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Latest revision as of 01:26, 13 November 2019

Peace I leave with you—My peace I give you

"Peace I leave with you—My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid!" John 14:27

What a legacy is this which the gracious Savior left His disciples! Peace—His own peace, "My peace," He said, "I give you." Does not this mean that He imparted to them a measure of that perfect inward tranquility which He Himself enjoyed? Amidst all outward confusion, disorder, and strife—the depths of His peace were undisturbed; and in Him, His disciples enjoyed peace amidst all the tribulations of the world through which they passed.

And still does Jesus live to bestow His peace.

He imparts peace to the troubled conscience through His own most precious blood.

He calms the storm of conflicting emotions, and stills the tumult of anxious and troubled thoughts.

In answer to prayer, He imparts a tranquil trust, a restful confidence, a peace that passes understanding.

Jesus gives not as the world gives—fitfully, scornfully, or grudgingly—but in tender compassion, in freest love and richest grace . O blessed Jesus, I humbly claim a part in the legacy of love which You bequeathed to Your disciples.

O precious Savior, breathe Your peace
Into my anxious breast;
Calm all my restless troubled thoughts,
Impart Your own sweet rest!

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