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We need the teaching of the Great Expositor!

We need the teaching of the Great Expositor!

"Lead me in Your truth—and teach me!" <a href="https://biblia.com/bible/esv/Ps%2025.5">Psalm 25:5 </a>

What a mercy it is, in the midst of prevailing errors, to possess the truth of God—the sure word of His testimony—the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make us wise unto salvation through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ! May we read, mark, learn, and inwardly digest the truth—that we may find it profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, and instruction in righteousness.

Too frequently the Word of God is read with little profit, because it is read with little prayer. We need Divine illumination! We need the teaching of the Great Expositor , in order rightly to understand the Word of God, and to receive it in the love of it.

May the prayer of the psalmist be my prayer: "Lead me in Your truth—and teach me!"

Lead me into the knowledge and experience of it—let it dwell in my heart, and influence my life.

Lead me into the enjoyment of it—may I find Your Word, and eat it; may it be sweet to my taste, yes, sweeter than honey—than honey from the comb.

And lead me into the practice of it—may my ways be directed to keep Your statutes, and may I be a living epistle, read and known by all men.

May Your Word come to me with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction!

"When He, the Spirit of truth, comes—He will guide you into all truth." <a href="https://biblia.com/bible/esv/John%2016.13">John 16:13 </a>

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" I will ask the Father, and He shall give you another Comforter—that he may abide with you forever!" <a href="https://biblia.com/bible/esv/John%2014.16">John 14:16 </a>

This promise, in the sense in which it was originally made by Christ to His disciples—was fulfilled shortly after. The Holy Spirit was poured out, in a remarkable manner on the day of Pentecost; and the apostles were taught all things needful for their own instruction, and for the edification of the Church of Christ.

The Holy Spirit is given to all the redeemed—and He dwells in the hearts of the Lord's people. How precious is the name by which He is distinguished in the text— the Comforter! How well does that name befit Him!

He comforts the awakened sinner , not by palliating his offences, nor by lessening his views of his guilt and danger—but by revealing the precious Savior in His ability to save to the uttermost, and by leading him to rely on the sin-atoning Lamb!

He comforts the tried believer , by bringing to his remembrance some of the "exceeding great and precious promises," by drawing him to the throne of grace, and by confirming and strengthening his faith.

He comforts the afflicted Christian , by showing him . . .
that all his sufferings and sorrows are measured out by a gracious Father's hand;
that they are designed for his good; and
that the time is not distant when his last pang will have been endured, and the last tear wiped from his eyes!

Spirit of love, my Comforter—fill my heart with joy and peace in believing!

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