

Anyone who brings them into bondage; anyone who devours them; anyone who takes their goods from them; anyone who exalts himself; anyone who strikes them in the face.

24. How is Paul speaking to them?

As though he had been weak in not bringing them into bondage, in not devouring them, in not taking their goods from them, in not exalting himself, in not striking them in the face.

25. What will Paul do concerning the areas in which the false apostles dare to behave boldly?

He also-continuing to speak foolishly-will dare to behave just as boldly.

26. In what ways was Paul equal to their false apostles?

Paul was a Hebrew, Paul was an Israelite, Paul was of the Seed of Abraham. It sounds as though these false apostles were Jews. "Are the false apostles the servants of Christ?" Paul asks as though he had lost his sanity. "I am much more a servant of Christ," Paul declares.

27. In what ways had Paul been proven to be a servant of Christ-ways of which the Jewish false apostles knew nothing because they were seeking their own gain?

In strenuous work more often than the false apostles. In innumerable whippings. In prison more frequently. He had often faced death. Five times at the hands of the Jews he had received thirty-nine lashes. Three times he had been beaten with rods. Once he had been stoned. Three times he had been shipwrecked. He had spent a night and a day adrift in the sea. He had been on frequent journeys. In danger from rivers and floods. In danger of robbers. In danger from his own race. In danger from the Gentiles. In danger in the city. In danger in the desert. In danger in the sea. In danger among false brothers. In labor and hardship. In long prayer-vigils often. In hunger and thirst. In fasting often. In cold and nakedness.

28. What additional burden did Paul bear?

The pressure on him each day of the care of all the churches.

29. What was true when one of the saints was weak?

Paul was weak.

30. What was true when one of the saints was offended and stumbled?

Paul felt the fire of that temptation.

31. If he is required to boast, in what will Paul boast?

In the things that have to do with his infirmities and weakness.

32. What does God the Father know?

That Paul is speaking the truth.

33. What took place in Damascus (Acts 9:25)?

The governor, at the direction of the king, guarded the city in order to capture Paul.

34. How did Paul escape?

The disciples at night let Paul down through an opening in the wall, lowering him in a basket. Next Page