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You Must Be Born Again

Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. (John 3:3)

What does it mean to be "born again"? This phrase has become common in America and probably in many other countries. People speak of being a "born again Christian."

Jesus said we must be born again if we are to see or enter the Kingdom of God. Why is it necessary to be born again?

Being born again is necessary because of the nature of the Kingdom of God. The Kingdom of God does not consist of flesh and blood people but of a new kind of humanity—a humanity that has been born of God. People are born from other people. The members of the Kingdom of God have been born from other people but also from God. They have been born a second time. This is not a figure of speech. When we come to Christ, we actually receive the very Life of God into our personality.

Let us say God commanded a monkey to play the piano. Perhaps after consuming a thousand bananas the monkey learned to find middle C and to push down the keys of the C major scale. This would be a remarkable achievement and worthy of a job in the circus. But how many bananas would be required if the monkey is to learn a Beethoven sonata?

So it is with us. We have been commanded to be perfect as our Father in Heaven is perfect. This indeed would be a remarkable achievement but there are not enough "bananas" in the world to do the job.

Now let us imagine Beethoven is born in the monkey and each day the monkey nature is being subdued and the abilities of Beethoven are becoming ever more prominent. It will not be long before we are hearing more than the C major scale. All the monkey will need then is a body like that of Beethoven.

Does something similar take place when Christ is born in the believer? Each day the Adamic nature is being subdued and the Character of Christ is becoming ever more prominent. What occurs? You guessed it. We begin to see evidences of the Divine Nature here and there. All we shall need then is a body like that of Christ.

The Kingdom of God is righteousness, peace, and joy in the Holy Spirit. The Adamic man has as much chance of gaining righteousness, peace, and joy as a monkey does playing Chopin's Preludes.

No amount of religious "bananas" will accomplish our goal. If we are to please God we must be born again of Christ Jesus.

Perhaps you are a Christian but have become discouraged along the way. Why not count that your old nature died on the cross with Christ and cultivate your new born-again nature by praying, meditating in the Scriptures, and obeying the Lord diligently in all He commands?

You and those around you will be amazed when they see a new personality coming forth.

To be continued. You Must Be Born Again 1